Bonus Chapter: Honeymoon (Requested)

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"Jimin stop!" I squealed as I tried running away from him.

"Stop running I just wanna hold you" he smirked following me as I slowly made my way to the bed.

"No.. you can't hold me" I sit on the bed as I wrapped the blanket around myself. Jimin's crotch was now up against my face. He slowly pushed me down on the bed and took the blankets off.

"If I can't hold you.. I'll touch you instead" He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

He started unbuckling his pants as I took off my shirt. He took his shirt off throwing it across the room then took off my underwear. I got up and moved closer to the bed head. Jimin's hard dick was against my womanhood as he grins against me. I let out a moan of pleasure as he sped up. He leans down and starts kissing me. I felt a finger go into me causing a moan to slip out of my mouth. Jimin took that as an advantage to stick his tongue inside my mouth. He rubbed my clit in circular motion as his other fingers began going in and out slowly. I grab a fist full of Jimin's hair as he stuck two fingers in me, thrusting in and out. I unattached out lips and stuck my head into his neck moaning against his skin. He sped up making me let out non stop moans. He took his fingers out and licked them clean.

"Since you didn't let me hold you today while we were at dinner I'm going to be in control." He kissed my lips before taking of his boxers. His dick came springing out.

"Someone's too excited" I stare down.

"You know it" He said in his raspy voice. He teased me by putting just the tip in. I bit down on my lip real hard as I turned my head to the side. He took my chin and turned it around.

"Watch me baby girl.." He slammed into me without warning. I screamed out his name loudly. He began thrusting in and out but before thrusting back in he made sure only his tip was left in there. He went slowly just to see me beg for him. His pace finally quickened up as sweat was now dripping from his hair and landing on my chest. My vision went blurry as I got close.

"J-Jimin just c-cum" I moaned as I dig my nail into his back. His breathing got heavier as his chest moved up and down faster. He gave me one last thrust before he cummed with me. His head landed on my chest. I ran my hands in them kissing his head.

"I love you..." He breathed out.

"I love you too" I smiled.
A/N: Here's the bonus chapter, sorry if it isn't that good haha. I hope everyone's having an amazing summer! Also Canadas birthday is tomorrow so happy one day early birthday to my home country Canada🇨🇦 Andddd sorry for this short chapter haha

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