Chapter 13

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That morning I woke up happier then I've ever been in my entire life. Sure Marcus made me happy when we were together, but with Severus I felt like I was walking on air. Never in my life have I ever felt so light. The morning went by in a blur. Before I new it I was at breakfast sitting with Eliza and Carter. "Kayci!!!" Eliza yelled as she smacked the back of my head. "God damn what?" I asked still in shock. "I was complimenting your hair, I love when it's all poofy and curly like this." she said as she wrapped one of the ringlets around her finger and letting it bounce back. "Well I'm sure that smack to the head flatted them." I said teasingly. "Ooo looks like our old Kayci is back." Carter said smiling obviously I wasn't moping around about the whole Marcus thing anymore. "No this Kayci is a lot sexier." I said making a seductive face at them. "Ha sorry hon, but that face right there makes you look like someone just froze you while you were in the middle of a sneeze." Eliza joked. We all started to laugh and practice our sexy faces. "Bitch I'm fabulous without having to make a face!!!" I yelled causing people to stare at me. When I looked up to the head table Severus was staring at me with lust. Smirking I winked at him and nonchalantly licked my lips. Laughing at his reddening face I got up to go to my first class of the day. I could feel his eyes on my backside so I made sure to sway my hips as I walked out of the room. Carter and Eliza were right next to laughing at some stupid joke they'd made. I'm sure it really wasn't worth listening to. Because whenever you got those two together mostly everything that came out of their mouths was useless. If you didn't know them you'd think they were in Hufflepuff instead of the one house you have to be logical to be in. They walked around like toddlers. When I think about I act just like them and I was proud of it. Unlike most people we weren't afraid to be ourselves. Even if we did act like my aunt Bellatrix sometimes, a big ball of crazy.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now