Part 33 - He Knows

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Next day.
"(Y/N)!" says Evergreen
"What is it Ever?" asks reader.
"I need new beauty products. Everything I have is now overly expired and after what I heard happened to Lucy with the disappearing thing. I don't want to chance it on using any of them." says Evergreen.
"What does that have to do with me?" asks reader.
"Can you take me shopping? Fairy Hills took all my money I had saved. I heard you were the one always with high paying jobs." says Evergreen.
"Yeah, me too? I need to get some things but need cash. All these past dues things broke me." says Bixlow "were broke were broke!"
"Yeah, the jobs posted aren't that great right now. I'll help you guys out. Let's go shopping!" says reader.
"You're the best (Y/N)!" says Bixlow.
"Are you coming along, Freed?" asks Bixlow.
"You go ahead, I'm going to stay behind and learn about the 7 years we've missed. See if there's anything new with script magic with Levy." answered Freed.
"Alright, we'll bring you back something nice." says Evergreen.
"Behave yourselves." says Freed.

The three are walking through Magnolia, then they see a citizen sticking out from the crowd, she's very noticeable.
"Wow, who invited Goldilocks to Magnolia." says Bixlow.
"A bit of a fashion statement if you ask me." says Evergreen.
Reader looks at the woman and shes carrying a big case.
"Hello, I was wondering if you can help me." the woman asks walking up to them "I'm sorry but I can see your Fairy Tail emblems and I'm looking for someone in that guild."
"Who are you looking for?" asks reader.
"Lucy Heartfilia." the woman answers.
Reader is kind of suspicious of her and she says nothing.
"The guild is along this trail over there and Lucy should be at the guild." says Bixlow pointing at Fairy Tail's direction.
"Thank you so much!" the woman says then she keeps walking.

"Well that was weird, why didn't you answer her?" asks Evergreen.
"Sorry, just thinking to myself." says reader.
"About Laxus?" asks Bixlow.
"What?" says reader surprised.
"Bixlow!" says Evergreen.
Reader looks at Evergreen then at Bixlow.
"Um, what was that about?" asks reader.
"Nothing sweetie." says Evergreen.
Reader looks at Evergreen with a suspicious stare. Then she looks at Bixlow and he's sweatdropping.
"Okay, you guys aren't great at hiding things. What are you guys keeping from me?" says reader.
"Okay fine..-"
"Hey (Y/N)!" says Wendy cutting off Evergreen.
"Hi Wendy, hold on, Evergreen and Bixlow were just gonna tell me something. I bet it's about Laxus cause they're acting weird." says reader.
Then Wendy is quiet and sweatdropping. Reader looks at Wendy. Wendy gets nervous just like she did with Laxus.
"I told Laxus you had a crush on him back on the island 7 years ago and the thunder legion know too!" Wendy blurted out.
Reader is shocked. She looks at Evergreen then Bixlow and they're both nodding their heads in agreement.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I didn't mean to! I hope you're not mad!" says Wendy bowing apologizing.
Reader looks down and her face is red from blushing.
"I'm not mad Wendy, I'd never be mad at you." says reader.
Wendy, Evergreen and Bixlow look at reader. Then reader smiles nervously.
"I gotta go haha this is embarrassing." says reader.
"No worries." says Evergreen.
Reader uses her light body magic and goes in the forest outside Magnolia.

Reader is near a river and she splashes her face with the cold water to calm herself down. No, she wasn't mad at Wendy, she was just embarrassed that the thunder legion know her feelings of liking Laxus. Also the fact that Laxus knew when she hugged him and he hugged her back. Reader knows she still likes Laxus. She always has. Reader decides to sit down and lean against a tree resting her eyes. Then she hears someone coming along walking the trail. It's Sting again, he always pops up here and there near Magnolia. So she doesn't move. Then she sense him standing in front of her.
"Get lost, Sting. I don't want to deal with you right now." says reader.
"Who's Sting?"
Reader opens her eyes cause it was Laxus' voice. Laxus is standing there looking down at reader.
"Oh it's you Laxus! Sorry I thought you were.. Sti.. someone else." says reader.
"You sound disappointed that it's me." says Laxus.
"No, I'm happy it's you."
"Oh really? Well I'm flattered."
Reader's face becomes red.
"So, who's Sting? Your boyfriend?" asks Laxus.
"No, I thought you'd be long gone like you did when you first left."
"I feel like I shouldn't leave, not after waking up and it's 7 years later. So I'm staying at my place, I'm surprised it's still there unbothered."
"I see you got your bodyguards to be mine again."
"Yeah, they won't admit it but I think they like being around you as much as they do me. The way they talked about you back on the island, it's like you're their other favorite person."
"I didn't want them around me at first, but they've grown on me."
"Hahaha yeah, they're that kind of bunch, they may be tough but they're a bunch of dorks."
Reader remembers the time she called them dorks too. She smiles. Laxus blushes when he sees readers smile, seeing how beautiful she has become is still shocking to him even though he knew she was pretty before. Reader then looks at Laxus and he looks away quick before she can see his blush.
"I've always wanted to thank you but I never did." says reader.
"Thank me for what?" asks Laxus
"For saving me back in Oshibana."
Laxus then scratches the back of his head.
"It's no big deal, it was just me wanting you safe."
"I want to train more."
"Yeah? Then we should train sometime."
"I just realized something." says reader.
"What's that?" asks Laxus.
"This is the first time we've ever had an actually conversation. Yet it feels natural." says reader.
"Yeah, guess you can say we've always had that connection." Laxus says with a smile "Ever since you first joined Fairy Tail, I somehow knew you were coming."
"What do you mean?" asks reader.

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