Part 4 - New Battle Rule

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Right when reader thought about Laxus, he appears. Reader is surprised he's back in the guild hall. She wondered to herself, can he read her mind? No, he doesn't have that kind of magic.
"It's a psychic projection!" yells Happy.
Reader is relieved but still she watches the projection of Laxus ask why Natsu is still in the guild hall. Natsu yells at him that he can't get out. Laxus looks around and sees reader sitting at the stage.
"Hmm, guess pretty face doesn't want to participate after all." says Laxus then Laughs. "What's wrong? You losing your potential?"
Reader is angered at his teasing but still feels her face go red.
"Damn you Laxus!" yells master.
Laxus turns away from reader then he and master starts talking. They bring up Grey, of how he can defeat them and stop their plans. Then suddenly the enchantment board updates and shows he's been defeated but Bixlow. Laxus laughs.
"What did I tell ya?!" Laxus says without care.
Reader feels like she can do nothing but it feels like the tension is more between them rather than her. After more words are exchanged between them, Master then says he surrenders.
"No master! You can't give up that easily!" yells reader.
Reader quickly regrets those words as she already given up on the battle before it even started and Laxus heard her words.
"Hahaha I think giving up is the best theme for Fairy Tail as long as gramps is master." says Laxus.
It's not enough for Laxus, he wants master to annouce it to Magnolia and hand over the deed. Reader feels like she can't say anything still, even when Laxus looks at her she becomes speechless. Laxus tells them they have little time left to think it over. Natsu being angered by Laxus he charges for him but Natsu goes straight through Laxus. Then the projection of Laxus disappears from the guild.
"I told you it was a projection!" Happy says to Natsu.
If that was just a projection of Laxus. Imagine how reader feels being in his presence.
"Is there anyone who can defeat Laxus?!!" yells master.
Master looks at reader and she already knows what he's thinking.
"My magic is useless right now. I'm sorry." says reader then she looks down and says again "Sorry master, I'm not confident yet."
"It's ok (Y/N), you're young, you still have alot to learn." says master.
Suddenly someone is making crunch noise from behind the bar. They all look towards the noise then Gajeel pops up eating the tableware.
"Gajeel?!" says Master and Natsu at the same time.
"He's eating the tableware!" yells Happy.
Reader is happy to see him. He's their only hope to stop Laxus.
"Will you do this for us?" master askes Gajeel.
"Yeah. I got a bone to pick with guy." replies Gajeel.
Gajeel heads towards the exit then suddenly he stops hitting the enchantment as well.
"What??!" yells reader.
"Not you too!!"
"Whats going on here?" yells the others.
Since Natsu and Gajeel can't leave, they all watch the enchantment board with the updates. Suddenly it says 3 left.
"3?" questions master.
Master suddenly looks around and see Natsu, Gajeel and reader in the guild.
"Don't tell me it's you 3!!" He says shocked.
"Why isn't she fighting?" Gajeel askes.
"Leave her alone, Gajeel!" yells Natsu.
"Don't yell at me! I was just askin!"
They start arguing then Natsu suddenly walks away towards the statues.
"I'll have to revive Erza!" says Natsu.
They grab stone Erza and try to heat her up and then suddenly a crack appears on the statue causing the guys to look like idiots. Reader yells them to calm down then suddenly Erza is back to normal. She punches Natsu because she feels hot.
"Erza's back!" yells Happy.
"Erza.." says master.
Master and Erza discuss what happened and what's going on. The enchantment board updates to 4 remaining for Erza, then it turns to 5.
"5?" says reader.
"It's gone up." says Gajeel.
"Who? Everyone's still turned into stone, so who?" says Natsu.
"It looks like that man decided to take part in this battle." says Erza smiling.
"Who?" askes reader.
"Mystogen." Erza answers.
"It's time to strike back!" yells master.
Erza runs out of the guild into battle. Reader feeling useless sitting there the whole time by the statues. Erza been gone for a bit then suddenly the girls are back to normal.
"Mira! Lucy! Everyone!" yells reader.
"You're all back!" yells Natsu.
"Good work, Erza!" yells master.
Everyone gets the girls up to date of what all happened and Natsu is trying to fight them instead. Reader rolls her eyes at Natsu being an idiot. Suddenly she hears Laxus' voice.
"Seems we lost a rule, so I'm making a new one. Ever hear of thunder palace?" he says.
Master is angered. Reader doesn't know what that is then suddenly master falls ill and is on the ground.
"He needs his medicine!" says Mira as she runs upstairs.

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