Part 45 - First Kiss

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Just letting you guys know. After this part it'll be at least couple days till I update again. Sorry some stuff came up with school but I'll be on break and I'll have the time to update :) Your votes and comments means alot so keep em coming. Hope you have been enjoying so far.


It was the last month of training. Reader was finally beginning her training with the approval from the thunder legion.
"So, are you ready for me?" asks Laxus.
Reader smiles and lets out a little laugh at Laxus' question.
"What's so funny?" Laxus asks looking a reader.
"Oh, nothing. A better question to ask is.. are you ready for me, Laxus?" says reader.
Laxus laughs at reader question.
"Whatever you say hahaha. Let's get this started. Give me everything you got, gather all your magic energy and hit me with all your might."
Reader smiles.

Later on.
Laxus and reader are both lying on the ground, exhausted from the battle they had.
Laxus starts laughing on the ground. Reader looks over at Laxus.
"Who knew you could take a hit from me? I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I had to defend myself, I'm not gonna lie but you can fight." says Laxus.
"Are you saying that just to be nice?" asks reader.
"Look at my clothes, do they look like they we're torn by hugs?"
Reader looks at Laxus' clothes and then looks at herself. She starts laughing.
"Yeah we give great hugs. Look at my clothes!" says reader.
Laxus looks over at reader and sees her clothes are torn too. Then his face goes red and he lies back down fast. Reader sees this and becomes confused. Then she looks down at her clothes again and notices her bra was showing and it was also torn, almost showing her bare chest.
"Holy shit!! Laxus!" reader screams.
Laxus gets up and gets his coat and hands it over to reader. Reader grabs his coat from his hand making sure he's not looking. Reader sees his face is still blushing trying to not look at reader. She covers herself up with his coat.
"You can look now." says reader.
Laxus then looks at reader's face and reader stares back at him.
"You owe me some clothes." says reader.
Laxus then laughs.
"I don't know, I kind of like my design work on you." says Laxus.
Readers face becomes red as she puts her face inside his coat. Once her face was inside his coat, she can smell a scent of cologne that Laxus uses. She becomes more mesmerized with the scent of Laxus and then she hears his voice again.
"Are you okay?" asks Laxus.
Reader sticks her head back up from his coat and looks at Laxus.
"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." says reader.
"It is the games? or is it me?" asks Laxus smiling, flirting with her.
"Both, but mostly you."
Laxus is taken back by reader's answer. Then he smiles knowing that reader is finally talking to him. Not ignoring him.
"I must say, this surprises me. I thought you would never say something like this to me." says Laxus.
"Sometimes there's stuff that's kept inside that just needs to come out. So for now I have some questions for you."
"Do you now? Okay, I'll answer to the best of my abilities."
"Does that mean you'll answer me honestly?"
Laxus looks at reader then he lets out an exhale.
"Okay, let's just say you have questions for me. Let me start first by saying that.." then Laxus pauses.
Reader waits for Laxus to continue.
"This is gonna sound crazy, but the moment you first walked through those guild doors 7 years ago, I knew that you were somehow gonna change my life. Feeling your magic in the guild hall shook me. When I first laid my eyes on you, I didn't know what to think. I felt like I needed to protect you. I knew I couldn't do it when I was expelled from Fairy Tail, that's why I had the thunder legion protect you for me. I felt like I needed to change. When I heard my old man's voice, I thought you were also on Tenrou island with everyone else. It turns out, I didn't need to change that much when that Wendy girl told me you liked me just as I was, but I still needed to open up to my family and that's Fairy Tail. I came back with gramps and the members to the guild after learning about the seven years we've missed. I needed to know if you were still alive or still a part of Fairy Tail. I never knew I could be scared for someone so much. When I saw you at the guild doors again all grown up with that magic power, I knew that it wasn't just protection I wanted for you, I wanted you in my life."
As reader hears this all coming from Laxus, tears start to form from her eyes when he brings up the seven years, those were the hardest times for her.
"Laxus.." says reader.
Laxus looks at reader and he comes close to her and puts his hands on her face. Laxus wipes her tears.
"You don't know how much I've wanted to see you again, to see everyone else. You were always on my mind during those sevens years." says reader.
"I can't imagine what you've been through (Y/N). From now on I don't want to leave your side. Would it be crazy if I could call you mine?" says Laxus.
Reader looks at Laxus and smiles.
"Yes that's crazy but I can deal with that." says reader.
Laxus smiles at reader then he moves closer and kisses reader on the lips. Reader is surprised by his sudden kiss, but she kisses him back. He wraps his arms around her and she does the same. They're still embraced as the kiss stops.
"So what did you wanna ask me?" asks Laxus smiling.
"Oh yeah, I was gonna ask if you still think I'm pretty.. but this will do." says reader.
Laxus and reader laugh. Laxus helps reader back up and they head back to the thunder legion.

For the rest of the month, Laxus and reader trained together with the thunder legion not letting the thunder legion know about their relationship until the time was right.

End of Flashback

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