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The memories from a year ago flashes before her. Scratches of scenes she wanted to forget came haunting her. She held her head in pain, trying to shake off the painful memories that she doesn't even remember herself. The sudden shock stopped before it get any worse. Hyemin heaved a sigh, she regretted not listening to her mom and take her pills earlier this morning.

She sat down on her seat, taking out her doodling notebook and scribbled down things while her mind was on elsewhere. She expected Hyo In to approach her and curse the hell out of her. But no. Instead, Hyo In was busy giving 'fan service' to the people standing outside of the classroom just to see her.

'Was it just me?' Hyemin couldn't stop worrying about the fact that there's a girl with the same name and same face with the girl she knew before. They were too similar to be doppelganger.

"What's up, Hyemin? Studying in the early morning?"

Hyemin dropped her pencil, stole a glance at Jungkook who had just arrived then looked out the window. She had no time for Jungkook's nonsense. She had a lot to think about.

"Ignoring me? How dare—"

"Move," Yoongi cut in, shoving Jungkook aside and made his way to his seat.

Hyemin couldn't help but smile at Jungkook's embarrassment. The smile didn't stay for long when she was once again reminded of Im Hyo In.

"Oh, Yoongi—" Jungkook bit his lips, hard. Hyemin raised an eyebrow and started to chuckle as she knew the reason behind Jungkook's action.

Now, every time they see Yoongi, they'll be reminded of the chicken dance he did the day before when they were playing truth or dare.

"Oh god, that was too funny—"

"Jungkook~" A voice interrupted their fun time.

All the attention went to Hyo In,

"Uh, yeah?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to speak.

Hyo In tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her hands on her back. Hyemin was on the verge to puke watching the scene in front of her.

"Do you want to go to the cafeteria toge—"

"Nope," Jungkook rejected before she could even finish her words. Hyemin was taken aback by his straightforwardness. She stayed quiet, watching what will happen next.

"I'm going with my friends. Right, Hyemin?"

Hyemin wasn't sure how to react. She knew that he will be hanging out with the rest of Bangtan, but she didn't know that she's included when he mentioned 'friends'.

"Y-y-yeah..." Hyemin stuttered at midst of getting surprised.

Low whispers could be heard from outside after Jungkook straight out rejected the soon to be school rising star, Im Hyo In. Some were happy that he rejected her, but guys were going mad as their 'angel' got rejected. If they were Jungkook, they would've invited her to a lunch without her asking him, at least that's what the boys who fell for Hyo In thought.

"See? She said yeah. Sorry, maybe next time." Jungkook gave her a tight lipped smile, before shifting his attention back to Hyemin.

Time passed soon after, Hyemin couldn't concentrate at all as she would always found herself stealing glances at Hyo In. Who could forget an incident that heavily affected your life?

Hyemin couldn't hold back her excitement at the thoughts of hanging out with the boys and getting to know each other more. After going to Jungkook's house the night before, she found out a lot about the boys. Considering their fame and looks, their actual personalities were way different than Hyemin thought. All except for Yoongi.

Stepping out of the classroom, the eight of them received different reactions from the students. From jealous girls to those who admire her for being able to get close to their 'idols' in such a short period of time. Hyemin didn't know how, she had just moved here for less than a month, yet she felt like she fit in the group of boys. Considering she's the only girl in there, she didn't feel awkward at all.

The boys always made sure she wasn't left out, bringing up the most random topics they could ever talk about. The crowd of people continued gathering around them all the way to the cafeteria. Hyemin felt quite uncomfortable as she had never been in such a crowded place before. How did they boys endure this every day?

Lunch couldn't be any noisier, the nasty topics that includes armpit hairs and boogers made Hyemin lost her appetite. Although she just returned their questions with a crooked smile.

"Hyemin, are you there?" Hoseok's voice snapped Hyemin from her deep thoughts.

"Huh?" Hyemin replied, puzzled. Resulting laughter in the group.

"Let's get going now," Jimin suggested, lifting his tray from the table, not forgetting to give her his warm smile that killed thousands of girls who were watching from the side.

Hyemin couldn't wish for anything else, that moment was just perfect for her. Surrounded by people who sincerely wanted to be her friends and not for any hidden reasons, she wished time would have stopped right at that day.


Another ordinary month, ordinary day. With Jungkook annoying Hyemin as usual and Yoongi in his natural habitat (his seat, sleeping). Not to forget the other five boys who enjoyed bothering and pissing each other off.

Groaning at the weight of her bag, Hyemin continued walking to her class. She only need to climb 2 more stairs and a few meters to finally reach her classroom. But considering the bag that wasn't light at all that day, the walk to her class was like climbing the Mount Everest.

She barely survive after sitting down at her seat.

"Phew, damn heavy!" Hyemin let her head fell on the table, sweats dripping down from her forehead in the early morning.

She could hear whispers from outside the classroom again. It wasn't an unfamiliar situation for her, it was probably one of the boys arriving the classroom.

But she decided to take a second listen when her name was included in the conversation.

"Hey, is it true that Jung Hyemin killed a girl in her previous school?"

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