Part 44 - Picking a Team

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The three months of training has passed.
Laxus, reader and thunder legion are making their way back to the guild.
The grand magic games should be starting soon, reader thought, I wonder how fairy tail will do?
"What are you thinking about?" Laxus asks as he walks close to reader.
"Oh, just about the grand magic games, wondering if we're good enough to not be in last place." says reader.
"Don't worry about the games so much, just be my cheerleader." Laxus says teasing reader.

They finally make it back to the guild.
"Oh hey! You guys made it back!" says Mira.
"Just in time. I'm making the second team." says master.
"Second team?" says Laxus.
"What? There's another team? Isn't there only suppose to be one team?" asks reader.
"The rules have changed. A rule book for the games has been mailed in a month ago while you were all away, training." says Macao.
"So does this mean you already chose the first team?" asks Freed.
"Yes, and they're already on their way to Crocus." says Master.
"Who's on that team?" asks Bixlow.
"Erza, Natsu, Grey, Lucy, and Wendy." says Macao.
"I see. So whose on second?" asks Laxus.
"I need to ask a wizard here first before a I make a decision." says master as he turns to look at reader.
"Why you looking at me?" asks reader.
"I've been told you have strong feelings to not be in the games. Has your mind changed these past 3 months?" says master.
"No, I rather not. Sorry." says reader.
"Very well. Then my decision is made. Laxus, Gajeel, Juvia, and Mira will be in the Team B." says master.
"What? Why are we in Team B and not Team A? We're stronger than Natsu's team. They should be B." says Gajeel.
"I'm gonna have to agree." says Laxus.
"It doesn't matter!" yells master.
"I think it does. Why bother even being in Team B?" says Laxus.
The rest agree with Laxus.
"You ungrateful brats! Always wanting more." says master then he calms down "fine, if you want we'll play a game."
"Like what?" asks Juvia.
"Which ever team comes on top, will get to order around the other team for a day." says master.
"Juvia will get to tell my lovely Grey what to do?" asks Juvia.
"Yup!" says master.
Then Team B agrees.
"Isn't there suppose to be a 5th member?" asks Macao.
"Why yes, I had a wizard come see me while you were all training. He's feels strongly about being at the Grand magic Games. I agreed." says Master.
"Who??" asks some members.
"Come in 5th member." says Master.
Just as he says these words. Someone walks in. Reader turns to look.
"Mystogen?" says Gajeel.
"That can't be, didn't he go back to Edolas?" says Freed.
"It's not Mystogen." says Laxus.
Reader looks confused.
"This is Jelall Fernandez. Mystogen's version from EarthLand. He has important business to do at the Games but he must go unnoticed and what better way then to be Mystogen. Fairy Tail member. Plus he strong." says master smiling.
"I see, so you been training to be Mystogen too?" asks Laxus.
"Yes. Don't worry. I won't let Fairy Tail down." says Jelall.
"You better not." says Laxus.
"So what are you waiting for? Go get ready and get going! The Games are starting tomorrow!" says Master.
The whole guild gets ready to head to Crocus.

They whole guild decides to take a train together.
Reader thinks about Laxus and his motion sickness.
"Juvia is so happy to see my love in Crocus." says Juvia.
"Let's just get in the train. We're the last ones in!" says reader.

Reader was waiting for Juvia to pack and Juvia was trying to pack a lot of homemade Grey dolls until reader just dragged her out.
"You don't need those Juvia. Let's go! Or they're going to ditch us!" says reader.

Back in the train. Juvia sits next to Lisanna and that was the last seat reader could see that was available.
Reader looks around.
"Great, where am I suppose to sit?" asks reader.
"I believe Laxus is sitting by himself." says Evergreen.
"Yeah, he could use the company." says Bixlow smiling.
Reader looks at them suspicious.
"In here." says Freed as he holds a cart door open.
Reader walks inside and the cart and sees Laxus sitting alone. Freed then shuts the cart door behind reader, leaving her and Laxus alone. Reader sits next to Laxus.
She looks at Laxus and he has his eyes shut.
"Laxus?" says reader.
"Yeah?" says Laxus.
"Are you alright?"
Then the train starts moving. Laxus makes a grunt noise and moves a little forward still sitting on his seat, both his hands on his head. Reader then puts her hands on his back and grabs his coat, pulling him towards her. Laxus moves his body back along with readers movement. Reader puts his head on her lap. Laxus still has his eyes closed. Reader then massages his hair back to comfort him.
After awhile, reader hears Laxus lightly snore.
He's sleeping! reader thought.
Reader then looks at Laxus as he sleeps with his head on her lap.
Then suddenly reality hit her.
What am I doing?! Reader thought.
Her heart is pounding realizing that Laxus is sleeping on her lap! She can't push him off. That would be cruel. He's having his motion sickness. Their movements just happened naturally.
Reader decides she must remain calm and collected. Then she remembered something.
How could I forget? Laxus is mine now, and I am his. I swear I got to get used to this. Reader thought.
She smiles as Laxus is sleeping on her and she relaxes and naps along the way.

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