Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love story

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HEY!!!! I hope you enjoy the story, I've been dying to post one about the very attractive Severus Snape. :3 This is only my 2nd story, so PLZ be patient with me. I know I hate author notes too so go ahead and skip over this isn't really that important. Thx my little salt shakers ;) ENJOY!!!!
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Name: Kayci Demetria Black
Age: 17, 7th year at Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, rosy cheeks, short

Boyfriend: Mar I'm cus Flint
Hobbies: Ravenclaw seeker, singing, potions, swimming
Closest friends: Charlie Weasley, Carter Jennings, Jordan Primm
Skills: wandless magic, animagus (Siamese cat), potions, quidditch

Chapter 1 Back To Hogwarts

My name's Kayci Black and before you ask yes I am the daughter of "mass murderer" , Sirius Black. I'm 100% positive my father is completely innocent, he wouldn't hurt a fly. Sadly since my dad is locked up in the hell hole, Azkaban I was sent to live with my Aunt, her husband and their son, the Malfoys. Life isn't to bad with them. Although Draco is a lot younger then me so he's not too great to have a conversation with. Aunt Narcissa is wonderful to me, Uncle Lucius on the other hand isn't much of a family man, but I don't mind.

One disadvantage of living with them is that they're both death eaters. Or at one point were death eaters, but they're still loyal to the Dark Lord. It kinda sucks living with Voldemort fanatics and  yes I do say his name because there is no way I'm scared of the coward who killed my mother, my godmother Lilly Potter and her husband James. They were more of a family then the Malfoys have ever been to me. Luckily this is my last year staying with them because it is my final year at Hogwarts and on December 13th I'm an official adult. In exactly 24 hours I'll be on a train to my home away from home, Hogwarts. The only place I can be myself, besides at the Weasley's. Molly still loves having me over, even though my best friend, Charlie Weasley graduated from school and found a job in Romania to work with dragons. I miss him every single day he's gone. Right before he left he told me he had been in love with me. I was completely shocked when he told me, but I was already in a fantastic relationship with Marcus Flint. Yah you're thinking if the right Marcus Flint, well if you're thinking of the one who's in Slytherin and can be the biggest git known to man.

Needless to say Charlie was rather irked, but before we could talk about it he fled into Romania. I felt like a total git and I still do to this day. He won't even reply to my letters that I send to him. Oliver, my owl is starting to get very pissy with me for sending him to Romania and back all the time. Thinking about Charlie really makes me miss his goofy smile and unmanageable red hair. It always brings me down when I think about the good times we used to have. I really hope he finds a magnificent girl in Romania  even if we're not on speaking terms at the moment.

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