Part 63 - First Date

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The fight with Fairy Tail and Sabertooth continues. Natsu challenges both of the twin dragons to a fight with Gajeel lost somewhere.

"I still can't believe he did that to Gajeel.. but did you see how Gajeel got too sick to jump off?" reader says as she tries to not laugh.
"Oh (Y/N), how you see the positive side of that." says Mira smiling at reader.

Natsu and Sting continue the battle. Natsu also easily attacks Rouge. Everyone watching is impressed with Natsu's strength. Natsu continues with his impressive power against Sting and Rouge. Suddenly, Sting and Rouge are now combining their powers to create a huge spell.

"Natsu get out of the way!" yells Happy

The twin dragons then cast the powerful spell and it's heading straight for Natsu. Everyone can do nothing but watch.. then everyone starts to do the 'watching over you' sign of Fairy Tail. Just as the spell almost hit Natsu, he casted a fast powerful spell, overpowering the twin dragons spell. The lamcrema camera's went out. Then it came back on. Showing the twin dragons falling to the ground.

"Unbelievable! The last man standing is Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel! Making Fairy Tail in first place in the games!" says the announcer.
Reader starts jumping for joy with Freed and Bixlow.
Everyone is cheering as this was the end to the fourth day of the games.

Reader walks out into the town and spots Laxus waiting for her by her inn.
"Well you sure got here fast." Reader says to Laxus.
"Well we did make plans, didn't we?" says Laxus.
Reader thinks back to the night before.


Reader and Laxus are lying the bed, cuddling.
"So looks like you've forgiven me. Did you really have to carry me like a potato sack today? The guys were right. That's not how you treat a lady." says reader.
"I think they said carry not treat." says Laxus.
"Tomato potatoes" says reader.
Laxus laughs at reader.
"You know, I never did take you out on a date." says Laxus.
"Wasn't us fighting a date?"
Laxus laughs again.
"You're crazy if you think that was a date. It was fun but I need to be more romantic with you."
"Stop, you're getting me shy."
Laxus kisses reader on the lips then looks at her.
"Don't worry, I'll make the plans for tomorrow. We have a rest day after tomorrow so we don't have to worry about being late for the games."
"Yeah that's true. I'll leave things to you then Laxus."
Laxus kisses reader again then looks at her with a smile.
"What's that look for?" asks reader.
"I'm ready to go another round." says Laxus.
Reader laughs as Laxus throws the blanket over them and continues to kiss her again.

End of Flashback.

"Are you ready for our date?" asks Laxus.
"Aww how cute. Our little girl is growing up." says Bixlow who've been walking with Freed behind reader.
Reader laughs at Bixlow's comment.
"Oh hey, fellas." Laxus says to Freed and Bixlow.
"Laxus, I see you're taking (Y/N) out. What are the plans for the evening?" asks Freed.
"Can't tell ya. I'll let you know how it goes." says Laxus.
"I'm not dressed. What are we gonna do?" Reader asks Laxus.
"You're perfect just the way you are." says Laxus.
"Awwwww" says Bixlow with his babies.
Laxus smiles.
"Let's go." Laxus says as he leads the way.
"I'll see you guys." Reader says waving to Bixlow and Freed as she follows Laxus.
Freed and Bixlow wave back.
"Have fun you two!" says Freed.

Reader catches up to Laxus. Just as she's next to him, Laxus grabs readers hand.
"So what do you have planned?" asks reader.
"A few things. Ever heard of the game cat and mouse?" says Laxus.
"Well this one's gonna be a little different. I'll be the cat and you be the mouse."
"Why do I gotta be the mouse?" asks reader.
"Cause I'm the one gonna be chasing ya. Try not to get caught. The city is the limit."
"The city? Do you know how big it is?"
"Yeah. So you up for it? You can use magic but don't destroy anything. This isn't the Fairy Tail guild. It's Crocus."
Reader stays silent thinking.
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"Good. I'll give you a headstart."
Reader then uses her light body magic to get away from Laxus and makes it to a random spot in the city to hide. She waits and tries to sense Laxus' magic energy.
"If you're gonna hide at least find a better spot."
Reader hears Laxus voice behind her. She looks back and he's smiling. Reader then thinks fast and uses her light shine magic to blind him for a bit so she can escape using her light body magic again.
Laxus laughs then continues to chase her.
As the date game went on, reader was starting to get a little tired. There had been a few times where Laxus almost caught her. She ran into a few Fairy Tail members who helped her escape Laxus as well. Natsu was all too happy to help but of course Laxus dodged his firewall.
Reader makes it to the edge of town where she can see a body of water.
Is this a beach? Reader thought.
Just then reader felt arms hug her around her waist. It was now evening.
Reader stays silent.
"You sure got faster." says Laxus.
"Can't believe you got some of the members to help you." he continues.
"Well you did say I could use magic, you didn't say I only had to user mine." says reader a little out of breath, smiling.
"I had so much fun." says reader.
Laxus kisses her cheek. He then uses his lighting teleport.
Suddenly Laxus and reader are above the city standing on the tallest structure. Reader looks at the the city lights of Crocus.
"It's beautiful." Says reader as she gazes upon the city lights.
"Yeah, I knew you would like it. I had more planned but we spent so much time playing that game. Thought I was going to catch you in no time." says Laxus.
"Laxus.. shhhhh. Just enjoy this with me." says reader looking back at Laxus.
Laxus smiles at her then sits down, he grabs her to sit between his legs. They both enjoy the view together.
"So, shall we head to the usual bar after this. I bet everyone is celebrating for the win today." says reader.
"Let me enjoy this alone time for awhile. I still get pestered about actually dating someone."
"I wonder what it would've been like if I wasn't around."
"I don't know. Maybe things for me wouldn't be as much fun without you there."
"Do you really have fun with me?" says reader as she laughs.
"Of course. You're my light." says Laxus as he moves a bit to get something out of his coat. He then hold it in front of reader. Reader looks at the flower Laxus held in his hand.
"Aww Laxus. You didn't have to." says reader smiling, looking at the flower.
"I wanted to. This is a date. Don't you do flower stuff for this?" says Laxus.
"I don't know. I never been on a date before."
"Me neither."
Laxus and reader look at each other then laugh at their comments about never been on a date before. They continue to sit and enjoy the view more until the finally get up to join the rest of the Fairy Tail members to celebrate the 4th day of the games.

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