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With Jungkook's hand still gripped tightly onto Hyemin's, he pushed open the large door. Finally letting Hyemin's hand off from his, Jungkook stood aside; letting Hyemin enter the house before him. Hyemin was way too amazed at the sight of Jungkook's 'house' to even care that the two of them held hands before.

"O-oh, she's here. Taehyung, drop the juice!"

Hyemin heard a series of muttering coming from the living room. She snapped out from her imagination, coming back to reality and greeted the boys as cheerful as she could. Of course, the other six of them happily respond to her. They all looked very comfortable in Jungkook's house, it was as if it's their own house and not their friend's. Hyemin found herself stuck between Taehyung and Jimin. She had to squish herself, careful to not making any skin contact with either of them as she was very awkward with people she doesn't know.

"Hey, hey. Let's talk about the transfer student. Isn't she hot?" Jimin started the conversation, but not the type that Hyemin expected.

She raised an eyebrow. If it's a transfer student, isn't it supposed to be her? Was he saying that she's 'hot'?

"Oh, Hyemin, you were absent today. There's a new girl in our class." Namjoon, who was kind enough to tell her what happened earlier this morning solved Hyemin's question.

Right, why would they even call me hot anyway?

"Was it Hyo In, her name? Whatever, she's still hot!" Jimin tapped on the table repeatedly, holding himself from fanboying too much.

Im Hyo In?

Jin butted in, his long hand reaching out for the chocolate cookie on the table and shoved it into his mouth in one try. "If you're talking about that new girl, she's still way too low for my level."

Hyemin found herself lost in the middle of the boys' conversation as she wasn't there earlier today. Instead, she repeatedly sipped on her orange juice, finishing it within 5 minutes. Hyemin placed the glass back on the table, which was immediately snatched away by Jungkook who had been watching her while the others were busy having their small discussion about Hyo In.

"I'll go and refill it for you," Jungkook stood up from his seat.

Hyemin took this chance to escape from the awkwardness, "W-wait, I'll go with you too!"

The six were all unbothered by the disappearance of Jungkook and Hyemin. With Yoongi watching quietly from the side, the five continued their argument on the new student.

Hyemin followed Jungkook quietly to the kitchen, looking around his house at the same time. She was too busy having her own time that she didn't notice Jungkook made a sudden stop.

"Oof—" Hyemin yapped when her nose bumped on Jungkook's back.

"Are you that amazed at my house? You can have it if you want." Jungkook chuckled, walking over to the counter of his kitchen; refilling the empty glass with fresh orange juice.

Hyemin raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"You seemed pretty interested at this house. Well, you can have it. Under one condition." Jungkook's lips curved into a smile.

Hyemin knew that Jungkook was playing a joke. But still, she wanted to listen to what stupid condition does he have under his sleeves this time.

Jungkook made his way to Hyemin, taking her hand and putting the glass of orange juice on her palm before moving forward, "If you let me change your first name to Jeon, I might let you have it."

He jerked away and gave her a sly wink, leaving Hyemin speechless, standing alone in the wide kitchen replaying the words Jungkook just said over and over again. She gave her face a cold slap in order to claim her soul back into her body before catching up with Jungkook who had walked out of the kitchen way before her.

Wake up, stupid. You know he don't mean it.

"Oh. Hyemin, Jungkook! We thought the two of you had went out from the house." Hoseok gave his bright smile to the two.

The sound of footsteps coming down from the stairs made all of them shifted their attention over to the source of the noise. Hyemin felt a needle struck in the right spot that made her unable to move. She took two, three and fourth look on the person but she still couldn't believe her own eyes.

"M-Mr. Principal?"

"Mr. Jeon! You're going out already?"

Hyemin was even more shocked at the informality between her school's PRINCIPAL and the boys. Just what the hell is Jungkook's real identity?

"Yes, I have an important meeting after this. Oh, you must be Jung Hyemin, the girl that Jungkook always mentioned?" Mr. Jeon smiled warmly at Hyemin, who was still dumbstruck at the surprise.

"Dad, please." Jungkook rolled his eyes, feeling embarrassed at the same time that his own dad had exposed himself in front of Hyemin. However, Hyemin didn't pay attention to that point at all.


"Jungkook is my son. He may be a little hard to handle, but please take care of him." He gave another reassuring smile before heading out the house with his driver waiting outside, "It's late, I have to go now. Enjoy your time, kids."

The boys waved at Mr. Jeon, sending him off happily.

"Hey, I'm bored. Let's do something." Taehyung grinned.

"I told you I can go home by myself." Hyemin suggested for the nth time, trying to make Jungkook give up at the thought of sending her home.

"It's dangerous for girls to go home alone at night." Jungkook repeated. This time, in a more serious tone.

Hyemin gulped at the sudden changes of tone in Jungkook, she had no choice but to nod nervously at his words. Jungkook grinned, glad that he finally won the argument.

The walk was quiet, awkward and not to mention, very slow. Hyemin scratched her head, trying to find a topic to talk about in order to knock down the awkwardness.

"What's your ideal type?"

"Why? Have you finally realize your feelings for me?" Jungkook glanced over, giving his mischievous smile that Hyemin hated the MOST.

She pushed his face away, avoiding any eye contact at all cost. She didn't want to be rude by not looking at other people's eyes when exchanging conversation, but when she look into one's eyes while talking to them, she'll just blabber nonsense that no one could understand.

"Hm... Ideal type, you ask? I don't have one. When I like someone, I just do." Jungkook shrugged, "You don't really need a reason to like someone, you know."


Hyemin yawned, scratching her hair and making her way to the class exhaustedly. She didn't go home until the clock strike nine. Thankfully for her, her mother was already deep asleep and she managed to sneak into her house without getting caught.

"Hey, hey. She's here! Make a way!"

Hyemin was once again shoved out of her way by a sea of students. The people were divided into two lines in instant, leaving a huge space in the middle.

The boys? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure they said 'she' before.

Just then, a familiar figure made her way elegantly into the class. Not forgetting to give her 'fans' a bright smile and a lovely wave, she disappeared into the class.

"Oh? That's my class. Wait, could she be..."

Hyemin pushed the people out of her way, she managed to make her way into the class after all the hair pulling and kicking. She stopped halfway to her seat, her suspicion was indeed right.

"Im Hyo In?"

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