Part 40 - Welcome Back Laxus

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At the guild.
Reader is sitting with the thunder legion.
"So did you guys hear? Master has a big announcement to make later today." says reader.
"Really? I wonder what's it about?" asks Evergeen.
"I don't know. But every member has to be here." says reader.
"Shall we go see Laxus?" asks Freed.
"What for?" asks reader.
"Well you said all members. So we must go inform him. After all, it still is his grandfather annoucing something important." says Freed.
"Yeah, that is true." says Evergeen.
"So let's go." says Bixlow.
Reader and the thunder legion head out.

They are outside Laxus' house.
"Laxus!" all three yell out except reader.
Then Laxus comes out of his house.
"I knew you'd guys would show up unannounced when you found out about my place." says Laxus.
"Oh nevermind that. We have come to get you." says Evergeen.
"Yeah? For what?" asks Laxus.
"Master is going to annouce something important and we came to get you for the announcement." says Bixlow.
"What does that have to do with me?" asks Laxus.
"It is your grandfather, Laxus. Aren't you a little curious to what he has to say?" says Freed.
"Not so much." says Laxus.
Reader then walks up to Laxus.
"Will you come? I think you should be there." says reader.
Laxus let's out a breath.
"Fine. Since you begged." says Laxus smiling at reader.
"I wasn't begging." says reader.
"Yeah sure." says Laxus as he starts walking towards the guild.
"Well that didn't take much for you to get him yo agree." Evergreen says smiling to reader.
"Come on, at least he coming." says reader.

Later on everyone is gathered at the guild. Laxus and the thunder legion are inside and reader stays outside with Wendy and Lucy. Grey shows up to say something.
"Listen up guys. I'm afraid the guild has got a serious problem on our hands."
"What do you mean by that?" asks Lucy.
"Guildarts and Laxus are still powerhouses, while the rest of us haven't kept up strength wise. Alot of us were asleep were 7 years while everyone else was training." says Grey.
"Yeah you got a point Natsu keeps getting overpowered by the old members." says Lucy.
"Hey. I'm pretty sure I can take on Laxus as he is. Doesn't mean I was always weak." says reader.
"Well that's true. You were always strong but just didn't show it 7 years ago. I wonder if you trained more you'd become stronger as you as now." says Lucy.
"So this doesn't really involve me, but I hope you guys get your missing training years back. See ya." says reader as she walks away to go inside the guild.
"We should go see Porlyusica!" says Lucy.
Reader hears as she gets inside the guild.

Later on inside the guild.
Everyone is standing around master Makarov as he's going to say his announcement.
"The time has come kids. I've done all I can in service to this guild. Allow to me to introduce Fairy Tails next master. Without further ado the 5th master of Fairy Tail: Guildarts Clive!" says master as he points to Mirajane.
Master then looks back.
"Where the hell is Guildarts?!" says master.
"I'm not sure but he left us a note." says Mira.
Master Makarov reads the note out loud.
"To Makarov and all of my Fairy Tail family.
I'm sorry, being master of the guild just ain't my style. But since I have the rare opportunity to be in charge for a bit, there are 2 things I wanna get done.
First, I hearby reinstate Laxus as a member of Fairy Tail."
Laxus has a shocked look on his face and the members are smiling.
"No way." says Laxus shocked.
"Welcome back ol buddy!"
"This is wonderful! The thunder legion is back!" says Evergeen hugging Laxus' arm.
"Yeah, I guess." says Laxus.
Freed has tears.
"Whoa, Freed." says reader.
"Thank you Guildarts. This is a blessing day." says Freed.
"If that's the masters wish, then so be it." says Makarov.
He continues to read.
"Second, I hearby appoint Makarov Dreyar Fairy Tails 6th master... but I just retired!" says master Makarov.
Everyone laughs at the good news.
"Fairy Tail will always be my true home. That will never change. I believe with all my heart that we'll be the number one guild in Fiore by the time I return, but getting us back in top isn't my responsibility, it's up to you guys. Makarov that will be your final task as master. I'm counting on you to bring Fairy Tail back to its formal glory... What does he mean by my final task?! After this stunt he pulled I'll never let anyone else be master. I'll be this damn guild master till the day I die.!" says master Makarov.
Everyone laughs.

Later on.
Reader is sitting with Laxus and the thunder legion.
"Does it feel good to be a member with me again?" reader says to Laxus.
Laxus smiles.
"Yeah, I was starting to get bored of not being able to tease you. Pretty face."
Reader's face goes read.
Freed, Bixlow and Evergeen laugh.
"Oh shush!" says reader.
"I waited for you guys for 7 whole years!"
Reader hears Romeo say. Reader turns her head to see Romeo standing on a table. Laxus and the rest pay attention too.
"I'm sick and tired of waiting for something to happen." says Romeo.
"Romeo!" says Macao.
"There's totally a way for us to be number one again. You know what it is." says Romeo ignoring his dad.
"Ugh, no way.." says reader.
"What's he talking about?" asks Laxus.
"Apparently a guild called Sabertooth is number one in Fiore and we are in the bottom." says Evergeen.
"But what is Romeo referring to? What do you you know, (Y/N)?" asks Freed.
Reader stays quiet.
"No! Didn't I tell you we would never take part in that thing again." says Macao to Romeo.
"And what what might this thing be 4th master?" asks Master.
Reader looks at Laxus and the thunder legion and they look at her.

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