Part 46 - Crocus

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They made it to Crocus and just as everyone is off the train with their luggage.
"Now remember, not a word to Fairy Tail A about the second team. They have no idea, let's keep it that way." says master.
"You got it." says Bixlow and others.
"Don't be go telling your boyfriend, Juvia." says Gajeel.
"Juvia will obey master's wishes." Juvia says as she puts her hand over her heart.
"Will you obey mine?" Laxus asks reader secretly.
"Shush!" says reader.
"Shall we explore Crocus?" Freed says coming up to Laxus.
"Yeah, sure." replies Laxus.
Reader starts to follow Laxus and the others but then she feels a tap on her shoulder. Reader turns her head and sees it was Mira and Lisanna.
"We're going to go shopping. Care to join us?" asks Mira.
Reader then looks back at Laxus and he's standing there with his arms crossed waiting for her. Reader looks back at Mira.
"Sure! I need some new clothes anyways. Most of my clothes got ruined from training." says reader.
"Great! This will be fun!" says Lisanna.
Reader starts to walk along with Lisanna and Mira.
"You need a real man to escort you girls!" says Elfman.
"Come along Elfman." says Mira.
The four are walking and they pass the thunder legion and Laxus, who were waiting for reader.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go shopping with the Strauss', I'll meet up with you later." Reader says with a smile.
"What?! (Y/N)! You're going shopping without me? Oh no. I'm coming with you." says Evergreen.
Laxus, Bixlow and Freed smile to Evergreen's little spat. Reader smiles at Evergreen too.


They figured during their 3 months of training that Evergreen would disappear here and there and it would be because of Elfman. The Strauss siblings and Cana were training in the mountains nearby. Evergreen would go have her 'beauty rest' and be gone for couple hours. Cana, Lisanna and Mira came by one night asking if they seen Elfman anywhere and that's when they figured out Elfman and Evergreen were together. Bixlow would tease Evergeen the most. Everyone else knew but didn't let it show as much.
"I think it's cute!" says reader.
"Whatever, they should just come out with it already, everybody knows." says Laxus.
"I wonder when they're gonna get married? Technically they been engaged for 7 years." says Mira.
"You still believe that?" asks Cana.
"Why not? They act like an old married couple already. Elfman still dreams about her. 'Ever! Ever!'" says Lisanna acting like she's sleeping teasing on the Elfman part.
Everyone laughs. They visit each other until Lisanna, Mira and Cana had to go back before Elfman figures out they're not there when he returns. The same goes for Evergreen.

End of flashback

"Yeah. Looks like we're going shopping." says Laxus walking following Evergeen.
Freed and Bixlow look confused, but they shrug and follow along anyways.
The thunder legion, the Strauss siblings, reader and Laxus are walking around in Crocus looking at sights. They make a stop at a shopping district. Evergeen is mostly sticking by Elfman's side giving him shopping tips. Bixlow and Freed are with Lisanna and Mira shopping for food and supplies. Reader is with Laxus in a clothing store.
"So I'll get this. I'll get this too. Ooooh this looks cute. Wow I like this, looks badass." says reader picking out clothes as Laxus waits for her to be done.
"You know, you don't have to stand there and watch me shop." says reader.
"I don't mind. I like watching what you do. The way you move your body is..very interesting." says Laxus.
Readers face goes red.
"Hahaha still getting shy I see." says Laxus walking up to reader then hugging her from behind.
Reader buries her face in the clothes she's carrying.
"Awe, young love."
Laxus and reader hear this and turn their heads and see the clothing store clerk was watching them.
Reader walks to the counter.
"I'll get all of these." she says as she lays all the clothes on the counter.
"Great choices! So how will you be paying?" asks the clerk.
"I'll be paying." says Laxus.
Reader looks at Laxus and he's smiling.
"You don't have to." says reader.
"Whatever you want. I'll get." says Laxus.
"I don't think.."
"Do you really want to argue with me?" says Laxus with a serious face, cutting reader off from refusing.
Reader smiles and grabs his arm and lays her head on him.
"I can't resist when you're being you." says reader. Laxus laughs then pays for her things.
"Laxus!.. (Y/N)!"
They hear Freed calling and they leave the store with the stuff they bought.
"They you are. Levy just informed me about the 3 main rules. The most important one I think is the curfew. Everyone competing must be at their rooms by midnight." says Freed.
"That's lame." says Laxus.
"Laxus." says reader.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll be there." says Laxus.
Freed looks at them a little suspicious but then he ignores it.
"Good. Now that's settled. Shall we go get something to eat?" says Freed.

The Strauss siblings, the thunder legion, reader and Laxus are dining in a restaurant.
"Are you sure you don't want to be in the games? You can take my spot." asks Mira.
"Miraaaa!" says Elfman looking like he's about to cry.
"Oh don't be a wuss! Be a man!" Evergeen says to Elfman hitting him with her fan.
"You're an S class. I'm sure you have old fans who would be happy to see you. It's been 7 years since you've been in Sourcer's Weekly. I'll just be an embarrassment." says reader.
"What about you're training with Laxus? I heard you can go hand to hand with him." says Lisanna.
"What?!" says Elfman.
"Are you that surprised? She was one strong little wizard when she first joined. She may not have been S class but she was tough, you should've seen her little battle with those 2 little wizard boys." says Evergreen.
Readers face becomes surprised by Evergreen mentioning Rogue and Sting.
"I remember that like it was awhile ago." says Freed.
"That's cause you were frozen shortly after that." says Bixlow.
"What little battle? With who?" asks Laxus.
"Getting jealous, Laxus? They're probably her age now too. All grown up." says Evergreen.
"Shush Ever!" says reader.
Then they all look at her.
"(Y/N). Have you seen these boys again after I forbade you to?" asks Freed.
Reader looks at Laxus then looks at everyone at the table.
"It wasn't like that." says reader.
"Then why is this a sensitive subject?" asks Freed.
"Do you remember who those boys are?" asks Lisanna.
"They came to see me after they heard you guys disappeared. Trying to get me to join their guild but I rejected them every time they asked. They done so for many years." says reader.
"Do they still come around?" asks Laxus.
"Why are you sounding like a jealous boyfriend, Laxus?" asks Bixlow.
Laxus ignores his question as he sits back.
"No, they don't come around ever since you guys have come back. Not sure why but it was a relief. Just Sting was the one who's been coming alone lately before then." says reader.
"Sting? That's a weird name." says Elfman.
Evergree, Bixlow and Freed look at Elfman weird.
"Oh I see, so that's why tried to send me away, you thought I was Sting when we seen each other outside Magnolia." says Laxus "well whoever they are. They don't matter to me, nor should they matter to us." he continues.
"Right!" says everyone at the table.
Reader thought to herself. Wait til they see who's in Sabertooth. Not doubt that Sting and Rouge will be in the team again.

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