Chapter Tewnty-Two: Greetings From The Vanguard

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Austin's POV

As we got into orbit Spectre and Clyde's ships flew near us.

Clyde: Warkiller. Your Ghost has your current coordinates.

Austin: Got in. Ghost. Put the ship on autopilot.

Ghost: Autopilot is on as we speak. Engaging pulse drive.

Ruby: Pulse drive?

Austin: It means hold on to your but-

The Hildean Seeker suddenly took of in pulse drive slamming my head against the seat. Ouch.

Ruby: Wheee!

Yang: This is so fast!

Glad you're having fun. After 10 minutes a loud BOOM came from the thrusters disengaging pulse drive. Ruby and Yang looked outside the ship to see Earth in its glory.

Ruby: It looks like Remnant.

Yang: But darker.

Austin: Earth was no longer a safe haven for humanity.

Yang: Where did they all go?

Look in front of you.

Yang's POV

We looked in front of us to see a platform the size of a small city. It was beautiful and filled with life. As we all got off the ship, there were other people that had armor similar to Austin and the other two. People were staring at us as we walked through the city holding Austin's hand.

Ruby: Why are they looking at us like that?

Spectre: They're not exactly used to seeing Guardians like yourselves. That or they're wanting to know what happened to him.

Clyde: More than likely a mix of both. We'll see you guys later. We got some unfinished business here.

We went down some stairs to notice a woman in a brown robe. Her eyes were covered by a cloth but green light came out of the cloth. Her voice creeped me out as she spoke.

???: Greetings new Guardians. Hive Bane.

Austin: Hello Eris.

Ruby: What happened to you ma'am?

Eris: The Hive have taken my vision of the light and have given me a vision of the darkness.


Austin: Let's go guys.

She mumbled something as we left her. We ran into a behemoth of a man. He must of been a Titan like Austin but much bigger. They spoke to each other.

???: Welcome back to the Tower young Titan.

Austin: Hello Lord Shaxx.

Shaxx bent down to look at us.

Shaxx: And who are these young ladies Warkiller?

Austin introduced us to him. He noticed that we were holding hands.

Shaxx: Two young Titans in love. As long as you two fight together I love it.

Austin: Take care Lord Shaxx.

Shaxx: You too Titan.

We walked into what Austin called the Hall of Guardians. A giant desk in the middle filled with books, maps, and blueprints as 3 Guardians were present. A very pale human man stood on the end of the desk with very heavy looking armor looking at blueprints. A blue robotic man with a cloak covering most of his head sat on our left looking at various maps. A darker skinned human woman stood on the other side of the desk with various books and scrolls. The three of them looked at us as we walked towards them.

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