Part 48 - Gaining a Little Sister

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The next morning, reader left her room early in the moring to go see how Wendy is doing before the games start.
"How is she doing?" reader asks Porlyusica.
"She's fine. She just needs some rest. You can come in." says Porlyusica.
Reader sees Wendy lying on the bed next to Carla.
"Hi Wendy." says reader.
"(Y/N)?" says Wendy.
"Yeah, it's me. How are you feeling?"
"I.. feel useless.."
"Don't say that Wendy. You're not unless. I was scared when I heard you were missing. I'm glad you're alright."
"I can't be in the games, I asked Elfman to take my place last night."
"I understand. You need the rest."
"I hope I didn't let anyone down."
Reader looks at Wendy and smiles.
"Trust me, you never let anyone down even when you think you did."
"I let you down when I told Laxus about your crush."
Reader remembers that and what Laxus said about being glad to hear what Wendy said.
"Oh Wendy. You did opposite of that when you told Laxus. He told me himself." says reader.
"What do you mean?"
"Cheer up, smile for me and I'll tell you."
Wendy looks at reader with surprised look. Wendy then smiles.
"Okay I'm smiling." says Wendy with a big smile.
Reader laughs.
"You're so adorable Wendy. You feel more like a little sister to me now."
"Yeah, I feel our friendship became more sister like. You went your own way and I went mine but we still have each other. So yeah! Sisters sound good." says Wendy.
Reader smiles at Wendy.
"You really wanna know what I'm gonna tell you, don't you?"
"Yes please, I think I'll make me feel better."
"Okay okay.. so.. Laxus and I are together now."
"What? You and Laxus? When?" says Wendy with shocked look.
Reader laughs at Wendy's expression.
"Yeah that's what I think the reaction would be with everyone else." says reader.
"What? Who else knows?" asks Wendy.
"No one! Laxus and I want to tell people when it was the right time. I felt this was the right time to tell you. So now it's just you in our secret." says reader.
"And me."
Reader and Wendy turn their head and see Porlyusica still standing there.
"Shit! I forgot she was here!" says reader.
Wendy laughs and reader looks embarrassed.
"Sorry for saying shit.. and again just now." Reader says bowing to Porlyusica.
"It's fine. I'm not the gossipy type to blab a secret. It doesn't mean anything to me." says Porlyusica.
"Greeeat." says reader looking back at Wendy.
Wendy is smiling.
"I'm glad you're with him! It's like you guys were meant to be!" says Wendy.

Reader visits Wendy a little longer discussing about each other's teams adventures and how her and Laxus ended up together.
A little later.
"I think your gonna miss the games. Wendy needs her rest as well." says Porlyusica.
"Oh you're right! Sorry for keeping you up Wendy." says reader.
"It's okay. Go cheer on Team Fairy Tail!" says Wendy.
"Which one?"
"Yeah there's 2 teams."
"From Fairy Tail?"
"Yup. I don't even know if they made it through the preliminary round."
Wendy looks confused.
"Yeah it a long story." says reader.
"Wow I missed alot." says Wendy.
"Yeah and that was only one night. There's plenty more nights and you'll be better before they start! Okay I gotta go. Opening ceremonies are soon. I'm sure your gonna get more visitors. Get well!"
"Okay!" says Wendy as she waves at reader leaving the room and reader waves back.

Reader is now in the audience balcony along with the rest of the Fairy Tail members.
"Hey guys, have you guys seen Laxus? Did any of the Fairy Tail teams make it in?"
Reader asks the thunder legion.
"No, we were not allowed to go inside the teams room and when they were outside of the inn. They were not allowed to discuss it." says Freed.
"That's odd." says reader.
"It's probably to make the games more interesting." says Jet.
"Yeah, these games are different from the rest." says Droy.
Suddenly the announcer starts speaking.
"Now it's time to meet our competitors! First up, in 8th place. The guild from Magnolia.. Fairy Tail!"
Reader's heart is pounding fast as she runs to the edge to see if it was Laxus' team. The team was Erza's team and reader was still happy. Then there's boos coming from the crowd. The Fairy Tail members that are watching are looking at the crowds.
"Who cares if they're booing! One of Fairy Tail teams made top 8! Yeeaaah!" says master.
Everyone of the Fairy Tail members start cheering for Natsu's team. Including reader.
"Woooooo! Go Fairy Tail!"
"Go Natsu!"
"Yeah Lucy and Erza!"
"Grey! Do your best!"
"You're the man Elfman!"
Then the Fairy Tail Team competing are smiling at the ones cheering. Then suddenly a little girl is sitting on the ledge in front of everyone cheering.
"Who's that??" says reader.
"First Master!!" says master.
"What?" Reader says looking at the thunder legion who are also surprised.
"She's a ghost but I guess she came to cheer us on. Her name is Mavis. First master of Fairy Tail." says Freed.
"Oh wow!" says reader.
Then they start annoucing teams after team. Hmm.. I bet Sabertooth is first.. as usual, damn they're about to annouce the last 3 guilds and Laxus' team isn't getting called.
"The team that came in 3rd in the preliminary round. Raven Tail!" says the announcer.
"Raven Tail? Master's son's guild?" says Freed.
"What is a dark guild doing here?" says Master.
"Laxus' father. Ivan Dreyar. Master of Raven Tail." says Evergeen.
"It seems they have recently become a legal guild thus making them eligible to participate in the games!" says the announcer.
"I don't know how you did it Ivan!" says master.
Reader follows master's gaze and sees a dark haired man across in the stands.
"So is that.. Laxus' dad?" asks reader.
"Yes." says Freed.
Then it is noted that they were the ones who attacked Wendy. Reader is furious along with other members.
"How dare they! I should just jump off here now and kick their ass for hurting my little sister!" says reader angry.
"(Y/N)! Don't do anything." says Master.
Reader stops and calms down, still furious.
"Hold on there are still 2 more teams to annouce!" says they announcer.

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