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Hyemin's POV

I bit my lips, a little bit too hard when I tasted a salty liquid on my lips. Blood. I wiped them off as soon as possible before any of them could notice. After informing to the whole world class that I was the rude girl that he bumped into this morning, the class started to fill with whispers, and if glares could kill, I might be dead by now.

"Class, quiet down! And Jungkook, please take your seat."

I thanked Mr.Kim repeatedly inside my head. At the end of the year, I'll be sure to make a speech of how kind Mr.Kim was.

"Anyway, Hyemin, you'll sit beside— Yoongi. Yoongi, please raise your hand."

I glanced at the whole class from left to right. But no one seemed to be raising up his or her hand. Mr.Kim was starting to scare me, was he just seeing things? Just then, Mr.Kim slammed the table, resulting the students (including me) to flinch upon the loud noise. 

Geez, Mr.Kim does like to freak me out. He might look like an angel from the outside, but according to the sentence that had probably been repeated for over a million times, 'don't judge a book by its cover'.

"Min yoongi ! Are you listening?"

Then, a guy with GREEN hair raised his head up. I could see his eyes widened when our eyes met, but he quickly shifted his gaze to Mr.Kim. I raised an eyebrow at his action, did he know me?


The boy named Yoongi responded. I was taken aback at his reply. If that happened in my previous school, he would be dead by the moment he said that. Moreover, what kind of school let a student dye their hair? Natural colors are already restricted in the school compound. But GREEN?

"Did you see him? That's Yoongi. You'll be sitting beside him."

"Ah, yes."

I headed to my seat immediately which, unfortunately, located in front of the rude guy. I let out a heavy sigh and sat down on the chair. For some odd reason, I felt as if the girls were glaring directly at me. I inhaled and exhaled twice, just to calm myself off from all these dramatic events on my FIRST day of school.

 I took a quick glance at the boy named 'Yoongi', my seatmate. He doesn't seem like the type to enjoy talking with new people. Though, he was still my seatmate and it would be awkward for us in the future if we didn't communicate at all. So I took a deep breathe before extending my hand, giving him the best smile I had.

"H-hey, I'm Hyemin. It's nice to meet you."

I stared at him, then back at my hand. There was a whole 5 seconds of silence before he replied with a short 'hi'. I cursed under my breath out of embarrassment before pulling my untouched hand back. Jesus, I'm now worried about my remaining months in this cursed school.


Oh my god, it's finally break time! I had never been so happy over a recess period. I slammed my notebook shut and pushed them into my desk. For the whole 6 periods I couldn't relax at all as I could feel a pair of eyes glaring at me from behind.

surrounded by mean boys ¦ jeon jungkook Where stories live. Discover now