Part 31 - Secret Spilled

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After everyone calms down from the short fight between reader and Natsu, everyone heads inside catching up. Reader walks with Wendy inside the guild.
Laxus watches her, impressed with her power and has no idea what to say to her. Especailly after what he been told back on Tenrou before the disaster.
"You keep staring." Freed says surprising Laxus.
"I can't help it." says Laxus.
"I figured you wouldn't after seeing how much of woman she's become." says Freed
They enter the guild too.

"Let's celebrate our return to Fairy Tail!!" says Makarov.
"Yeah!" everyone starts cheering.
Reader is sitting with Wendy, Lucy and Levy.
"Wow, I still can't believe we missed 7 years! Coming back to (Y/N), Laki, Kinana and Romeo much older!" says Levy.
"Not to mention a smaller guild and fewer members." says Lucy.
"Yeah. What's up with that? What happened to the old guild hall?" asked Wendy.
"Yeah." says reader distracted looking at Laxus talk with the thunder legion.
"Hello? EarthLand to (Y/N)!" says Lucy.
"Oh what?" says reader shaking her head then looks at Lucy.
Wendy looks where reader had her gaze. Wendy sees she was looking Laxus' way. Wendy then remembers something that happened back on the island.

"He seems like a pretty decent guy, but I'm still scared of him, weird huh." says Wendy to Carla.
Wendy was talking about Laxus when she sees him for the first time.
"Don't be silly child! He's fine" says Carla "besides didn't (Y/N) tell you he's a better person than the rumors?"
"Yes, don't believe the rumors you hear about Laxus. Deep down he is a decent guy." says Erza.
"You think so?" asks Wendy.
"He's just bit of a slacker that's all." says Erza.
"Really. I guess I should meet him and see what he's like for myself." says Wendy.

Wendy then walks towards the thunder legion.
"Oh look, Laxus. Here comes (Y/N)'s little best friend. She joined the guild after you left." says Evergreen.
"Yeah, she's a dragon slayer too!" says Bixlow.
"Yeah?" says Laxus as he looks towards Wendy.
"So you're a dragon slayer? What's your name?" says Laxus.
"Yeah, I'm Wendy. I heard alot about you, Laxus." says Wendy.
"I bet it's all bad things." he says as he looks away with his eyes closed.
"Some of it was, but (Y/N) told me you were a good guy even though you didn't show it much."
Laxus opens his eyes.
"Oh really. What else did she say about me?" Laxus says looking at reader.
Wendy became nervous when Laxus stared.
"Um ah! She.. she also said that she has a crush on you but can't say anything because she'll get teased!" Wendy blurted out without thinking.
Laxus has a surprised look on his face. Wendy put her hands over her mouth.
"Oh no." she says.
Evergreen starts smiling.
"I knew she liked someone but I didn't think it would be Laxus!" says Evergreen.
"Hahaha so (Y/N) been crushing on Laxus this whole time." says Bixlow.
"Must be from all that 'pretty face' nonsense." says Freed.
"Hey guys, be quiet. Not a word to (Y/N) when you head back to Fairy Tail." says Laxus.
"Aww but I wanted to tease her, see her get all shy" says Bixlow "Oh yeah Oh yeah!"
"I gotta go. It was nice meeting you!" says Wendy as she runs off.

Once she was away from them and next to Carla, she let's out a exhale.
"I just told Laxus that (Y/N) has a crush on him."
"What?! How could you do that to your best friend! She trusted you!" says Carla.
"I know but when Laxus looked me, I got so nervous it just came out!" says Wendy.
"Well when you see (Y/N), you have to tell her what you did."
"Okay don't think I can."
"You must, child!"

Laxus is sitting in silent with the new information he got, while the thunder legion are finally happy they know who reader has been crushing on.
"As her parents we should tell her no dating until she's older!" says Bixlow "No dating, no dating!"
Freed nods his head to Bixlow's statement.
"You guys are weird." says Laxus.

End of Flashback.

Wendy's face turns red. Reader looks at Wendy.
"Hey you've been quiet awhile.. why is your face red?" says reader.
"Um (Y/N) I have something to tell you." says Wendy.
Master Makarov calls reader over.
"Excuse me, Wendy." says reader walking towards master.

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