Part 37 - Teams

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Reader and Laxus are walking through a town.
"Is that Laxus?" says a random citizen as reader and Laxus are both walking.
"I think so, and who's that he's with?" another asks.
"That's Halley!" another says.
Laxus laughs at what he hears.
"It's not funny." Reader says to Laxus.
"Hey, how come they get to call you Halley?" asks Laxus.
Reader ignores Laxus' question.
"Always ignoring me. I think I'm gonna have to fix that." says Laxus to himself.
They both stop at a store, and reader goes in.
"You coming in?" asks reader.
"No, I'll wait out here." he answers.
Reader then continues inside.

As reader comes out when she's finished, she sees Laxus surround by women. All fangirls of his.
"We'd thought we never see you again Laxus!"
"Laxus you're so hot!"
"Laxus can I take you out to dinner?"
Reader rolls her eyes. Reader feels jealous of these girls that they have the guts to say stuff like that to Laxus, but she's not gonna let it show. I guess Laxus doesn't like me if he's letting these girls be all over him. Reader thought.
She keeps walking. Laxus sees her walking away.
"Excuse me, I got a job to do." says Laxus as he follows reader.
"Aww hope you come back to us Laxus!"
Reader is annoyed but she decides to keep her cool. So what if Wendy told him I liked him back on the island 7 years ago, he wouldn't know that I like him now. I'll keep my feelings to myself. Reader thought.
Laxus thinks to himself. Huh? I'd thought she would get jealous and tell me that she likes me. Guess that's not happening.

They continue on their job not discussing what just happened with the girls. Instead they spent time talking about her 7 years working. They also talked about when Laxus wasn't in any guild since Fairy Tail kicked him out.

Once they finish the job and are back in Magnolia.
"Thanks for helping me out on that job, Laxus." says reader.
"It was no problem. I must say, your magic has become strong. I think you would be able to go hand to hand with me." says Laxus.
"Yeah? Well like you said, we should train together. I bet it would be fun!" says reader.
Laxus smiles at readers enthusiasm to train.
"That's what I'd like to hear." says Laxus.
Then Laxus spots the guild.
"Looks like I'll be heading back to my place. Say hello to the thunder legion for me." says Laxus.
"I will. I'll see you again?" asks reader.
"Yeah, fer sure." says Laxus then he walks off.
I loved spending time with him. Reader thought.
Then she walks into the guild.
"Hey (Y/N)'s back just in time!" says Bixlow.
"How was your job?" asks Mira.
"It was great, but what's this all about? What's with the serious faces?" asks reader.
"Neo-Oracsion Seis." says Natsu.
"Hey, wasn't that the guild you guys defeated before?" asks reader.
"It is. They've gotten stronger since then and they causing trouble." says Erza.
Suddenly Kinana is coming from upstairs.
"Hey Kinana, shouldn't you be in bed rest?" asks Wabaka.
Then Kinana walks to a wall with a fork and makes markings on the wall mumbling some words.
"Kinana! What are you doing?" asks reader.
After she finishes she falls to the floor.
"Kinana!" Mira says going to her side.
"What does all this mean?" asks Grey looking at the markings on the wall.
"Does anyone know what the markings say?" asks Wendy.
"It seems like this has bothering her alot lately." says Max.
Levy looks at the scripting on the wall.
"Hey this is on the clock hand too." says Levy.
"How strange. It appears to be a description of a man named Will Neville." says Freed.
"He's the author of key to the starry heavens." says Erza.
They discuss their findings and about the book and the author.
As they figure things out. Reader sits at the bar listening to everything they're saying.
Suddenly Cana awakes from behind at the bar surprising reader.
"Would you keep it down? I'm tryna get my beauty sleep." says Cana.
"I think it's too late for that Cana. You been sleeping all day." says Wabaka.
"I can't seem to wake up for some reason. So are you guys ready to find the Oracsion Seis? Or what?" Cana says as she brings out her cards.
"That's right? You can use your fortune telling." says Erza.
"Oh you bet I can." says Cana.
"We just need to set up a map on where to find these guys." says reader.
"Great idea, now I'll see where the Oracsion Seis will go next and which of us are gonna go and throw them a nice little surprise party." says Cana.
Cana throws her cards to the board to which team will go where.
"The first team is Grey and Freed." says Macao.
"Next, Erza, Evergreen and Max."
"Next,Gajeel, Juvia and (Y/N)."
"Next,Bixlow and Wendy." Macao continues "Alright this ones got Happy, Carla and Pantherlily."
"And for the last one, this one's got Natsu, Elfman, Lucy and Michelle."
"Alright let's go!" Says Natsu.
"There must be some way you and I can be on the same team." Juvia says to Grey "Gajeel or (Y/N) one of you switch with him right this instant!"
"Calm down, Juvia." says reader.
"No way, my magic told me this was the best pairing for the mission you've been given." says Cana.
All the teams leave to their destinations.
Reader never teamed up with Gajeel or Juvia before. She wonders how it's going to be.

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