Part 67 - First Half Normal. Second Half Lemon

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It's the last day of the grand magic games. Reader is waking up to start the day.
"Good morning. Are you ready for today?" says Laxus
Reader looks over to Laxus and smiles.
"Yes, let's get ready and head out." says reader
Laxus smiles back at her.
"Alright." he says

After Laxus and reader are done getting ready, they are now standing outside the inn.
"Looks like the games are about to start. You should go meet the others for the team entry announcement." reader says to Laxus.
Laxus grabs reader and lifts her up then kisses her. Reader kisses him back wrapping her arms round his neck.
"Eww, I didn't wanna see that."
Reader and Laxus stop to see Natsu standing there. Laxus puts reader down.
"It's not bad, in fact, I think it's romantic." says Mira as she and Wendy walk up next to Natsu. Pantherlily, Happy and Carla are flying above.
"Are you ready?" Wendy asks reader
"Yeah, I'm ready." says reader
Reader starts to walk towards them, then reader feels her hand get grabbed by Laxus, reader turns her head to look back at him.
"Good luck, make it back safe with everyone." says Laxus
"Thanks, good luck to you today. Make us proud. Make me proud." says reader
Mira and Wendy start to say good luck to Laxus as well.
"Tell everyone else on the team we said 'good luck'." Mira says to Laxus
Laxus nods.
"Hey! We don't need luck, were Fairy Tail! We can do this, let's go!" says Natsu as he starts to run off.
Laxus smiles.
"He's got a point. So get going." says Laxus

The girls all run after Natsu, Laxus watches as they all run off to the same destination, then he turns to head to the arena where the last day of the games will be starting soon.


Back at the Sun Bar Master is coming up with the plan.
"We need to make another team. A secret rescue mission team. The team in the games will still be competing as normal. Laxus, Erza, Natsu, Gajeel and Grey. You will keep face.."
"Screw that! I'm going on the mission team to save Lucy and you can't stop me!" yells Natsu cutting master mid sentence.
Master is silent.
"Fine. Natsu will be a part of the rescue mission." says master
"Wouldn't that look a little suspicious that Natsu isn't competing?" asks Carla
"I don't think it would." says Grey
Everyone looks at Grey.
"Well think about it. Natsu's magic was drained near that machine. So it would look like he hasn't recovered." continues Grey
"That is true, it would be easy to have a strong wizard on the rescue mission too." says Erza
"So who else is going on this mission during the games?" asks Gajeel
"Natsu isn't the only strong wizard, I will also go." says reader
Laxus looks surprised at reader.
"I want to go with (Y/N)." says Wendy
"Me too." says Mira
"Alright, Natsu, (Y/N), Wendy and Mira will be the rescue mission team." says Master
"You guys aren't leaving without us." says Pantherlily gesturing towards himself, Happy and Carla
"Of course." says Master
"That's my cat, a true Fairy Tail member." says Gajeel
"That's great and all but who's gonna fill in for Natsu in the games?" asks Laxus
"I will, for my darling Grey." says Juvia
"Don't only do it for me!" says Grey embarrassed.

Later back at the inn room. Reader crawls into bed and lies flat on her stomach once her and Laxus walked into the room. Laxus shuts the door behind them.
"You guys took awhile in your meeting with the first." says reader
"She surprised us with a last minute meeting. I didnt know how long it was gonna be.. So you're going on the rescue mission." says Laxus as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed.
Reader turns her head to Laxus.
"That's the plan, I want to make sure our family members make it back safe. I'm not staying behind like what happened with the S class trial." says reader
"That makes sense.." says Laxus then he goes silent.
Reader notices this then sits up on the bed.
"Is something on your mind?" asks reader
"I'm just thinking about you."
"Couple of things. First, you won't be there to watch me during the final match. Second, I hope you don't get captured yourself."
Reader is silent after hearing this.
I never thought Laxus would feel this way. Reader thought.
"I'm sorry. I should've thought of how you would feel." says reader reaching to hug Laxus from behind.
"It's ok. I know you're strong." says Laxus.
Reader takes Laxus coat off then starts to rub his back. Laxus sits and enjoys having reader's hands massage his back.
Laxus starts to unbutton his shirt while reader is still behind him.
Laxus stands up and turns around to face reader. She looks up at him as he takes off his shirt and let's it fall to the floor. She looks at Laxus' bare chest. He then crawls on the bed coming close to reader's face.
Laxus then kisses reader's lips and she kisses him back. Then without words they both move to have reader lie on her back with Laxus on top of her still kissing. Reader has her hands on the side of his face, she then moves his face a little away from hers to stop the kissing.
"What's the matter?" asks Laxus
"Nothing." says reader smiling.
He smiles back then gives her a peck on the lips.
"Just make sure you come back safe." says Laxus

(Lemon Part)
Reader then kisses him again. Then Laxus moves to kiss her neck then moves down to her chest.
Laxus starts to move his hands to feel reader's body as he starts to kiss her breasts over her shirt, softly. Reader lets out a small moan feeling the sensation of Laxus' touch and movements, then he gets up and removes her shirt and then her pants. Laxus then continues to kiss reader on the lips as he moves his hands all over her body. He then moves to his hand down between her legs over her underwear, rubbing her. Reader moans and moves as he then moves her underwear aside to feel her becoming wet. Laxus felt the warmness and felt himself become hard for her. Laxus then removes his pants letting his hardness free. Laxus then climbs over reader again and grinds against her.
"Are you ready?" asks Laxus with a soft tone.
Reader nods her head. Laxus then enters inside her making reader gasp as Laxus then moves slowly out. Laxus then continues to thrust slowly in and out, making himself moan and he enters deeper with every thrust. Reader is starting to feel more pleasure as he does this. Reader has her hand on Laxus back, grabbing him closer to her as he then goes faster in and out of her. Laxus' moans are more sound as reader's is too. Laxus then stops and moves to lie on his back, he grabs reader to get on top of him. Reader is surprised. He then slips himself inside her making reader moan as she feels like he is deeper inside her. She can't take how good it feels as Laxus can't too with every move reader does on top of him with the help of Laxus guiding her how to move. Reader has an orgasm as he still thrusts inside her.
"Laxus.." reader moans holding onto Laxus' chest
Laxus then let's out a loud moan signalling that he also finished. Reader falls forward to lie on his chest. Laxus then wraps his arms around her and they stay in this embrace for awhile. They both then move to sleep and grab the blanket to cover themselves. Reader feels Laxus kiss her behind her head. Reader then closes her eyes to fall asleep.

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