Chapter Seventeen: Search And Destroy

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Yang's POV

We were being informed by 'Doctor' Oobleck of the mission. Austin was silent the whole time he spoke. We were stopped by team JNPR, Sun and Neptune. We talked as I noticed Austin was already in the Bullhead with Oobleck. He seems to be in a sad mood.

Austin's POV

As the airship took off, I had my weapons out checking the sights and ammunition count while thinking about the past.

Oryx: You are the hast hope of the light?! I have conquered planets! You're not worthy to face me!

Ozpin: You have a different team now and they trust you with their lives just as you trust them with yours.

Kissinger: It's been an honor serving with you.

Oryx: Come Warrior of Light! I will finish what Crota has started!

Crota: Insolent Pest.

I hear the screams of agony as my men were being slaughtered again.

Yang: Austin.

Austin: What?

Yang: You okay?

I felt her hand touch mine.

Austin: Yeah.

I grabbed Party Crasher and reloaded it. Oobleck was talking about the mission and noticed my weapon.

Oobleck: Those are rather unique pieces of weaponry young man.

Austin: Thanks.

I didn't feel like talking.

Once we landed, I had Ghost put on my armor. Oobleck was giving Ruby hell for having a bag when Zwei popped out her bag. Oobleck went on another caffeine binge about Zwei when I noticed Grimm ahead us.

Austin: Grimm ahead. Stay back.

Oobleck: Wait!

Austin: What?

Oobleck: We wait. We track it. Find its pack.

Austin: How long will that be?

Oobleck: Could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, heck it could even be months before it leads to its pack. And there's the pack.

We noticed several more came out to the street.

Weiss: What now Oobleck?

Austin: Open fire!

I grabbed Red Death and shot a couple Beowulves with the entire clip. I reloaded and switched to Party Crasher and shot off the upper torso of another one and punched a straggler creating a force barrier. The girls took care of the rest together while Oobleck did nothing.

Oobleck: On to the next sector.

Yang: You know doc, I was looking forward to seeing a pro huntsman in action. Like fighting or at least helping us fight.

Oobleck: Ahh but I am in action. Scouting the area for irregularities. Not every mission is daring and heroic.

He's not a huntsman.

Oobleck: Remember this is a job. And you signed up for it.

As we took care of several more packs Oobleck started questioning people of their reasons to join. I ignored it till he got to Yang.

Oobleck: Tell me, Yang: Why did you choose this line of work?

Yang: Huh? Well, to fight monsters and save-

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