Chapter 10: My Jungkook.

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I wrap my arms around his neck as he slowly lifted my dress up..

   "Jungkook?" I bit my lip down as I closed my eyes.

   "Mhm?" He mumbles against my skin as his hands goes higher up to my thighs.

   "D- Don't you think we should do something else or like take this somewhere else?" I grabbed onto his shoulder squeezing it.

   "If you want." He whispers into my ear, stopping his hands right at my thighs. "Do you want me to continue?" He asked in a low raspy voice.

Do I really want this? Especially tonight?

   "Of course I want you to continue." I smirked before kissing his soft lips again.

He carries me to his room, closing the door behind us. As soon as he put my down on the bed I took off my dress leaving me in my underwear and bra.

   "Naughty, naughty no shorts?" Jungkook chuckles as he strips down as well.

I just smile at him. He comes over to the bed hovering my body as he slowly caressed my face before giving me a passion kiss. His hands lead to the back of my bra, unhooking it. He takes off my bra leaving me bare chest showing.

"Wow.." He backed up and stared at them.

"Jungkook.." I looked away as I felt my cheeks heat up.

He leans back down kissing my soft lips before slowly making his way to me neck looking for my sweet spot. He bit down on my neck and a small moan escaped my lips.


I felt a smirk form on his lips. His hands moved all over my body while he kissed me. He left no skin untouched. He slowly played with my underwear before slipping it off as he slides his hand down and slid a finger inside of me. I arched my back at his touch. Electricity runs up my spin. I was a moaning mess. Jungkook biting his lips as he watched me moan and squirm underneath him. My hands wrap around his back.

   "You like baby girl?" He licks his lips still slowly pumping his finger in and out.

   "Y- Yes.." I moaned while covering my mouth with my arm.

   "I can't wait any longer." He got up, took off his pants, grabbing a condom then slips it on and places his member right at my entrance. His eyes were pure black. He was breathing heavy. I could feel his hard member against my thigh. I smirked at him when he bit his lip.

"I'll go slow.." He smiled lining himself up.

   "Jungkook.." I moaned as he slowly slipped his member inside me. He started pumping faster and faster. Our moans both mixing with the air in the room. He leaned down and and placed his head in the crook of my neck. He nibbles my shoulder as I clenched around him. My climax hit and I was holding onto him for dear life. He moaned right in my ear when he was continuing to pump into me. Harder and harder he did it. I know his back probably wasn't left unscratched after this. He stopped as we both his our climax. A moment passed and he pulled out and laid next to me.

   "Wow.. that was amazing." He laughs as his head turns to me.

   "Yeah.. that was amazing." I turn to my slide wrapping my arms around him.

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