Part 5 - Thunder Palace

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Mira comes back from upstairs with the medicine but she looks terrified.
"It's terrible! Everyone look outside!" she says.
Everyone ruins upstairs besides Mira, master and Gajeel. Once reader and the others were outside they spot thunder lacremas floating in the sky, forming a circle around town.
"Is this thunder palace?" asked reader.
"Yes." Levy says looking shocked.
"The town would be engulfed in a storm of lighting strikes." says Cana.
"Well, I'm not gonna let that happen!" says Bisca as she brings out her magic gun and shoots towards one of the floating lacremas. Everyone cheers for Bisca then suddenly a lighting strikes Bisca, knocking her down.
"Bisca!" yells reader.
"Link magic?" says Cana.
They comfort Bisca then realize they can't destroy the lacremas or else they would be attacked by the magic as well. Natsu is angered and tries to jump off the roof but the enchantment still won't let him through. Levy sees it's an enchantment then mentions is everyone she can help with that.

Master and Bisca are now in the infirmary getting taken care of by Mira. Levy is working on a spell to break the enchantment. Reader decides she had to do something but doesn't know what.

At the cathedral where Laxus is, he and Freed discuss about what's happening.
"The thunder palace? You would actually go that far?" says Freed.
"What are you doing here, Freed? Bixlow is still out there hunting for fairies you know. Leave Erza and Mystogen to me. You go after the others, but leave that new light girl alone. Kill the rest." says Laxus.
"Kill? We're only fighting them! They're still members of Fairy Tail!" says Freed.
"Did you not hear my orders??!!!!" yells Laxus.
Freed gives up since they've gotten this far with the plans. Freed obeys his orders and walks away. Laxus stands there thinking about one small detail of his orders.
"..leave that new light girl alone.."
"What was that about?" Laxus says to himself.
Laxus standing there in his own thoughts.. "Oh well, if the old man sees something in her then I plan to find out what that is."

Back at the guild, the girls set off to battle. Levy still working in her spell to let Natsu and Gajeel out. Reader is there still confused on what to do.
"Ugh! I feel so uselss! I need to do something. Anything!" says reader.
"Don't worry, just get out there and you'll know." says Gajeel "Just go with a good plan and not get out of control like flame breath."
"Hey shut up!" yells Natsu.
Then suddenly Levy is happy because she figured out how to break the enchantment.
"Awesome! Way to go Levy!" says reader.
"Thank you, now get going!" says Levy.
"Alright! (Y/N) you coming?" Natsu askes reader.
"I'll be there, just going to check on master." reader replies.
"Ok." says Gajeel.
Natsu and Gajeel are able to leave the guild. Levy warns them about the other enchantments as they leave.
"Looks like there's only 10 minutes left, but glad we got Gajeel, Natsu, Erza and Mystogen out there!" says Levy excited.
"Yeah, you're right." says reader.
Suddenly the guild hall doors open and in comes a figure.
"Where is Makarov?" the figure says.
It was Porlyusica coming to aid Makarov. Levy shows her the way to master and reader follows along. Porlyusica then looks at master on the bed, observing him.
"Bring Laxus here." she says.
"Huh?" says Levy.
"What? Why?" says reader.
"His grandfather is in critical condition. He doesn't have much time left." says Porlyusica with tears in her eyes.

Levy is running out of the room and reader follows her out.
"Levy! Wait!" Reader says.
"I can't, I have to find Laxus!" says Levy.
"Let me go! I can find him faster and I haven't done anything since this started. Let me help out!" says reader.
"Okay.. go now!" says Levy.
"Right!" says reader "Light path! Lead me to Laxus!"
A light path forms for reader and she takes off running, hoping to get to Laxus on time.

Reader makes it to the front of the cathedral. Once she enters she sees Laxus, Erza, and Natsu fighting. Reader looks how Laxus seems like a different person. Then suddenly Erza stops fighting but she cant hear what they're all saying. Now Erza is running out of the cathedral and sees reader.
"(Y/N)!" says Erza.
"Where are you going?" Reader askes Erza.
"To destroy those Lacremas in the sky!" answers Erza.
Reader stops and looks back into the cathedral. She yells out to Laxus.
"Laxus!! Master is ill! He doesn't have enough time! You need to go see him!" she yells.
Laxus and Natsu are busy fighting, she follows Erza. Natsu heard what reader said but Laxus didn't. Laxus does see reader following Erza.

Reader and Erza reach a spot north of town.
"(Y/N) I need you to head to a different spot. I'll requip as much swords as I can to take down 200 lacremas in the north. Take one down, nothing more." says Erza.
"Got it!" said reader.
Reader reaches a spot away from Erza's targets and gets ready to cast a spell. Then voices are heard inside her head.

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