Part 27 - Those Years

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This one will be slightly longer but will go back to normal length after this. Thank you for the reads, votes and comments :) they mean so much! Hope you're still enjoying.

A guy jumps from a tree and lands in front of reader. It was Sting.
"Yes, you are the one they talk about." says Sting.
"Who is they? And what do they say about me?" says reader.
"They say there's a mysterious female wizard who walks around by herself looking beautiful every time, rare to see. Calling her Halleys comet." says Sting coming closer with a flower in his hand.
"Oh? Is the flower for me?" asks reader.
"Why yes." Sting says with a smile bringing it closer to her face.
"I don't want it." Reader says as she continues to walk.
"Wait, what?"
"You heard me."
Reader continues to walk.
"(Y/N), stop." says Sting.
Reader stops and turns around.
"So you do remember me, I was starting to think I did damage from that time I punched you in face 1 and a half years ago." says reader.
"How could I forget? You were pretty back then and your prettier now." says Sting.
Reader suddenly thinks about Laxus when she hears the word 'pretty'.
"I'll be going now. I have a job." says reader.
"Is Fairy Tail still getting lots of jobs?" askes Sting.
Reader stays quiet.
"Cause you know, since you guys lost alot of your wizards, Sabertooth had been getting more job requests. And I'd hate to see a pretty face of yours go down the dumps with Fairy Tail. You should join me, in Sabertooth." says Sting.
"Like hell I will. You could shove that invite where the sun doesn't shine. Fairy Tail is my family I'm not gonna change guilds just because the others disappeared." says reader.
"Yeah I heard about what happened to Natsu and them. It's a pity really. It's good news for Sabertooth, now we have a chance to be top guild. I'm gonna say again, join me." says Sting holding his hand out to reader.
"You're an asshole." says reader.
She turns into light body and gets away from Sting.
Sting is still standing there.
"She'll make a great Sabertooth wizard, I'll make her mine and a part of Sabertooth one day." he says to himself.

After her job, reader makes it back to the guild.
"What do you mean we lost the guild hall?"
Reader hears this as she enters, seeing it was Bisca who yelled that.
"A messenger came in regarding the guild. We have 5 more months to find a new hall, this one is just too much to keep up with payments." says Macao.
"Well I better get married before we leave this hall. I have so many memories here, I wanna make my wedding one of them." says Bisca.
"I'm 100% behind you on that, no matter where we have the guild, we still have each other." says reader.
"Then it's settled! Let's have the wedding tomorrow." says Alzack.
"Yay!" cheers come from the remaining guild members.
"It's been a year since the S-class trail. It'll be great to have something to celebrate now finally." says reader.
"You're right on that!" says Bisca.

The wedding was the next day, reader, Kinana and Laki were Bisca's bridesmaids. They had a great time and partied the night away.

Year X786
The 5 months passed and Fairy Tail was moved to a new building outside of Magnolia. Macao got a loan from another guild, reader and Bisca tried to tell him not to but he wouldn't listen. Fairy Tail struggles to keep some clients. Things are slowly taking its toll.

Year X787
Another year has passed it, some of the wizards didn't like the new hall so they quit. Reader kept going on jobs to get money for the guild to keep it up. Bisca and Alzack had a daughter. Romeo was still in touch with the guilds Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale for the searching of the Tenrou team. The loaner guild started harassing Fairy Tail whenever they could, they wouldn't when Bisca and reader were around. Reader hardly stayed at the guild because she was always going.

A year passed, reader even started to hear the rumor about herself in the guild about being rare to see and the nickname that cane with it.

In the guild.
Reader is sitting with Bisca.
"So I want to ask you a favor." says Bisca.
"Is it babysitting? Then yes! I love Auska." Says reader.
"No, it's not that. It's something else."
"Well what is it?"
"I know you've been out and about on your jobs but the grand magic games are coming up."
Reader stays quiet. She knows about the grand magic games but she never wanted to compete because it interferes with her jobs.
"I'm asking nicely, we have been coming in last place since they started and you're the strongest wizard we've got here."
"I'm not the strongest." says reader.
"Yes you are. What do you say? Will you join us this year in the grand magic games?" says Bisca.
"Are you asking (Y/N) to be in the games this year?" asks Alzack walking up to them Asuka.
"Sure am, but she hasn't answered yet." says Bisca.
"Yeah come on, (Y/N). We need you." says Jet joining the conversation with Droy and Laki.
Now they're all looking at her in hopes she says yes. Reader looks at them all and her eyes lands on Auska. Auska then smiles and says "please?."
Reader was gonna say yes but seeing Auska smile and asked made her want to even more.
"You got it Auska! Just for you." Says reader.
Everyone starts cheering.
"Yes! She's finally going to compete!"

The grand magic games were upon them. Reader is teamed up with Bisca, Jet, Laki and Max. They were standing waiting to enter the arena for introductions of the teams.
"Well well well, if it isn't the lovely Halleys comet herself."
Reader knew exactly who that was.
"What do you want, Sting?" reader says without turning around.
"You know Sting?!" says her teammates.
Reader ignores her teammates.
"May I say hi as well?"
Reader turns around and sees Rogue.
"Hello Rogue." Reader says.
"Hello (Y/N), I haven't forgotten you since the day we met. How could I when Sting talks about you a lot." says Rogue.
"You know both of the dragon twins?!" says her teammates.
"I met them when I first joined the guild. I never mentioned it cause we were just kids." says reader.
"It's a pleasure to see you again." Rogue says as he grabs her hand and kisses it.
Everyone is shocked to see the interaction.
"Hey don't be kissing her in front of me Rogue!" says Sting.
"I hope to see you later." says Rogue ignoring Sting.
Rogue turns to walk away.
"Come on Sting." he says.
"Don't be ordering me around." says Sting.
Then Sting come close to reader and tilts her head up with his hand looking in her eyes.
"I hope to see these pretty eyes in the battle ground. Show you who you should be with."
Reader moves her head away.
"See ya later." says Sting walking away.
Reader stands there angered. Once the dragon twins were away.
"Why didn't you guys tell me they were gonna be here?" asks reader.
Max then says "We didn't know you knew them. They're incredibly strong. They're the favorite of the grand magic games. They're in the guild called.."
"Sabertooth." says reader cutting off Max.
"What's wrong?" asks Bisca.
"Let's just hope I don't face Sting in any of this." says reader.

The games go on for the week and finish. Fairy Tail still ended in last place.

"Just like you didn't want, you faced Sting in both the games and the battle rounds." says Bisca.
"Now I know why you didn't wanna face him." says Laki.
"I didn't know he would be a weakness of yours." says Jet.
"He's not my weakness! All he did was eat my magic, whatever spell I used, he ate! I couldn't fight him physically cause he was powered up from my magic." says reader.
Reader walks away to head back home to Fairy Tail and the rest follow.

Year X790
"Can you stay a little longer between jobs? Auska is starting to miss her aunt." says Bisca.
"Aww, I'm sorry Auska. Did you miss me?" says reader.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" says Auska hugging reader.
Asuka is about 4 years old now. 6 years since the trail.
Not a day goes by where reader thinks about the old days. Reader is missing everyone so much.

"So who wants to enter the grand magic games this year?" asks Macao.
"I'm out." says reader "last year was embarassing! Ugh, Sting!"
"Yeah, he kept eating your magic and hitting on you." says Wabaka.
"He's a jerk." says reader "So, no for me this year. Last year was my first and last time."
"That's what you expect from the rare gem" says Jet.
Everyone else decides who should go in the games, even thought Fairy Tails been losing since they started.
"I'm gonna be leaving, I'll be back maybe on my birthday."
"You just had your birthday! Are you talking about a year?"
"Yeah, it's a 2 year job but you know me."
Reader leaves the guild on another journey.

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