Part 69 - Wizard Battle

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At the games.
Laxus is walking then suddenly reader's face pops up in his mind.
"(Y/N).." Laxus calls reader's name to himself.
Laxus concentrates and tries to use his projection magic while he waits for his opponent to show up.
He can't pick up reader's or anyone of the other rescue mission's team presence, so he contacts Warren through telepathy.
'Hey Warren.'
'Yeah. Are you in contact with the rescue mission team?'
'Unfortunately, no. I can't pick any of them up.'
'Well try harder. I can't feel any of their presence either.'
'Roger that. I'll move closer to the castle grounds to see if I can pick up anything there.'
'You know all of us can hear you Laxus. Get your head in the game!' says Makarov inside Warren's telepathy.
'What? Can't a guy worry about his girl?'
'Awwww' Laxus hears the Fairy Tail girls including Bixlow.

Makarov looks at the group with a serious face then smiles with them.

'Anyway, let me know if you get in contact with her.' continues Laxus
'We will, don't you worry, Laxus. Right now keep your head in the game. I'm sure (Y/N) is fine. She's with Natsu.' says Mavarov
Laxus scoffs at the last part, then he picks up another magic presence coming his way. It was one of his opponents of the battle royal, Olga.
'My opponent is heading this way, glad first master got this one right.'
Laxus walks towards where he senses Olga of Sabertooth.
"Good luck Laxus!" yells the members of Fairy Tail.
Mavis is making a face.

Back to the rescue team.
Reader feels herself come to, still feeling pain in her body she opens up her eyes. She then sees Mira, in demon form, over her body, with her lips on hers. Reader is surprised then sits up right away and covers her mouth.
'Did Mira just kiss me?' thought reader.
"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" asks Lucy who's standing next to Wendy.
Wendy is using her healing magic on reader but reader still feels some pain.
Reader looks at Mira still surprised by what she woke up to.
"I tried to suck as much poison I could out of you but I didn't taste any.. your body must've already absorbed most of it." says Mira as she turns back into her normal form.
"So you just kissed me?"
"Don't look at me, it was Lucy's idea." says Mirajane smiling.
Reader looks right at Lucy.
"Hey! It's not like that! I just thought Mira could suck the poison out, you know?" says Lucy nervously.
Natsu starts laughing so does everyone else.
"Looks like (Y/N) is back to normal." says Carla
"I don't think I've been able to heal you fully from the poison. Can you move on your own?" Wendy asks reader.
"Yeah I think so.. Wait! Kamika! The Knights!" says reader looking at Natsu.
"Already taken care of." says Natsu smiling.
Reader looks around and notices they are in a bright colored room.
"How did we get out of the dungeon?"
"Pantherlily carried you out, something surprising happened while you were out." says Wendy
"What is it? I missed the beat down of the Knights? Yeah, I know that already."
"No.. it's not that."
Reader looks confused at Wendy then she looks around again and looks towards the floor and sees Arcadios lying next to her and on the other side of him, she sees Lucy lying there as well.
"What happened to Lucy?" asks reader worried.
Then it hit her, reader looks at Lucy standing up, then back at Lucy on the floor.
"What the heck is this? Wouldn't Gemini just go back to the celestial world if they were hurt?"
"It's not Gemini."
"It isn't Edolas Lucy either."
Reader looks at the Lucy on the ground still confused. She remembers when Wendy and Lucy told her about how there were other versions of them in Edolas.
"So is anyone gonna tell me? My head still hurts from the fall." asks reader holding her head.
"She's future Lucy." says Natsu
Reader is shocked and let's out a loud gasp. Then suddenly Future Lucy gets up.
Loke then stands next to reader who is still sitting on the ground.
"So (Y/N), I know this is out of the situation were in but.. you're looking extra beautiful since S class trials."
"Don't even try it, Loke." says Lucy annoyed that Loke isn't being serious.
"Aww is Lucy jealous?"
"No, someone else will be and I don't wanna imagine what he'll do to you."
"Who might that be?"
"Master's grandson."
"Laxus? As in Laxus Dreyar? How did a guy like him get her?"
Reader smiles.
"Do you and Laxus really have a thing going on? That guy?? Why??"
Reader ignores Loke and looks away while Loke still talks about Laxus.

Back at the games.
Laxus sneezes.
"What the hell?"
Just as Laxus finished another sneeze, he finally sees Olga.
"You're not getting sick on me now, are ya?" says Olga standing little ways from Laxus.
"Like it would make a difference." Laxus replies with a smirk then he continues.
"Lighting God Slayer Olga, is that right? Catchy name."
Olga laughs.
"Am I suppose to be flattered or something? Come on."
"What? I thought all you Saberpunks like lip service, I mean, with a name like that your lighting got to be something to behold."
"Are you saying yours is the best? That's some talk coming from a fairy."
"There's always someone better than you."
"Bring it on."
Just then Olga uses his lighting to hit next to Laxus. Laxus then hits his, only showing that it's more powerful.
"That was pretty impressive." says Olga looking at the damage Laxus has done.
"Now who's being flattering. Are we doing this or what? I can be standing here playing grab-ass all day."
Laxus and Olga each throw a power punch at each other causing a magic surge, which attracts someone's attention. Someone walks up to them.
"My my.. I was hoping to come across some capable warriors."
Laxus and Olga look his way.
"Wizard Saint Jura." says Olga
"So the monster's here. This should be good." says Laxus
The 3 stand facing each other.

Back at the castle.
Future Lucy just finished explaining how she came from the future and wanting to stop the dragons that would be coming to the Kingdom. Natsu reassured her that everyone would help her out.
"So.. all those dragons. Did they really wipe everyone out?" asked reader thinking about what Lucy told them.
"Yes.." says Future Lucy in tears.
"Well it ain't gonna happen this time. We won't let it." says Natsu lifting Lucy off the floor.
Reader gets up herself but then feels small pain.
Wendy sees reader make a face.
"Are you okay?" asks Wendy looking worried as she tries to heal reader some more.
"Yeah, Wendy. I'm fine, save your magic for us to get out of here." says Reader as she pushes Wendy hands away.
"Let me heal you."
"You already did. I'm okay. Really."
Wendy looks at reader worried.
"Come on, sis. Don't look at me like that. If you're worried about me. I promise to stay by your side through this." says reader smiling at Wendy.
"So let's get going!" says Natsu
"This way!" says Future Lucy leading the way.
Everyone follows right after her.

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