Part 32 - Taking the Load Off

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Reader walks up to master Makarov.
"So I hear you've been doing good for yourself and the guild." says master.
"Yeah, sorry we couldn't keep the old guild hall and all the members." says Reader.
"Oh it doesn't matter, from what Macao told me, you weeded out the false Fairy members who didn't have the true Fairy heart." says master then he continues "I'm glad you're one of the few to stay. Did you figure out your true power yet?." asks Master.
Reader is shocked.
"Do.. do you know about my power?"
"Yes, I knew the moment you first walked through those guild doors."
Reader is silent for awhile
"No, they haven't awakened yet. I tried so many times but nothing. I've become stronger but I know that's not it." says reader.
"They'll awaken one day." says master.
"Yes master, I'm glad you're back, it hurt like hell when I thought I lost another family." says reader.
"Cheer up dear, we're here now, so let the hurt go and live your life free from the responsibility you put on yourself. Well take care of the guild finances now."
"Thank you master." Reader says as she hugs him.

Everyone is still partying and Laxus is sitting with the thunder legion.
"After this party, I'm leaving." says Laxus.
"What? Why?" says Bixlow.
"I'm still not a member of Fairy Tail, I'm only here to figure out where I should go next." says Laxus.
"Do you have to go? Everyone wants you here. They haven't told you to leave." says Evergeen.
"That's not the way of Fairy Tail. It's not up to the members to decide who's a member and who's not. It's the master." says Laxus.
Laxus looks at reader talking to Master.
"You're staring again. Why don't you just go talk to her?" says Evergreen.
"I wasn't staring at (Y/N)." says Laxus but he was.
"Oh? So she got you to say her name now? She's got you tamed!" says Bixlow.
"Tch, give it a rest." says Laxus "I will talk to her when you guys aren't gawking at me."
"Do you think (Y/N) still has a girl crush on you, Laxus?" asks Evergreen.
"I don't think it should be called a girl crush now that's she's older. She's a woman now!" says Bixlow "all grown all grown!"
"Idk, I'll have to see for myself." says Laxus smiling.
"It's been 7 years for her and it's only been like a week for us." says Freed "I feel bad for leaving her when we were suppose to be there for her. I can't imagine what she's been through. All the pain. The tears she shed when she thought she lost us. I don't want her in pain like that anymore, to have someone come in her life then leave without a word. I won't allow it."
"Freed!" says Evergreen.
Freed stops talking and looks at Evergeen. Evergreen discreetly points to Laxus. Freed looks at Laxus and he's looking down with face serious. It was too late, all those words that Freed said, Laxus heard and it hit him. Laxus had done that to women before. He had walked out on women without saying a word.

Will I hurt (Y/N) if I try anything? Laxus thought. I know I've hurt girls in the past but I don't wanna hurt her. I want to protect her.

Laxus gets up from the table.
"I'll see you guys around. Keep an eye on (Y/N) again." says Laxus.
Laxus turns to walk out of the guild. The thunder legion knew he had to go.
"Way to go Freed!" Evergeen says as she hits him with her fan.

Reader turns around from the bar to see if Laxus is still around. She wants to talk to him now that she feels free to do whatever she wants. Then she sees Laxus walking out of the guild.
Reader trys to call his name "Lax..-"
"Hey (Y/N)! Drinking contest! You and me!" Cana says as she jumps in front reader cutting her off from calling Laxus.
She sees Laxus almost out the door. Then reader looks at Cana.
"Let's do this Cana." says reader.
Laxus looks back again just before he's out the door at reader and sees reader smiling with Cana.
That's the smile I wanna see on her everyday. Laxus thought then he teleports out.

After everyone was all partied out things went normal back at the guild.
Reader is sitting with the thunder legion at a table.
"I'd never thought I'd be so happy you have you dorks sitting here with me!" says reader.
"Well why not? We're adorable dorks!" says Evergeen.
"So when did Laxus leave?" asks reader.
"In the middle of the party. He said he had to leave cause he's still not a member of Fairy Tail." says Freed.
Bixlow is keeping his mouth shut tight, trying not to tease reader about Laxus. Evergreen is looking at Bixlow giving him the glare so won't say a word.
Reader then stretches and relaxes, not noticing Bixlow and Evergreen's actions.
"So you guys are my bodygaurds again. This should be fun." says reader.
"You got that right! Finally we can have drinks around you!" says Bixlow.
"Oh yay! I can see you guys drunk!" says reader.
"I stay classy." says Evergreen flipping her hair.
"Hahaha yeah right, you'd probably be all over Elfman!" says Bixlow.
"What's this? I thought she was only gonna try get him in S class.?" says reader.
"No, they're hooking up now! Hahaha" says Bixlow.
"Hahaha wow! Evergreen! You should've told me!" says reader.
Reader and Bixlow laugh with each other. Evergreen is getting angry then starts yelling at the two. Freed smiles at their interaction.

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