Part 43 - Getting Approval

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Reader reaches the camp and sees Evergreen yelling at Bixlow's babies as she tries to fix a tent up.
"Grrrr, I don't know why Bixslow left you guys behind with me, you guys are useless!" yells Evergreen.
"Useless! Useless!" says the dolls.
They fly around Evergreen who's struggling. Reader giggles at Evergreen.
"Aww, don't yell at the babies, you're suppose to be babysitting them." says reader.
"Babysitting! Babysitting!" says the dolls.
"Oh shush and help me!" says Evergreen.

After the tent is pitched up, Evergreen sits down near the fire, exhausted.
"That felt like today's training pitching up that tent." says Evergreen.
Reader laughs at Evergreen.
"You must really rely on your magic rather than physical strength." says reader.
"Darling, there's nothing wrong with my physic." says Evergreen.
Reader laughs then looks away thinking about Laxus almost kissing her and becomes quiet.
"What's with the face?" asks Evergreen.
"That face. Did I say something wrong?"
"No, just something that almost happened that didn't."
"What is it?"
Reader then thinks she shouldn't tell Evergeen just yet if nothing happen. So she thinks of something fast.
"Just that Erza said she had a sword for me, I was suppose to get it but I didn't. So I wonder about that." says reader.
"Oh, why didn't she give it to you?" asks Evergreen.
Reader is glad she changed the subject. Evergreen and reader discuss the sword and other things.

Later on.
Laxus, Freed and Bixlow show up still dressed in swimming shorts.
"You girls should've came swimming, it was nice and relaxing." says Bixslow.
Evergreen is angered by what Bixlow said and gives Freed and Bixslow a piece of her mind for leaving her alone. Reader looks at Laxus' half naked body showing his tattoo around his emblem then upwards to his face, noticing Laxus is looking right back at her smiling. Reader blushes and looks away and pretends to yawn.
"Whoa, I'm so tired from today, shall we head to bed Evergreen?" says reader.
"I'll join you later, these guys need a talking to how to treat women better." says Evergreen.
As reader walks into the tent she hears Bixlow.
"Hey, I forgot to tell you I bought some chocolate for you girls when we were at the train station." says Bixslow "Chocolate chocolate!"
Reader comes back out of the tent and she and Evergreen say at the same time "Chocolate?"
Freed and Laxus laugh at the girls.
"As you can see, we don't need lectures about women." says Freed.
"Oh shush and give it here!" says Evergreen.
Reader and Evergreen share the chocolate by the fire. Laxus smiles at how reader can be girly when she wants.
So a kiss almost happened between me and (Y/N) and she was just checking me out, guess you can say there's hope for her to be with me, Laxus thought.
All 5 relax and talk the night away. This was just the beginning of 3 months of training.

Days have been going by and weeks. During those times reader has been taking turns training between the thunder legion members: Bixlow, Freed, and Evergreen. Laxus has said if she can get the passing approval from the thunder legion, she can start training with him.
She has finished with Evergreen the first 2 weeks. Passed Bixlow's training in 3 weeks and she's about finish training with Freed.
"So, you ready to give me my approval, Freed?" asks reader.
"I don't know, are you ready?" says Freed.
"What do you mean? You do know the reason we came here was to train."
"Yes. That is true. There is another reason for this training approval."
"K just tell me what you're talking about."
"The thunder legion have noticed you and Laxus have this thing going on between you two. We can't deny it, there's a connection."
Reader becomes a little embarrassed.
"So we have came to an agreement. Evergreen, Bixlow and I think we should see how you really feel about Laxus. I know we've agreed to let you keep your feelings to yourself but we cannot allow that anymore."
"What? Why?"
"Laxus is our dear friend and master. We have seen how he has treated girls and he has been treating you different since he first seen you. We don't want him hurt."
"What does this have to do with training?"
"I'll get to that, have you noticed anything about your training with Evergreen and Bixlow?"
"No, not really."
"They been asking you questions about Laxus while you were fighting. While you were in action you were so focused on training that you couldn't lie when you were asked a question."
Reader's face goes shocked.
"I didn't notice them asking me questions!"


Last day of Evergreens training, while Evergreen and reader were in combat.
"Fairy machine gun! Tell me about Laxus!" says Evergreen casting her spell.
Reader dodges her attack.
"He's amazing. Light solid slicer!"
Evergeen dodges it as well.
"Fairy Bomb! Why won't you be with him?"
"I don't know how he feels about me! Light shreds!" says reader as she collides her magic with Evergreen's to stop it.
Evergreen stops, reader notices she's not attacking.
"You passed my training. Congrats!" says Evergreen
"Really? Awesome!" says reader not noticing she was getting asked questions.

Last day of Bixlow's training.
"Come at me. No spells, just physical fighting! Try hit me with all your might!" says Bixlow.
"Alright." says reader.
Reader and Bixlow start fighting. Reader is throwing punches and kicks at Bixlow as he dodges them asking questions as reader answers unknowingly.
"Would you ever cheat on Laxus?"
"No, he's the reason I stayed busy when he wasn't around."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. He was always in my heart."
After reader answered her last question she finally landed a hit on Bixlow making him land on the ground.
"You passed." says Bixlow staying in the ground.
"Oh shit! Did I hurt you?" asks reader.
"Yeah, but I'll be ok." says Bixlow still lying on the ground.

End of Flashback.

Reader is standing there, speechless looking at Freed. Freed has a serious face.
"Is Laxus in on this too?" asks reader.
"No. This is what the thunder legion came up with. We only told Laxus it was training approval. That's all he knows." says Freed.
"So now what? Are you gonna have me in combat just to ask questions?" asks reader.
"No, you've told us what we've wanted. There's no point for you to try hide anything else."
"I see, you guys are sneaky."
"Only for a good cause" says Freed smiling "So one last question before you pass. Are you ready to be with him?"
"You guys been asking me questions. Shouldn't I be able to ask him some myself before I answer yours?"
"Yes. I suppose."
"So does this mean I pass and I can finally train with Laxus?"
"Woooooo!" says reader excited and Freed smiles.
"One more question." says reader.
"I don't see why not."
"How's my power?"
"You make me proud. You exceeded my expectations."
"Thank you."
Reader smiles as she then walks off to train with Laxus.

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