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"Baek Subin, wake up. Stop scaring me."

Jungkook repeated again and again. He has been in the room for two hours looking after Subin who was laying on the bed, pale face and bandaged head. Jungkook held her hand tightly, praying for her to wake up soon. He knew that he hated her for what she has done. But his grip became stronger every time a minute passed and she wasn't awake yet.

Few minutes has passed and Subin was still the same. Jungkook stood up from his seat and decided to call the doctor when a faint and weak voice called his name. Jungkook stopped his track immediately, rushing over to Subin.

"How are you feeling? Does your head still hurts? Hm?"

Subin shook her head slowly, moving her hand to Jungkook's.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry for ruining our friendship. I didn't mean to do it. That night-"

"Shh. Just rest for now. Look, you don't even have the strength to talk anymore."

Subin shook her head, refusing to what Jungkook told her to do. She doesn't want to keep it to herself any longer. The truth that she kept all these time was killing her. She wanted to finish everything today, not tomorrow, nor the day after that.

"No, Jungkook. You have to listen to what I'm going to say."

Jungkook sighed and nodded his head, losing to the girl as he sat down on the chair, ready to hear the truth behind the past that he has misunderstood for 4 years.

"That day, the same day when you told me what you felt, that was the same day where everything started to go wrong."

4 years ago

"Let me go!"

Subin demanded, struggling from the strong man's grip but failed miserably. The man ignored her cries and continued to pull her. He pulled her into a dark alley, pinning her against the wall as he looked into Subin's eyes, giving chills running down her spine.

"I heard everything. He confessed his feelings to you. What are you going to do after this huh!? I told you, I clearly told you to stay away from him far back then but you--"

He paused punching the wall furiously with his right hand as Subin flinched in surprise. She could have scream or run away at that time, but she couldn't. She couldn't because if she does, her loved ones will be hurt.

"Listen, I don't want you to meet that asshole anymore and he better know that you're already taken. By me. If I see you talking with that guy again, you don't want to know what will happen to him."

He finished, storming out of the alley leaving Subin all alone in the dark place. Tears flowing down her eyes.

"Lee Sehoon, the leader of a frightening gang unfortunately developed a feeling for me and started to chase me after. I was scared. Because no matter how gentle he tried to be when he approached me, he's still a gangster after all. I didn't know what move he will go for next that it made me lose a lot of sleep because of him. When he was tired of getting rejected by me every time, his gentle side was slowly fading and lastly, all that was left was a wild and violent him. The thing called 'love' slowly became an obsession and he started to treat me with violence and wanted me all for himself. He knew that I was going to report his violence to my parents, so he threaten me saying that if I date him, he will stop violating me and the people beside me will be safe.

And of course, I had no choice but ended up dating him. But I didn't tell you about it. Because I had feelings for you. I knew that if I told you about my relationship with him, we can't be together. But unfortunately, Sehoon found out about the fact that we were close. And he heard about your confession. He was furious and demanded me to stay away from you. I was guilty for all the times I turned my back on you whenever you called my name. I wanted to run to you and fell on your embrace. I wanted to tell you how much I had suffered that time. I wanted to... I wanted to tell you how much I loved you.

But I couldn't. Once I speak even a word to you, I know that you'd be in danger. And so I lived my days everyday dating someone I did not love, ignoring you, your calls, your messages. I had to stand getting beaten up by someone that said he 'loved' me everyday. It was a torture for me. After 8 months of suffering I couldn't stand it anymore and finally told my parents about it. Oh, how shocked were they when they found out about the truth. Lee Sehoon ended up in jail for taking drugs and violating women. My parents decided to send me to London for a new start. I couldn't tell you the truth, I was too embarrassed of myself. I rather have you hating me rather than knowing about the dark and hurtful truth. But four years later, here am I. In front of you. I came back to Seoul to take a break from school. But the most important reason of all is to tell you the truth from four years ago. Jungkook, I'm really sorry. I really am. I'm sorry for ignoring you and leaving you after you confessed your feelings for me.

But it seemed like I don't have to worry about that anymore. Because you seemed to have someone else that you truly love. And I'm pretty sure she is way better than me, she will take care of you well and, she will never leave you. I can see that."

Jungkook was out of words. All these time, he has been hating on her without knowing the truth when she has suffered more than him. He felt so useless. So.. embarrassed.

"Subin, I'm sor-"

"No. I don't want to hear that word. Jungkook you, have the right to hate me for not telling this to you earlier. The past is the past. Let's focus on the present now. Hm? And I wanted to tell you that I'll be going back to London this Friday. I probably won't be back for a long, long time. Maybe 10 years? I'm not sure. But Jungkook, listen to what I'm going to say. Hyemin, that girl. I only met her for once, but I could tell that she truly loves you. I want you to appreciate her and don't.ever. lose her just like how I carelessly lose you."

Jungkook nodded, his head facing the ground as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt. Subin chuckled at her friend,

"Hey, stupid. I'm completely fine now so you can stop worrying and run to Hyemin. I'm pretty sure she needs you right now."

"Are you sure you're really fine? Huft. I'll still call a maid to look after you just in case. And don't dare to refuse it."

Jungkook frowned at Subin for a while before shifting to his phone and dialed his home number. After bidding goodbye to Subin who know looked more bright than before, he sprinted out from the hospital with a smile spread across his face.

Thoughts flying above his head. Thoughts about how he will profess his feelings to Hyemin.

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