Part 73 - Eclipse destroyed

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"This is the dragon we spoke to before!" says Happy
"He is the one, why doesn't he remember me?" says Wendy
Wendy is confused to what to do with the dragon, Zirconis. The dragon she spoke to earlier before Lucy was taken from them.
"He's not the same one as the one you talked to before Wendy. This one is the actually living one, before you even spoke to him." says Carla to bring Wendy to mind.

"Can you hear me?! Let's quit playing around and use our dragon slayer magic!" yelled Natsu from above the sky.

"Is that Natsu?" smiles Lucy
"Yeah I think it is." replies Wendy

"There's 7 dragons and we got 7 dragons slayers! Our lives were made for this moment! Let's slice some dragons! Who's with me?!" yelled Natsu

"You can do it Wendy!" yells reader
Just then, Zirconis the dragon casts a spell towards reader and everyone. Reader falls to to ground right away to dodge it. Just as Lucy, Wendy and Mira did.
Once they get back up, they look around.
"Is anyone hurt?" asks reader
Just then reader sees the girls with shocked faces.
"What is it?" says reader as she turns around.
Just then reader is speechless.
The royal army were completely naked.
"My armor!"
"We're naked!"
Screams the naked men.
"Oh boy." says Mira
Reader laughs.
"Oh no! I shouldn't be looking!" Reader says as she turns away and covers her eyes.
"You too Wendy!" yells reader
Wendy then covers her eyes with a red face. The naked men then flee from the area.
"What kind of magic is that?" Asks Wendy
"Your magic destroys clothes.?" asks Lucy
Just then he roars his magic towards Lucy. Lucy is now naked.
"Destroy clothes? No, more like destroy their dignity." says Zirconis as he laughs.
Lucy screams.
Zirconis grabs Lucy, getting ready to eat her. Wendy then thinks fast and enhances Mira's and reader's magic. Reader feels herself power up.
'I think with this enhance, I can only do one spell. My body is in too much pain to keep fighting. Stupid poison! I knew every spell I cast, fighting in the castle was making it worse.' reader thought to herself.
Reader uses all that she has left to cast one spell with the lighting she also absorbed.
"Lighting and light shine!!" says reader as she casts the spell towards Zirconis's eyes.
The spell worked as it blinded him, letting Mira attack and Wendy as well. It also caused Zirconis to throw Lucy, luckily Happy chases right after her.
Reader hears Zirconis voice and it was directed towards her. Zirconis blasts his magic towards reader.
'No' reader thought
It was too late for reader to dodge it, just as she predicted, her body failed her. Reader opens her eyes and sees that she's naked.
"(Y/N)!" Wendy yelled
"Look away! I'm fine!" says reader embarrassed as she goes down on her knees and tries to cover up.
'Damn it. Well this is awkward.' thought reader then she yelled "This is not what I meant when I said I wanted to be seen!"
Pantherlily is covering his eyes next to reader.
"I'll go find you something to cover up with."
"Thanks Lily, I'll be here." says reader still sitting in the 'W' position, covering herself.
Lily leaves and reader watches as Wendy and Mira take on Zirconis. As reader was looking at Zirconis, she feels some type of clothing covering her body.
"Thank you Lily!" reader turns her head towards him "that was fast-"
Reader sees that it was Laxus. It was his coat that he put on her.
"Laxus!" reader says in surprise then her face turns red.
"Glad to see your safe babe, but what happened to your clothes?" asks Laxus
"Who's that?"
Reader points to the dragon. Laxus looks towards Zirconis.
"I see. Looks like I really got to put this dragon down." Laxus says as he helps reader up.
Just as reader gets up, Laxus puts his arms around her to hug her. Reader hugs back but feels pain from the poison. Once they embrace stops. Laxus charges for Zirconis.
"I'm here to help, Wendy! Step aside for now!" says Laxus as he attacks.
Wendy moves away and goes next to reader. Lily shows back up.
"I ran into Laxus, told him what happened to you. He made the thunder legion stay behind a bit till you were covered." says Lily
"That's good, wouldn't want them to see me in the nude." says reader
"Laxus would kill us if we did." says Bixlow
"Glad you're safe (Y/N). We were all worried." says Evergreen
"Indeed. Let's fight off the smaller ones, (Y/N), be careful." says Freed as they head of to fight the smaller dragons, lily joins them. They're not far from sight.

Laxus' fight continues.
"You're going up against the wrong guy, you ol' pervert!" says Laxus as he casts his lighting magic.
"You're cocky attitude will only get you so far, you little insect!" says Ziconis
Zirconis then hits Laxus with a defense, hitting Laxus with his own magic. Laxus falls to the ground but he gets back up.
"If you're gonna go around calling people insects, then you better be ready to face the consequences!" says Laxus casting another lighting spell.

Reader watches helpless, knowing only dragon slayers can fight the dragons and her body is in pain. Wendy is next to reader.
"You should get away from here! I know you're in pain! You can't hide it from me." says Wendy
"I can't, that last spell really took a toll on me. I'm staying clear from the fight, I'm useless out there too. I have no choice but to stay.. besides, Laxus is here. I don't want him out of my sight." says reader
Wendy says nothing.

Laxus continues to fight.
"Eat my raging bolt!"
"Is that all the best you can do punk?"
"I'm just getting warmed up!" says Laxus as he keeps attacking
Wendy jumps in.
"Sky dragon wing attack!"
"Nice one Wendy! Give him hell!" says Laxus
Their spell combined hit Zirconis hitting him down, but then he gets back up.

"That did nothing?" says Carla
The pain was constant in reader's body, it was not coming and going anymore.

"I had just about enough of this, all I have is interest in is girls, I don't like messing around with guys." says Zirconis as he looks towards reader "so I'm gonna eat this one right up, I didn't get rid of her clothes for nothing."
Zirconis then charges towards reader. Reader turns to run but falls.
"No! (Y/N)!"
Reader hears Laxus' voice suddenly behind her, reader turns to head and sees Laxus standing in front of a charging Zirconis. Just like that Zirconis has Laxus' body on lock with his dragon teeth. Laxus' blood splatted onto reader's face. Laxus yells in extreme pain, one she hasn't heard before.
"Laxus!!!" reader screams.
Zirconis throws Laxus next to reader. Freed hears reader's scream. Reader moves towards Laxus.
"Laxus!" reader says as Laxus has his eyes closed with blood covering most of his body. Freed sees all this.
"Get him!!!" yells Freed gesturing towards Zirocnis.
Mira, Wendy, and the thunder legion charge for the dragon with all their might.

Reader still next to Laxus, Laxus opens his eyes.
"..(Y/N).." says Laxus barely able to speak
"Yes Laxus, I'm here! Wendy will heal you!" reader turns her head to yell for Wendy "Wendy!!"
" (Y/N).. it's too.. *cough*.." Laxus coughs out blood, then he slowly brings one arm up to bring reader closer.
"No no no, stay with me" says reader lying on top of Laxus, not caring about the blood everywhere or the pain in her body. Laxus has one arm around her. Reader has tears streaming down her face. Reader then hears Laxus take one last breath, his body goes limp.
Reader screams in agony, causing her body to glow even brighter than before. Reader feels her body letting go.

Reader opens her eyes, she doesn't feel pain in her body anymore and her magic restored. Reader is suddenly standing on her feet, then sees Laxus standing in front of Zirconis after his and Wendy's attack.

"I had just about enough of this, all I have is interest in is girls, I don't like messing around with guys." says Zirconis as he looks towards reader "so I'm gonna eat this one right up, I didn't get rid of her clothes for nothing."
"What was that?" says Wendy
"We can figure it out later!" yells Laxus as he's running to attack.
Reader uses her light body magic to escape from where she was standing leaving Zirconis charging for nothing. At the same time, Wendy and Laxus attack.
"Sky dragon roar!"
"Lighting dragon roar!"
Their attack hit Zirconis.

Reader is now in a safer distance with the exceeds.
"Was that a premonition? Was that your doing, Carla?" asks Lily
"No, I'm afraid it wasn't me." says Carla
Then they hear Lucy's voice.
"Lucy's here!" says Happy
"Weren't you suppose to rescue her?" asked reader
"Natsu caught her, we left her with Virgo."
"We need to destroy the gate!" says Lucy
Yukino and Lucy combine their magic to destroy it but no luck. Just then a bright light shines the sky coming towards the gate. Everyone moves out of the way and for cover. Then there's a big blast and rumble around everyone. Reader holds on dearly to Laxus' coat to not let it blow off. Just as the dust settles. Everyone gets up and sees the gate is destroyed by Natsu.
"Natsu did it!" yells Happy
Reader is happy as well with everyone. Just then the dragon that hit the gate starts to glow. Reader looks towards Zirconis and see he's glowing too. The princess is already in front of Zirconis talking to him. Zirconis disappears. All of the other dragons disappear. Everything was back as it should.

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