Chapter Ten: The Raid Gone Wrong

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Yang's POV

The ghost began to play a film. It was showing it from the ghost's point of view. It showed Austin on an unknown ship. Probably his. He was talking to his teammates as if he was their leader.

Austin: Ghost. ETA to the Hellmouth?

Ghost: ETA 5 minutes.

We got to see Austin's face. He had a black buzzcut hair and dark blue eyes. A scar across his face. He actually looked kinda cute. I don't understand why he doesn't put down the hood.

Austin: Thank you Ghost. Guys. I need your subclasses so I can get a plan going.

???: Striker

???: Gunslinger

???: Nightstalker

???: Voidwalker

???: Stormcaller

Austin: So 2 of each. Good. I'll be running Defender subclass so heres the plan. If Eris is correct, the Hellmouth will be filled with enough Thralls to destroy an entire planet, so we need to move through and move through fast. The catch is the area is pure darkness and our light will be weighted down. They'll be lamps to remove the dark weight but the lamps themselves are ticking time bombs so we need to move as one. Everyone ready?

???x5: Ready.

Austin: Alright, let's kill us a dark prince.

He had on different armor than he did during iniation. He landed on a pad that was glowing and met up with his team. A bridge formed from nowhere as they all ran towards a hole. The Titan spoke to Austin.

???: Ladies first.

Austin: Then you need to get moving, Drex.

He jumped through and we noticed that the video was getting darker. He was descending into pure darkness. We heard a slight crack as he landed.

Austin: Ow!

It had to have hurt him along with everybody else. The place was dark with one single lamp off in the distance as the only source of light. I noticed Ruby holding on to me.

Ruby: Yang. I'm scared.

Yang: It's okay Ruby.

Austin looked at his team.

Austin: This'll be a bitch. I can already tell. Let's go.

As they ran towards the first lamp, we heard screams as zombie like creatures came sprinting towards him. He fired his burst fire weapon killing a lot of them but more of them came out than he was killing.

Austin: Putting down a Ward of Dawn!

He puts his hands together amd spreads them apart creating a giant purple bubble. The team got in as the "Thralls" as he called them came running in. Something with the bubble was blinding them as he punched them one by one.

???: We gotta go!

Austin: Copy that! Move it!

They ran to another lamp and did the same thing. They rinsed and repeat until they got to a similar platform.

Austin: Deploying Ward!

???: Summoning Stormcaller!

We watched as the warlock electrified the Thralls. There was a giant monstrosity heading their way but were destroyed quickly. They were professionals. There's no doubt about it. They ran through the bridge until the film just showed white for a good 5 seconds. The film continued with them at a lit location. Two platforms on each side of the empty gap.

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