Chapter 20: Vacation time

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Your pov

It's been a while since I've been with Jungkook. Stacey and Jimin kind of broke it off last month due to some things that Stacey has been doing. Jungkook told me he wanted to go to Bora Bora with me. Of course the rest of the boys over heard and asked if they could join and of course I said yes but Jungkook on the other hand didn't really want them to join. It took a while to beg him to let the rest come..

~ Packing before you leave ~

   "Okay okay okay I have everything on my list." I closed my suit case.

   "Except this." Taehyung tosses my passport to me.

   "Aye it's my Tae." I smiled catching his throw. He winks at me. "What's up?" I asked as I zipped up my suit case.

   "Just excited." He smiled walking towards me, picking up my suitcase. I raise an eyebrow at him.

  "You sure that's all?" I nudge his shoulder as I walked pass him.

  "Yes that's all" He playfully rolled his eyes at me. Something was telling me it was more.

We walk down towards the front door. All the boys were packed up standing with their suit cases.

   "Remember you're all staying in a different homes and you're paying for your stuff only. This young one ain't paying for all my boys after what happened with my graduation dinner." He points to each other the boys. They all laugh and nodded at the same time.

   "All right let's just go!" Hoseok jumps up and down with excitement.

~~ Skipping the airport and plane ride~~

We carry out our suit cases from the airport and headed toward the car. All our eyes were tired and closed still. The only person who was still wide awake was Taehyung of course.. He's too much of a happy child. I laid my head on Jungkook, closing my eyes waiting until we got to our hotel. As we arrived at our place I slowly open my eyes. The sun was shining brightly after my skin. Namjoon pulls me out carrying me in a bridal style.

   "Ahh, Namjoon I'm tired." I covered my eyes.

He chuckles. "But we're here Y/N." He places me down onto my feet then leaves to grab the suit cases. As I landed down on my feet I stumbled a little bit.

   "Ahh Y/N.." Jimin drops the bag on the ground and runs up to me, giving my body support as he grabs my waist.

"Careful you could of hurt yourself." He smiled, holding onto me until I was stable.

   "Thanks Jiminie. I'm still a bit sleepy from the ride." I smiled at him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He slowly pulled me closer to him as I took mini steps towards him.

   "Jimin!" Jin called out. Jimin let's go of my waist quickly as his face goes all red.

   "Y- Yah Jin?" He stuttered, scratching the back of his head, trying to not make any eye contact with me. I didn't realize at the moment what was happening.

   "Pick these up." Jin gestures him towards the car and points to the bags that were on the floor.

    "Sorry I'm coming." He grabs my hand. "See you later princess." He kissed my hand before running away. My heart started beating faster. Soon Jungkook came running up to me hugging from behind which made my heart go faster than before.

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