Part 34 - Visiting Him

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Laxus and reader hear Freed's voice in the distance.
"Looks like Freed's coming to get ya. Why were you here by yourself? Wouldn't the thunder legion be with you?"
"It's a long story." says reader.
Reader doesn't want to mention what Wendy and them told her.
"I'll be going, Freed will just come over to my place and stay if he knows I'm around. See ya." says Laxus.
Laxus then walks the opposite direction of Freed. Reader watches him walk away. Then she turns to walk towards Freed. Laxus stops and looks at reader walk away.

I'm so glad I was able to keep my cool around Laxus. I should try stay calm and collected from now on. Reader thought while she walked towards Freed.

"There you are!" says Freed once he spots reader coming out of the forest.
"Yeah, so what's up?" says reader.
"Bixlow and Evergreen told me what happened. I came looking for you once I heard. Are you okay?" asks Freed.
"Yeah, it's no big deal, totally fine. I just got a little embarrassed heh heh." says reader.
Freed stays quiet and smiles.
"So you knew too since you guys got back?"
"Yes, Wendy just came out and said it once Laxus looked at her. He does have that effect on people."
"I was just a little girl back then." says reader as they start to walk back to the guild.
"You're not so little anymore. So tell me, do you still like Laxus?"
Reader is quiet.
"We were wondering if you still do, it's been 7 years since since we been gone. Now that we're back, has your feelings changed?" says Freed.
"Is it okay if I can keep my feelings about Laxus to myself?"
"Of course."
"Thank you."
Reader and Freed walk back catching up on her training and her massive improvement during the 7 years. She knows in her heart that she has strong feelings for Laxus, ever since she first heard his voice speak back when she first joined Fairy Tail, even though he acted like a jerk she still couldn't shake the feeling that he was someone who could make her feel alive.

Back at the guild.
"I have a little sister (Y/N)!" says Lucy.
"Really? Where?" asks reader.
"She's over there." says Lucy pointing at the girl reader seen earlier.
"Her name is Michelle. She's gonna be staying here for awhile. You should go say hi." she continues.
"I gotta find Macao." says reader as she walks opposite way of Michelle.
"Uh,..ok." says Lucy.

Reader stands at the bar near Macao.
"I know, I'm on it already." says Macao to reader.
"Okay, can I have a drink Kinana?" says reader.
"Sure! Coming right up." says Kinana.
I should relax, master Makarov did tell me to not burden myself anymore. Reader thought.
"Freed! We should do fun and relaxing stuff." says reader.
"Very well, what do you say thunder legion?"
"Yeah! Sounds fun!"
"I'm down."
Reader is now smiling.

For the next couple days Fairy Tail have been relaxing and helping around the guild, staying together and spending time since everyone was finally back together. Michelle was around and reader started to let her gaurd down around her as well.
Reader would sometimes sneak off from the thunder legion to go see Laxus.

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up today." says Laxus.
"Sorry, I brought you some stuff. I know you don't wanna be seen in Magnolia. So I did a little shopping for your place." says reader.
"Thanks." says Laxus grabbing the bag from readers hands.
"So I never got to ask. How did you end up on the island during the S class trial" asks reader.
"I was on my journey, then I heard the old man's voice in my head calling out to me. It's sound dumb but I did any decent being would do, I went to Tenrou and made an excuse about visiting first master's grave. I knew they were in trouble."
"So am I the only one coming to see you?" asks reader.
"Yeah. I don't mind, I'm just enjoying life right now, you know?" says Laxus as he enters his house to put the bag away inside.
Reader waits outside. She never went in no matter how many times she's been there. Laxus comes back out.
"Does thunder legion know about this place?" asks reader.
"No, I like my privacy."
"What is it?"
"Am I invading by coming here?"
Laxus smiles at readers question.
"If you were invading, you wouldn't be standing here, would you?" he says.
Laxus comes closer to reader and she instantly becomes nervous.
"I gotta go. I promised Freed to grab some food too for a little cookout were going to have." says reader.
"It's okay." Laxus says stepping back a bit still staring at reader "I was gonna go for a walk anyways."
"I'll see you again?"
"Yeah, don't be late this time."
Reader turns to walk away.
"Ok boss." reader says sarcastically.
Laxus laughs and reader uses her light body to leave.

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