Chapter Four: My New Home

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On the outskirts of Vale...
Austin's POV

The next day, Ghost and I reached the location the headmaster informed us about, dressed in a black hoodie with a gold iron banner logo on the front, and a pair yellow sweatpants. The most laid back, yet secretive of attire. Keeping the hood up, I avoided eye contact with the other people around me so that they wouldn't stare at my face.

I wasn't a fan of having people stare at me without the helmet. Though I wasn't the ugliest Titan in the universe, I had enough scars to scare everyone here.

As I headed towards the ship, I noticed Ruby heading in my direction along with some blonde woman. I looked down, hoping she wouldn't notice me but I felt those silver eyes eyeballing me, staring through the cloth and into my soul.

Please don't attract attention.

I no longer felt her eyes on me as we passed by, so I headed towards the ship to enter after them.

Thank you.

But the ship took off, leaving me behind before I could set foot on it.

Austin: Son of a-. Ghost. We're gonna have to attract a little attention here. Can you summon the Hildean Seeker please?

Ghost: Got it.

My ghost got out from my head and summoned out the large ship on the small patch of grass where the other ship used to be. From there, I can hear parents freaking out from behind me.

 From there, I can hear parents freaking out from behind me

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???: Oh my gosh! What is that!

???: Probably another one of Atlas's new ships.

???: That doesn't look like anything Atlas has made.

???: It just suddenly appeared! Out of nowhere!

As soon as I got in the ship, I turned the Hildean Seeker around and began flying towards the ship heading to Beacon, keeping our distance a little bit to avoid any conflict with the ship.

Austin: You still think this is a good idea Ghost?

Ghost: We need to know where we are and the direction home. This would probably be our best bet.

Austin: I hope so.

When we landed, we immediately noticed the beautiful view of Beacon.

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