Part 3 - Battle of the Fairies

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"Oh hey! You guys made it back!" yells a small blue hair mage.
"Hey Levy! Yeah we took (Y/N) on a quest, she was good." says Lucy.
"Oh hi, I don't think I introduced myself, I'm Levy, and this is Jet and Droy." Levy says and gestures towards 2 men standing behind her as they nod.
"Hi." smiles reader.
"Oh Lucy! Are joining in the Miss Fairy Tail contest?" askes Mira.
"What?.. oh yeah! I forgot about it, I got busy with (Y/N), sigh me up Mira!" Lucy says then runs off.
"Are you gonna sign up too, (Y/N)?" askes Levy.
"No, I'm too young and new here.. no one knows me yet to win some popularity contest heh." says reader.
"Okay, well that's fine, there's always next year." smiles Levy.

Later on reader goes up to Mira and askes if there's anything that needs to be done.
"Oh yeah! You can help me behind the counter when the festival starts, I'll need the extra hands." says Mira.
"Okay, awesome!" responds reader.

The next day the festival starts and the Miss Fairy Tail contest is on and reader is behind the counter with Mira.
"Looks like I'm gonna be up soon. I'll be quick!" says Mira as she walks off.
"Good luck Mira!" yells reader.

As reader hears Mira's time finished on stage, she finishes up cleaning the bar. Then the next contestant went on the stage, then the next. Reader started to wonder when was Mira coming back to the bar. Then Lucy was up then suddenly the crowd goes quiet and a name is mentioned.
Reader looks around and sees a woman on stage next to Lucy. Lucy is yelling at the woman that is Evergreen. Suddenly Grey yells out.
"Lucy! don't look her in the eyes!"
Lucy is already turned into stone.
"Lucy!" yells reader.
Then Evergreen reveals the other Miss Fairy Tail contenders turned into stone.
"Oh no!" says reader.
Then reader hears Laxus' booming voice "The real festival begins now!"
Reader looks towards Laxus and sees two other male mages next to him, joining Evergreen on stage. Laxus then tells his plan of starting a Fairy Tail battle, keeping the stone girls as hostage. Reader sits hidden behind the bar listening to Laxus.
"The rules are simple.. the last survivor wins."
As he says these words, reader moves and accidently makes a noise. Laxus looks over at the bar.
"Come out from hiding" he says.
Reader slowly gets up.
"Hey, there's that pretty little face, come here." says Laxus smirking.
Reader stays where she's at.
"Fine.. Evergreen." he says.
Evergreen walks over to reader.
"Well well, seems we have a stubborn brat." Evergreen says as she slowly removes her glasses as she gets closer to reader.
"Light shine!"
A fast shine of light towards Evergreen's face.
"Ahhhhhh! That brat!!" Evergreen yells and covers her eyes.
Laxus laughs then says "Seems she wants to participate, oh well."
Then Laxus looks at reader.
"By the way, I do like your magic."
Reader feels her face become red then there's a loud bang and Natsu pops up.
"I'm ready!" Natsu says.
Then Natsu charges for Laxus and in an instant Natsu is down. Rules are mentioned by the thunder legion then a bright light shines similar to readers magic but brighter then the words are said from Laxus.
"Fairy Tail battle starts!"
As it vanishes, Laxus and the thunder legion are nowhere to be seen. The rest of the guild runs out after Laxus. Reader decides to stay behind with the stoned statues, suddenly master can't get out and there's an enchantment saying no one over 80 or stone statues can pass. Natsu wakes.
"Where is everybody?" he says looking confused.
"Natsu.. go get Laxus! Crush him!" says master.
"Oh yeah!!!" yells natsu
He's running for the door then suddleny slams to stop where master couldn't pass.
"What?!!" says the ones still around.
Natsu can't pass the same enchantment that master and the girls can't pass through.
"How can you not pass?!" yells reader.
"Why aren't you out there (Y/N)?!" Natsu yells back at reader.
Reader goes quiet and thinks to herself, what if I'm not strong enough? Then master says something.
"Leave her alone, Natsu. Reedus!" master says.
Master gives orders to Reedus to go get help from Porlyusica. Reedus then leaves to get help out of town. Natsu still banging the invisible wall. Reader sits on the stage near the girls that have been turned into stone looking thinking that could've been her if she entered. Why does she feel so weak?
"It's gonna be alright (Y/N), this is not your fault. When you're ready, you'll know." Master says to reader.
He has a worried look on his face watching the enchantment board as it updates. The Fairy Tail members are putting each other out and the board shows who is still standing. Then reader wonders what Laxus is thinking.

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