Part 56 - 9999

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Back to the games.
Reader is standing looking up at the upside down castle.
The rules are then explained. There are 100 monsters in the castle. Members get to choose how many monsters they have to battle with. There are different classes of difficulties. The D levels were bad and there is stronger monsters than that in the castle. Once you go in with your choice of monsters, you have to defeat them all and they are picked at random level. If you lose you're out to make anymore points.
"Now to choose which order members go!" says the mascot holding a box of sticks that have numbers on them.
Reader grabs a sick that says 8 which means she goes last and Erza is holding the stick that says 1 which means she goes first.Reader looks at Erza and Erza looks back at her.
"You have nothing to worry about." says Erza.
"Right." says reader.
"This is no longer a game. Inside this castle, waits 100 monsters. I chose to challenge.. all of them!" says Erza.
Everyone is shocked to what Erza said. Reader is thinking. No wonder why she said not to worry.

Erza then enters the castle. Reader watches the lacrema visions. Erza then destroys monsters by the numbers. Using different armors. Erza is now fighting the rest of the monsters outside the floating castle. She easily destroys them all except one. The S class monster. Everyone is in shock and amazement watching Erza fight.
"Come at me!" she says to the small black monster.
It then transform to a huge powerful monster. Erza battles it with all her strength. Eventually, Erza defeats the S class monster, defeating all 100 monsters.
Reader is cheering for Erza. The crowd and everyone is amazed and cheering for Erza, remembering her at Titania, queen of the fairies.
"Erza!!" yells reader running to Erza.
Team A ran towards Erza as well.
"You're so awesome!"
"Yay!" They say to Erza.
Then the crowd chants Erza's name over and over again.
The mascot then runs over to the rest of the wizards in the game. Including reader.
"Okay, after some deliberation, the 7 remaining teams still need to be ranked, so we're having another contest, this game might be boring but it'll suffice."
Then a small machine appears in front of them.
"What is that thing?" says Olga.
"Does this thing measures magic power?" asks Jura.
"Right!" says the mascot.
Reader is standing next to Hibiki.
"So this is a contest of strength. I wonder if I can work around it.." he says then he looks at reader "but the real question is are you free later on tonight?" Hibiki asks reader.
Reader then looks away.
"Please. Don't waste my time." says reader.
Gajeel laughs.
"Hey, she sounds like someone who would be your girlfriend." says Gajeel.
"It's a pain seeing her getting hit on." says Laxus.
"She is beautiful." says Juvia.

The contestants start to use their magic in the same order they had during pandemonium. Mermaid Heel gets 365 points. Quatro Puppy gets 124 points. Blue Pegasus gets 95 points.
Hibiki then runs to reader and hugs her in tears.
"Uhhh..." she says as she looks at Laxus.
Laxus looks annoyed.
"You better let go man!" Bixlow yells from the stand.
Reader ends up pushing him off anyways.
Raven Tail then gets 4 points. Sabertooth gets 3825 points. Lamia Scale then gets 8544 points.
Reader looks around.
"The final challenger is Fairy Tails Team B, (Y/N) (Y/LN)!" says the announcer.
"You got this (Y/N)!" yells Mira and Juvia.
Reader then walks up the machine. She stops and turns and looks at Laxus. Laxus nods his head as to give her the go ahead.
Reader then looks at the machine then raises her arm up.
"Solar!.." yells reader and a bright glow forms from her body, powering up.
"Lighting!.." then lighting comes from her body as well surrounding and connecting with her light magic, powering up the spell more.
"What is this power?" asks Erza.
The audience watches in shock.
"Is that Laxus' power combined with hers?" asks Master shocked.
Everyone else feels her her powerful magic growing.
"Comet!" Reader says her last spell word then the whole magic forms bigger and brighter making a huge comet shaped magic shine and it hits the machine. Causing a big blast throughout the arena.
Once things clear up. The magic then displays 9999 points but the numbers are still moving as of it wants to go higher.
"Oh my goodness! I can't believe it ladies and gentlemen! The mpf is history! This guild is beyond incredible! Taking today's events by storm! Is this their true strength? Can anybody stop them now?" says the announcer.
"There's no stopping us! Once you throw something at us well just throw it right back! Fairy Tail will be number 1 again!" yells reader.
Everyone is cheering.
"Looks like (Y/N) used her nickname to her advantage! Haley's Comet is not only beautiful but powerful!" says the announcer.
Reader turns around and bows to the crowd. Laxus smiles as he watches her.

The during the first battle that goes on between Mermaid Heel and Quatro Puppy.
Reader is back in Team B's stand.
"You were amazing!" says Mira.
"Yours and Laxus' magic really compliment each other. Just like me and my darling Grey." says Juvia.
"So, that spell you used to win. That was Laxus' magic?" asks Gajeel.
"Yeah, somewhat it's mine now with that spell." says reader.
"You're able to use other elements in your magic like us, are you also a dragon slayer?" asks Gajeel.
"No.. not a dragon slayer." says reader.
"She has a hidden power, it hasn't been awoken yet. The only ones who know about her power are (Y/N), gramps and myself." says Laxus.
"You know?" reader asks Laxus.
"Of course. Why do you think I knew you could absorb my magic?" says Laxus.
"You're amazing." says reader as she grabs Laxus' arm and rests her head on him.
"Get a room." says Gajeel.
"We already did." says Laxus.
"Laxus!" says reader.
"I'm kidding!" says Laxus laughing.
The battle ends with Mermaid Heel taking the win.

The next battle goes on between Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus.
Sabertooth's Roofus wins the battle against Eve.

After the arena clears up.
"Now for the 3rd match of the day! Bringing the lighting, Fairy Tail B's Laxus Dreyar Vs Raven Tail's mysterious Alexi!" says the announcer.
"Looks like it's my turn to bring in the points." says Laxus as he walks to enter the arena.
"Good luck Laxus!" says Mira.
"He's got this." says Gajeel.
Reader watches him walk then he stops and turns.
"Oh yeah, babe. I'll expect a reward kiss when I win." says Laxus as he turns back to leave.
Mira, Gajeel and Juvia all look at reader smiling. Readers face goes red.
"Quit staring will ya? You're making me nervous." says reader.
"Awe I think it's cute!" says Mira.
"Who knew Laxus would actually be someone's boyfriend, let alone like someone." says Gajeel.
"I remember when (Y/N) had the biggest crush on him 7 years ago." says Mira.
"What?!" says reader.
"Oh yeah. I knew." says Mira.
"You had a crush on him even when he was the biggest jerk?!" asks Gajeel.
"Uh... let's just watch the battle." Reader says as she turns towards the arena where Laxus is already standing in the arena across Raven Tail's Alexi.

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