Chapter Nineteen: Vytal Festival

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Austin's POV

I woke up to see no-one in the dorm. As I got out of bed, I noticed a letter stuck on the door.

Austin, We left to go sign up for the tournament. We'll sign your name too as well lazy butt. We all made you something as a gift. Thank you for everything you've done.

PS. The gift was Yang's idea.

I noticed a black piece of cloth on Weiss's desk and infolded it to see the girl's insignias on each corner of the cloth along with a Titan emblem in the center. Ghost then came out my head to scan the cloth.

Ghost: Mark of the Beacon Warrior. A lone Titan changed the lives of four young women forever.

It's beautiful. Ghost had the Marks switched and as I went to the bathroom, I noticed my arm also had their insignias as well.

A bit much.

They must really like me. I went to go find them.

I found them just in time as Yang gave a final blow to win the match for them. I applauded with the group as they came up to me.

Ruby: We did it!

Austin: Yeah you did. Nice punch love.

Yang blushed a little.

Yang: Thanks.

Ozpin came up to us.

Ozpin: I hate to inform you of this but I'm afraid you cannot compete.

Damn. Let me guess. "Too overpowered" "Im going solo" "No crusades".

And it was exactly that. Ruby tried to defend for me but it didn't work.

At least I can finish Raze-Lighter.

Austin: Well. Alright then. At least you girls won.

Ruby: Anyone hungry?

Blake: I worked up an appetite.

Her stomach growled.

Ruby: Where can we get food?

Weiss: Gee I don't know. How about ALL AROUND US!

Ruby: Sorry. I forgot we're at the fairgrounds.

Yang: I know a place. You coming love?

Austin: As much as I love to, I gotta finish the sword today.

She seemed a little sad by it.

Austin: Sorry.

Yang: Aww Oh well. Let's go girls.

Emerald: Hey! Might be hard to eat without this.

We looked back to see Emerald and Mercury.

Ruby: No, no, no, no!

She was patting herself down.

Emerald: Good to see you, Ruby.

Ruby: Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Oh. Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!

Yang: What's up, Em?

Emerald: Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!

Ruby: Oh, stop it you...

Ghost popped into my head.

Ghost: Her vitals are showing that shes lying.

So you're calling bullshit on Emerald?

Ghost: Beyond that.

Figures. Mercury didn't exactly look like the caring type.

Blake: I heard your team progressed to the next round too.

Weiss: You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates.

Yang: How'd they do in the fight?

Emerald: Really well.

As I was walking away I learned that Weiss and Yang were in the doubles round along with Emerald and Mercury. They came towards my direction. They must not have noticed me as they spoke about the "heiress and the bimbo". They were suprised as a knife was thrown at them.

I left to go finish Raze-Lighter. As I got to the dorm I saw the weapon was almost done. All it needed was the fire dust crystal.

Ghost: The dust crystal will heat up you as well as the sword so you will have to use Sunbreaker to even wield it.

Simple enough.

As i shoved the crystal into the sword, I felt myself on fire as I held up to the sky. It felt like turning to a Sunbreaker for the first time. I went outside to test the weapon. My strikes were a lot faster and stronger than Bolt-Caster. I've done it! Raze-Lighter is back! Ahahahaha! I look back to see a trail of fire. Whoops. Going back to Striker. I noticed Ruby and Weiss and approaced them to see a woman similar to Weiss.

???: Beacon. Its been a long time.

Weiss: So. Winter. What are you doing?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Right. Well how long are you staying?

Winter: Classified.

She sounds like Zavala.

Winter: I was forced here to watch my own blood fail.

But they won.

Weiss: But we won.

Winter: Only an amateur would call that that a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed.

Winter goes on to assault Weiss more. That explains Weiss's personality. She looked at Ruby.

Winter: So this is the leader you wrote about. How appropriately underwelming. And who are you?

I was getting pissed from her constant assault of insults.

Austin: Classified. Soldier.

Ghost: Real smooth.

Winter: Did you just mock me?

???: She's not yours kid. She's mine.

I noticed a drunk man coming towards us.

Austin: The hell are you talking about?

I got out of the way to see them fighting. People are going to get hurt wtih them breaking property easily. First I can't compete, then her, now that drunk man. I saw that they got close. I jumped in between then with Fist of Havoc.

Austin: ENOUGH!

As I slammed my fist to the ground, they were immobile but not hurt when the general showed up.

Ironwood: What is going on here?

Austin: Get your men out of here. Now!

People were scared of the situation at hand.

Ozpin: Now, now. We have a different fight in the arena. With better seats and popcorn.

The hell is going on?

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