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The voice behind him was more than familiar for Yoongi. He heaved a sigh before turning to face the owner of the voice. The man was the last person he wanted to see that day.

"What do you want? I already told you I'll pay the rest soon, didn't I?" He asked in a threatening tone, only to make the man cracked up. Yoongi raised an eyebrow, sticking a hand into his pocket.

"Chill... I haven't even say anything yet."

He placed a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi could only stared at the hand in disgust before shoving it off his shoulder. The thought of going home and taking a quick nap has been destroyed the moment the man came into the picture.

"If you have nothing else to say, I'll be going," he said, "I don't want to waste my time."

Yoongi plucked his earphone back in his ears. He knew the loan shark wouldn't let him go easily when he felt a strong grip on his shoulder and he was pinned to the wall. It only took one blink of an eye for the man to land his knuckles on Yoongi's face, making him fell to the ground upon the strong punch.

"Listen, until the day your loan is paid off, I'll keep my eyes on you."

The loan shark threatened and gave Yoongi's leg a harsh kick and pulled his hoodie over his head, leaving the pin-drop silent alley.

"Until the day my loan is paid off?"

Yoongi repeated the man's words before cracking up. His laugh wasn't sincere. It was a mix of something he had felt for as long as he could remember.


"Mom, I said, I'm okay!"

Hyemin rolled her eyes, getting pushed by her mom towards her room. She swore she had been in her room for hours and now she was forced back to stay in her room again.

"Nope, darling. You have to take a rest. And no school tomorrow, got it?"

Mrs.Jung demanded in a stern voice before pushing her into her room, closing the bedroom door behind her.

"But mom, it was only a headache, nothing serious."

Hyemin groaned as she tossed and turn on her bed like an earthworm. Mrs.Jung on the other side ignored her daughter's cries and tucked her into bed, covering the blanket up to her chin.

"No school tomorrow, I'll write a letter to the school. Rest well darling."

Mrs.Jung smiled before making her way out of the bedroom and shut the door tightly.

"Man, staying in the room for the whole day? Hell no!"

Hyemin jumped on her bed and threw her pillow across the room out of frustration. She wasn't the type to stay still on the same place.

"Look, I'm already bored 5 minutes after entering the room." she hissed under her breath, "Still, there must be at least something to do in this room."

She tried to convince herself into staying at her room for at least 30 more minutes. But forget about 30 minutes, after 10 seconds of scanning the things in the whole room, she plopped on her bed, kicking the blanket 'till it dropped from the bed.

A sigh escaped from her mouth as she stared at the sky blue ceiling,

"Right, Yoongi haven't even finish his sentence. He said he mistaken me as someone else, but his eyes told otherwise."

Hyemin quietly talked to herself, her voice faintly echoed in the silent room. At midst of the silence, an image of Yoongi staring into her eyes back in the infirmary made her knocked her own head.

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