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Yoongi tossed his pen across the desk. Doing his homework when he had a more important matter to think about was straight out a dumb idea. Two days had pass after he told Mrs. Jung that he will contact her soon. In reality, he was just trying hard to pretend that he hadn't hear anything from Hyemin's parents.

Yoongi stood up from his chair, finally sick of hiding from his responsibility. If he wasn't going to make an effort to hold Hyemin back, then he don't deserve her at all.

Picking up the half torn paper stuck between his Mathematics textbook, Yoongi punched the numbers on his phone quickly. Before he changed his mind, before he take more time and make them wait.

"Ma'am, what we talked about earlier..."

"I guess that much will answer your question." The door creaked open the moment Yoongi finished his story.

"Oh, Jungkook oppa, am I right? I heard a lot about you." Yeonhee entered the house, massaging her own shoulder.

Jungkook nodded, giving her a quick smile before standing up. The mood circling him and Yoongi was too gloomy to do whatever project they were assigned to. "It's getting late, I'd better get going now."

Yoongi waited for Yeonhee to close the door of her bedroom. "About everything I said earlier, please keep it a secret."

"Trust me, hyung."


"I'm bored, I'm bored!" Hyemin shouted as she kicked the air. She had been lying down on her bed doing nothing for the past twenty minutes.

She stood up from her bed, looking around her room to see what she could do. Hyemin approached the book shelf that she haven't touch for quite a while. The shelf was filled with books of different genres. From horror to romance, from series of comics to thick and boring fictional books. But she never touched any of them, not after she was discharged from the hospital.

"Let's see..." Hyemin hummed as her fingers touched the books one by one.

Hyemin came across a book that looked unfamiliar for her. She pulled out the book, no, a pile of paper that were taped together, and touched its surface. The book doesn't look like it was bought from a book store. Instead, it was simple and handmade.

"All About You..." she whispered to herself as she smiled unknowingly. Beside the curvy title was her name written in a bracket.

She flipped open the book and came to the first page,

'One. Your bright smile that makes me forget how to breathe'

Hyemin's smile grew wider. Even though her toes were curling from the second hand embarrassment, deep inside, Hyemin liked these type of cringeworthy things. Her fingers moved towards the words by itself, touching every word that's written in it. Each and every letter was written neatly.

Who was it that gave me this? Was it my best friend?

She shrugged and moved over to the next page,

'Two. Your long, wavy brown hair that makes me want to run my fingers on it'

Hyemin snorted, "Is this book really written for me?"

Each time she read the sentences, she started to get curious of the person who wrote all of these.

She finished reading the last page of the book before closing it. Her eyes stopped at the letters written in the corner, at the back of the book.

'– myg'

She cocked an eyebrow upon seeing the tiny letters, "These... Are these the initial of the writer?"

Hyemin placed her finger on her chin, tapping it. She tried to remember the creator of this mysterious book.

"A-ah, my head—" Hyemin whined in pain, placing a head on her hand. It's here again. The pain that she just recovered from few days ago.

She limped towards the table beside her bed, trying to reach for her phone and asked for help. But the pain from her head made it hard for her to even move.

After giving out all of her energy, she successfully grabbed her phone. She clicked on her contacts. The pain that kept attacking her head made it hard for her to see the screen. Instead, she tapped on a random contact and placed the phone beside her ear with her shaking hand.


Jungkook stared at the sky emptily, still trying to process Yoongi's words. Everything that he said was too much for him to take in at once. Jungkook wasn't like Yoongi who was serious twenty four hours without knowing the definition of fun and games. So talking to Yoongi was just like discovering a brand new world for him. Jungkook flinched at the sudden vibration in his pocket.

"Who's calling me at this hour?" He sighed and pulled out his phone from his pocket. Jungkook felt his heart skipped a beat upon the caller's ID.

"What's up, babe?"

"J-Jungkook—" The other line spoke, her voice shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey hey, what's the matter?" Jungkook found out that it wasn't the time to joke. It was time to be fucking serious.

A loud thud was heard before the other line went completely dead.

"Hello? Jung hyemin? This is not funny." Jungkook shouted, nonchalant to the attention he received from the pedestrians.

"Damn it, when will she stop making me worried?" Cursing under his breath, Jungkook ran to the opposite direction from where he was supposed to go.

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