Chapter 2: Make Me

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"Everything alright?" Jungkook places his hand on my shoulder.

     "Yeah everything's fine." I smiled at him.

He nods with a smile making me melt.. I grab his neck and pulled him into a hug.

     "W-What's this for?" He hesitated before wrapping his arm around my back slowly.

   "Nothing." I whispered into his ear as my hand travels to his hair. I couldn't tell what was happening to me. All of sudden I just started getting all touchy with Jungkook.

   "Y/N, are you sure your okay? " Jungkook whispers as his chin was placed on my shoulder.

   "Mhm." I nod biting down on my lip. "I just wanted to hug someone."

I hear him chuckle before we were fully touching.

   "I think we should go back before the boys suspect something." Jungkook laughs before backing away from me.

The vibration from his laugh traveled against my body as our eyes locked afterwards.

   "I guess so." I giggle while hopping off.

Jungkook slowly walks towards me after backing away for a bit. Soon after he leans in and kisses my cheek. His lips were so soft I just let them be there forever.

   "Ah.. Jungkook! Y/N, come here!" Seokjin called out.

We both walked back to the living room.

   "Whattt." I lean back to stretch, a bit disappointed at how Jin ruined our little moment.

   "We were wondering if we could have a sleepover tonight. Ya know here at your place since you know your parents aren't home." Jimin winks at me.

   "Jimin.. nothing dirty boy." I smirk at him when really I was trying to hide my red cheeks.

   "Maybe some truth or dare.. please.."  He pouts  "or hide and go seek in the dark!" He jumps up from the couch.

   "Ah.. fine. Hide and go seek I'll do just because I loved it as a kid. " I smiled crossing my arms. All the boys get all happy as if they were five all over again.

   "Awesome. Jungkook and I will go buy some food." Taehyung smiled before dragging Jungkook away.

   "I'm joining!" Hoseok raised his hand while jumping up happily.

   "Fine." Jungkook laughs, following them out the door.

*Ten minutes later after they left .*

I went to wash the dishes but as I was washing them I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.

   "Who is it." I laugh shaking my head while placing the dishes in the dish rack.

   "Guess." He said in a raspy voice as his chin was now placed on my shoulder.

   "Don't mess with me." I splash some water at him and he soon backs away.

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