Finale Chapter: Wedding Day.

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Two months past by and it was the day of my wedding. I had all my best girls with me getting ready. My maid of honour was my sister of course.

   "Hey hey heyyy." Wendy yells as she walked into the room with the rest of the members.

   "Congratulations babe." Seulgi smiled hugging me from behind.

   "Thank you Seulgi." I smiled at her. Yeri handed me some flowers. "Thank you Yeri!" I squeezed her hand.

   "Anything for the bride." She smiled.

Jimin's pov

I slip on my white button shirt.

   "Ah Jiminie can't believe your getting married." My manger said poking my back.

   "I can't believe it either." I chuckled.

   "Treat her well okay." Jungkook walked up beside me. "You're lucky you have her.." I smiled at him.

   "So did you bring Yeri?" I asked.

   "Yeah she's with Y/N right now."

   "That's good" I smiled. "You two are so cute. The little one of both group are dating each other." I pinched his cheek.

   "Ah ah ah Jimin stop." He slaps my hand away.

   "Sorry I'm just excited." I chuckle as I fix my tie.

  "Quick picture guys." Our manger says as he gestures all the boys over to me. "Pose, smile or anything!" He smiled. "One.. Two.. Three "


   "NOW!" Jin yelled out as all the boys began punching my arm while laughing.

  "Ah ah ah" I whine.

Your pov

My sister helped me adjust the dress from behind.

  "You're so beautiful." She smiled grabbing the ribbon tying it around my waist.

  "Stop you're going to make me cry." I smiled at her. She places her chin on my shoulder.

  "Finished." She whispered into my ear. I held onto her hands.

  "I feel nervous.." I squeeze onto her hand.

  "Don't feel nervous you're going to kill everyone there with your looks. I can't believe I'm letting Jimin take you away from me.." Her eyes began to water.

  "Don't cry your going to ruin your makeup!" I quickly turned around and wiped her eyes.

She laughs. "I love you." Her eyes watered again.

  "I love you too." I smiled widely at her pulling her in for a hug. I heard the door open and all the girls came in.

  "Ahhh Y/N you look amazing." Wendy squeals as she squeezes onto Irene's arm.

  "Thank you." I smiled. My dad knocks onto the door.

  "Come in." I smiled at him as my mother puts on my veil. My dads eyes watered up.

  "Oh my goodness sweetie... You look amazing." He took out a tissue and wiped his eyes.

  "Dad stop your going to make me cry." I laugh through the tears that began to fill my eyes.

He sniffles. "Sorry.. Are you ready? All the boys are out there and same with the guests."

I look at each of the girls as a huge smile were on their face. "I'm ready.." I nodded walking towards my dad..

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