Part 17 - New Friend

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Lucy and Levy see reader coming into the guild with the thunder legion.
"Hey (Y/N), you guys made it back too!" says Levy.
"Hi! Did you just get back from training?" askes Lucy.
"Yeah, but we're going to continue again, we just missed the guild haha." says reader.
The thunder legion are already spreading around the guild and reader excitedly hug Lucy and Levy too. After they embrace, Lucy looks at reader with a big smile.
"You seem really happy Lucy. What's up?" says reader.
"We just got back from a mission, we defeated a powerful dark guild." says Lucy.
"What really? Awesome!" says reader.
"Yeah, we knew they could do it!" says Levy.
"I defeated a dark guild myself, well along with the thunder legion and Laxus." says reader.
"What? You guys seen Laxus?" says Natsu walking up to the girls.
Reader looks at Natsu then continues.
"Yeah, not around here though, we only seen him for awhile." says reader.
Reader looks at Lucy and she's still smiling.
"Again, Lucy. Why are you so smiley?" askes reader.
"Oh yeah!" says Natsu.
Reader looks at Natsu confused.
"What is it?" askes reader.
"We got a surprise for you!" says Lucy as she grabs one of reader's hands and Natsu grabs the other.
"Yeah, you'll love this." Natsu says smiling too.
The two lead reader towards the bar of the guild where most of the members were standing, crowed around the bar.
"Step aside. Mini Laxus coming through!" says Natsu.
"Natsu!" says reader embarrassed.
Just as Natsu says that the members move aside smiling at reader.
"What's the big deal?" reader asked.
Then reader spots a girl with blue hair standing by Erza. Reader looks at the girl and notices she might be her age. Reader looks at Natsu and Lucy and they're still smiling.
"Oh my gosh, no way!" yells reader.
When reader yells that, the blue haired girl turns around and sees reader.
"Hi! You must be (Y/N). I heard about you. My name is Wendy." she says.
"Hi! Are you a new member here? How old are you?!" Reader asked excitedly.
"Yes I'm a new member and I'm 12." Wendy says smiling.
"Yay!" Reader says runs up to Wendy and hugs her and Wendy hugs her back.
"Awwwe! Sooooooo cute!" yells the members adoring the brand new friendship.
Master sees reader is back as well and he has a big smile.
"Now we can celebrate. Everyone is here!" He says to Mira and she nods her head to him in agreement.
Master yells "Alright everyone, listen up! Let's welcome our new members the only way Fairy Tail can!"
Everyone starts cheering.
"This includes (Y/N)! So eat, drink and get merry!!" says Master.
Everyone in the guild starts to party and get loud. Reader and Wendy are talking and asking each other questions about their magic. Some guild members are still adoring the cute pair of friends. The Fairy Tail party lasted all day and night, just the way they always do.

After the celebration died down and some members went to work and some were still lounging around the guild. Reader and Wendy have been together since. Until one moring, before reader got to go to the guild to meet up with Wendy, Freed met up with reader outside the fairy tale girls dorm. Reader had to continue her training and Freed adds that she had to go without the thunder legion.
"Do I have to go by myself?! I thought you guys were my bodygaurds!" Reader says annoyed.
"You can't be dependant on us. We are still your bodygaurds but we still need to see you be independent and strong." Says Freed with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.
Reader knew he was being extra serious with that stance. She couldn't stand that he was right.
"I'll accompany you to the guild so we can select a job you can gain experience with." says Freed.
Reader sighs and follows Freed to the guild.

Inside the guild Evergreen and Bixlow are standing there waiting for them.
"Good after noon (Y/N)! Ready for your solo mission?" Bixlow says sticking out his tongue. "Solo mission, solo mission!" echoed his babies.
"Don't know. We have to find a job for me first." says reader annoyed still.
"Don't be mad, sweetie. If it makes you feel better, we sometimes didn't go on missions with Laxus. So you won't always need us." says Evergreen.
"I don't see how that helps, Laxus is a S class wizard.. plus I'm gonna be bored." says reader.
Then reader looks around the guild then she spots Wendy at the request board.

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