Chapter Twenty-Three: Armor Time

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Austin's POV

Ruby went with Cayde to get some Hunter armor while Yang and I went to the vault to find some armor for her. I never knew she was a picky person when it came to armor. She kept denying all the armor I had until she got to a familiar set of armor.

Yang: What about this Austin?

She grabbed my old trials of Osiris armor. It would work.

Austin: Yeah. Go ahead and put it on.

Yang: In front of everyone here?

Oh yeah that's right. No clue how to do it.

Austin: Ask your Ghost to Yang.

Yang: Raven?

Raven appeared before us.

Raven: Alright Yang. This won't hurt at all.

Raven scanned her as the armor was placed on her. I'm surprised the mens armor adjusted to her body. She noticed my Immolation Fists.

Yang: Do I have to match armor?

Austin: No. Why?

Yang: Can I have these?

I don't see why not.

Austin: Sure.

Yang: Cool. Raven. Switch out gauntlets.

Raven: Switching now Yang.

She was getting a lot better with her Ghost.

Yang: Can I have a different helmet?

Austin: You don't like the bird look?

She stook her tongue out. Okay fine.

She found a helmet I had from Dead Orbit.

Yang: This will work.

She's too comfortable around me. She just took the helmet like it was hers. Sassy woman. I love her though. I hope Ruby is having fun with Cayde.

Ruby's POV

I was with the robot that Austin called Cayde-6 to get some armor. He spoke to me whiling picking out some armor.

Cayde: So how you feel about becoming one of us young one?

Ruby: I don't know. I want to get stronger but.

He stopped to look at me.

Cayde: But what?

Ruby: I just. I miss everyone back home. I watched Vale get taken over by Grimm. I felt. Useless. Like there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't even help my friends.

He put his hand on my shoulder.

Cayde: Listen kid. At times it going to feel like you're nothing. We've all experience it. Some experience it more than others. Austin is a good example of that. He ever tell you what happened after the raid on Crota?

He never discussed it.

Ruby: No.

Cayde: One of my scouts came back with a one armed Titan bleeding all over the floor. When we treated him, he didn't want to do anything. He felt useless. Even when Lord Saladin gave him a prosthetic arm made from SIVA he wanted nothing to do with it. Hell- he even tried suicide but his Ghost kept bringing him back.

Ruby: That's awful.

Cayde: It was. As much as I don't care about Titans I came to respect him and his sacrifice. Eventually Lord Shaxx got him to use the arm and get back out on the battlefield.

He took his hand off my shoulder.

Cayde: The point is you're gonna have that feeling. Its only natural but as long as you have a goal in your mind you can overcome that obstacle. By the way he spoke of you, you're a good kid Red. And I doubt you're useless. Everyone has their uses.

He looks at Zavala.

Cayde: Even those stupid behemoths.

Ruby: You must not like Titans do ya?

Cayde: I never said I don't like them. I just love to make fun of them.

He found some armor.

Cayde: This should work for ya.

He gave me a helmet. It was black with a red bandana along with a breastplate. It too was red and black. It came with a knife but with Cresent Rose I shouldn't need it. He also gave me a pair of leggings and sleeves with a small shoulder pad on the left side and a slightly larger shoulder pad on the right side. Who makes armor like this?

Cayde: You should have your Ghost put that on for ya.

Ruby: Summer.

Summer: I'm on it Ruby.

A flash of light went around my body as the armor was put on. It fit just right but I took off the helmet.

Cayde: Looks decent enough. You're free to go find your sister Red.

Ruby: Thank you.

Cayde: No problem.

Austin's POV

Ruby approached us in red and black Vanguard Hunter gear. The others stopped looking at us.

Yang: Nice outfit Ruby.

Ruby: Thanks sis! You look like a knight in shining armor.

Yang: Thanks little sis.

Zavala came on our Ghosts.

Zavala: Guardian. You will take them to the Cosmodrome for Patrol. We need to see how they are on the battlefield.

Austin: Shouldn't be a problem for them.

Yang: Is this like initiation?

Zavala: In a way yes but it will be more of a tour of all the places we protect from the darkness.

Ruby: That sounds fun.

Zavala left our Ghosts as we went to our ship. Once we got into the ship, i put in the coordinates to Old Russia and took off. It didn't take long to reach it since we're right above Earth. As we got out the ship, Ruby and Yang were looking around as I pulled out Hawkmoon. Fallen here we come.

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