Chapter 11: Chit chat

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Jimin's POV 

   "Okay only 5 more minutes until Y/N arrives." I quickly fixed my hair.

   "Why are you stressing?" Stacey asked as he places her hands around me.

   "Nothing let's just go down I think I heard them." I ignored her question as I walked down to the front door.

   "Hey" Y/N smiled as Jungkook was behind her.

    "Hey." I smiled going in for a hug which she accepted. Thank god.

    "Hi." Jungkook waved to Stacey.

   "Hello." Stacey smiled.

Y/N and I were still latching onto each other until Jungkook did a little cough making us move away, I didn't even notice how long we were hugging for.

   "Um Jimin.. should we go." Jungkook coughs as he clenches his jaw.

   "Oh right.." I look over at her and saw that she was flustered just like me.

   "Okay I guess I'll see you boys later." Y/N waves at us before closing the door.

Jungkook and I both walk to the car and drove off.

   "I'm so hungry." Jin yells.

   "You're always hungry." I laugh.

   "That's true.." Jin laughs.

I walk over to Jungkook seeing him wiping his sweat off with a towel.

   "What's up with you?" I pat his shoulder, leaning down to grab a bottle of water.

   "What do you mean?" Jungkook laughs as he places the towel around his neck.

   "You're so happy today." I smiled, sipping the water.

   "Why do you care?" Jungkook smiled at me.

   "I just wanna know why you're so happy." I look at him.

   "Why would I tell you?" Jungkook gives me a confused look then walks towards Taehyung, I follow him there.

    "Why wouldn't you tell me? You always tell me!" I throw my hands up in the air getting really frustrated with him.

    "This little boy got a girlfriend." Taehyung laughs as he nudges Jungkook.

My eyes widen. "Who!" I said excitedly.

   "Y/N!" Jungkook looks away smiling.

Y/N?? He's dating my best friend?

    "As in my best friend?" I backed up slowly.

    "Yeah. Is something wrong with me dating your best friend? She's also my best friend." Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

     "I- No. nothing's wrong" I grind my teeth.

    "Someone's jealous." Tae mumbled walking off to the other guys.

    "I'm not jealous!" I rolled my eyes joining the other guys as well.

    "You have a date tonight anyways." Jin yells as he walked into the practice room.

    "Yeah, plus it was her decision and she said yes to me." Jungkook smirks evilly.

    "Whatever can we just go back to practicing?" I said in a stern voice not wanting to continue this conversation.

    "I smell jealously" Yoongi laughs as he goes into his position.

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