Part 15 - Surprise Encounter

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Reader looks at the three walking towards her. Reader's heart was pounding when she seen Laxus.
"Sleep spell. Evergreen." was all she could say.
They knew right away that they had to get her out of the sleep spell. Laxus orders Freed then he walks towards his enchantment then knocked all the men out that were still standing. Reader looked at Evergreen right away then kneeled next to her.
"Evergreen." Reader said shaking her arm.
Evergreen slowly opens up her eyes. Then suddenly she sits up.
"Ugh, what happened?" she says holding her head.
"Sorry, I couldn't stop your fall. You were put under a sleep spell." Reader says then she looks at Laxus again.
Evergreen follows reader's gaze and spots Laxus.
"Laxus!" she jumps up and hugs him.
"Come on, Evergreen, you just woke up from a sleep spell." says Laxus.
Then Laxus looks at reader as Evergeen let's go of him.
"Did you guys really start dressing her up?" askes Laxus.
"Don't look as us, that was all Evergreen." says Bixlow.
"Never mind that, tell me what all happened! Why is Laxus here and why is there a bunch of knocked out men lying around?" says Evergreen.
"Well from our side, after you guys left the restaurant, we headed out after we were done our meal but we ended up bumping into Laxus on his way into the buffet." says Freed.
"Then Freed hugged him so tightly." says Bixlow then he starts laughing.
"You did too." says Laxus.

"Let go of me, you guys are making a scene." says Laxus embarrassed.
Freed and Bixlow finally let go of Laxus.
"What are you doing here?" askes Freed.
"Yeah, thought you'd be somewhere further by now." says Bixlow.
"I was but had to do some business here, heard some men are looking for me. Apparently they still think I'm a part of Fairy Tail and they're talking trash." says Laxus.
"Well that's not good. Nobody disses Fairy Tail and gets away with it." says Bixlow.
"Exactly." says Laxus as he starts looking around.
"Where's Evergreen?" He askes.
"Oh they left earlier, they wanted to explore the town." says Bixlow.
"They?" Laxus says confused.
"Did you already forget? Your orders were to keep (Y/N) safe. So now we're accompanying her." says Freed.
"Well looks like she's not with you now. How long have they been gone?" askes Laxus.
"Lost track due to food, but we were just on our way out to go look for them." says Bixlow.
Laxus turns around to look which way they might have gone. Suddenly a bright light, that almost looked like daylight, flashed further down near the edge of town.
"Isn't that (Y/N)'s magic? It feels stronger since the battle." says Laxus.
"We've been training her, but why would she use it now?" says Freed.
Then Laxus starts running towards where the readers magic came from. Bixlow and Freed followed right after.

They make it to where the magic came from. Then they spot Evergreen on the ground with some men also on the ground near Evergreen. All knocked out. Then they spot some men standing around reader while she's on her knees and a magic chain around her neck. A man is standing in front of reader getting near her face. Once Laxus spot this he became really angry, he struck his lighting bolts around reader to hit the men around her. Bixlow sent his babies to attack, then they see reader attack a man once she was free. Freed did a fast enchantment to capture the fleeing men. Laxus is surprised reader was still ready to fight once she was free from the chain. Laxus was thinking, he never wanted to see her in a vulnerable position ever again. Then he hears reader say "Sleep spell. Evergreen."
"Freed, take the rest out." Laxus says.
Freed follows his orders right away.
"Damn." says Bixlow
Evergreen is now up which makes Laxus happy. Now she's hugging him and he's annoyed again. Laxus then looks at reader and she's wearing girly clothes. Evergreen's doing, he thought.

"So what happened here then?" askes Evergreen.
They all look at reader which makes her nervous.
"We we're just walking, all of sudden Evergreen was down, then these men show up asking about Laxus. Then they seen my guild mark and said something about payback." says reader.
The thunder legion look around and Laxus is still looking at reader making her nervous, then he looks around as well.

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