Part 18 - First Solo Mission

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"Weeendy." yells reader.
Wendy turns around and see reader coming towards her and she smiles.
"Hi (Y/N)! What's up?" says Wendy.
"You should come on a mission with me. It would be awesome, thunder legion won't be with me." says reader.
Mira comes walking to the request boards next to the 2 girls.
"Did you decide on anything?" Mira askes Wendy.
"(Y/N) just invited me along with her. Maybe I'll go with her on a mission." says Wendy.
Then suddenly Freed is in the conversation.
"Now, now (Y/N). When we said solo mission. We meant by yourself." says Freed.
"Is this a part of her training?" Mira askes Freed.
"Yes it is." answers Freed "I'm sorry Wendy but (Y/N) needs to finish a job on her own."
"Actually, I think it's a good idea if Wendy joined someone on a mission to gain experience. Why not with (Y/N)?" says Mira.
"Sorry, (Y/N) needs to gain solo experience." says Freed.
"Oh, that's too bad." says Mira.
Lucy and Levy walk over to the conversation.
"Come with me and shadow gear!" says Levy.
"Hey you should join us, since we've already been on a mission together!" says Lucy.
Then Lucy and Levy discuss who should take Wendy.
"Come (Y/N)." says Freed.
He heads closer towards the request board, reader follows him.
"Hmm, this one looks good." Freed says as he grabs a request off the board.
"What is it?" askes reader.
"Take a look." Freed says handing over the request.
Reader grabs the request from him and reads.

Name: Shop Lifter
Rank: E
Type: Repeatable
Objective: In Clover there seems to be a sudden interest in constant well-executed theft, there seems to be a small group of younger individuals that are constantly stealing valuables, it started at food but has progressed into rapid expenses and gold or jewels, as such the town is offering a substantial reward for the lack of danger to end the constant robbery.
Reward: +2,500,000 Jewels, +2 Marks

"Hmm. You think I can do this?" says reader.
"I don't see why not. You did take out older mages back in Oshibana. Why not a group of younger criminals?" says Freed.
"Alright." says Reader.
Freed goes and tells Mira which job reader is going to do and reader heads to leave the guild, then she sees Wendy following Natsu and Grey.
"Hey, where you heading?" askes reader.
"We're going to see if this lady really seen a dragon. I'm hoping it was Grandine. Natsu is hoping it was Igneel. Are you heading out too?" says Wendy.
"Yeah, just heading to Fairy Hills to pack up for a job in Clover. I hope you find what you're looking for." says reader.
"Thank you. Good luck on your job!" says Wendy.
"Thanks Wendy! I'll see you when I get back." Reader says as she heads the opposite direction of Wendy.
"See you!" Wendy yells back.

Later on reader is heading to Clover on her own. A flashback enters her mind.

"Make sure you remember everything we taught you. Make the thunder legion proud. Make Laxus proud!" says Freed.
"It's like you're sending her off on her first day off school." says Evergreen to Freed.
"Makes us proud cupcake! Hahaha" says Bixlow.
Evergreen looks embarrassed.

The flashback ends.
Readers face becomes red. Why does he have to bring up Laxus? I swear Freed likes him more than me sometimes. Reader thought. She keeps walking following her light path.

Reader makes it to Clover with no problem. She looks around the town, citizens are walking around minding their own business.
Freed said to find the one who request the job first before starting the job to introduce yourself. Reader thought.
Reader walks to the building address that was on the back page of the request, she sees a receptionist desk.
"Hi, my name is (Y/N) and I'm here from Fairy Tail for a job." says reader to the front desk.
"Yes , we've been expecting you. This way please." the female receptionist says then she leads reader to the office.
Reader and the woman enter the room.
"The wizard from Fairy tail is here." says the woman.
"Thanks, let her in." says a man facing away from them.
Reader walks in and the woman leaves, closing the door behind her. Then the man turns around and reader is surprised to see his face.

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