Chapter Five: Ready Up

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Austin's POV

I noticed that I was at the Tower. Looking around, I saw no-one else was around, aside from the Speaker.


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Ghost. Where the hell is everyone?

Awkward silence followed.


Speaker: Greetings, Titan.

Oh shit, Hello!

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Oh shit, Hello!

Austin: Hello.... Speaker.

I got down on one knee to show respect for him.

Speaker: You know there is no need for that guardian.

I stood back up to face him.

Speaker: How are you enjoying Remnant?


Austin: How.... do you know where I am?

Speaker: I have my ways, just as the Traveler has its ways. You have forged a new path for yourself, and in the process made some new friends.

Austin: I wouldn't call them "friends". They're just aquaintances.

Speaker: The way you act towards those young ladies suggests otherwise guardian.

Austin: May I ask what that's supposed to mean?

Speaker: May you please take off the helmet, Titan?

Speaker: May you please take off the helmet, Titan?

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The Titan of Remnant: A Destiny X RWBY TaleWhere stories live. Discover now