Chapter 23

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"Draco wake up!!!" I yelled jumping on his bed. He groaned and pushed me lightly. "Come on" I whined. "Fine" he groaned sitting up. He looked so cute when he just woke up. Unlike him I was already fully dressed and ready to go. "Someone's excited" he said rubbing his eyes. "I'm soo excited I can't wait to get back!!" I yelled. He laughed and shook his head at me. After a lot of poking and prodding I finally got him out of bed and ran downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. In the Malfoy household a quick breakfast is an apple. I don't know about anyone else but Draco can eat the shit out of one of those. I ate one really fast and sprinted up the stairs to grab my bags. Of course it was bag I had charmed all my other luggage to fit within my small backpack. Uncle Lucius and Aunt Cissy were waiting by the door right on time. We loaded into the car and set off. I could barely contain my excitement and Draco thought it was hilarious. Not soon enough we finally arrived at King's Cross station and I bolted inside. Running through the platform I saw all the students and their parents. I felt a smile come on my face and I felt like doing a happy dance. I missed this place so much and I couldn't be any happier then I am right now. Well if I was with Sev that would make things 10 times better. My gaze landed on a group of red heads with a boy with black hair and a fuzzy brown girl as well. "Weasleys!!" I yelled rushing over to them. When Molly saw me she burst into tears and ran pulling me into her signature Molly Weasley hug. "Oh dear we heard what happened!!!" she cried. "Yah well I'm back now" I said into her hair. He gripped me tighter and I saw the boys come over. "Ok mum don't strangle the poor girls" "she's just woken up" Fred and George said. I smiled at them and ran over hugging them tightly. "Good to see you" "Miss Black" they said. "It's good to see you too" I said as I hugged them. "GINNY!!" I yelled pulling the small redhead into a none crushing hug. She was like the little sister I was never fortunate enough to have. She began to cry into my shoulder, she always was one to cry easily. "What about me" came the voice from Ron. "Don't think Id forget you!!!" I yelled hugging him as well. Percy settled for a cordial hand shake instead. "Hello Harry and Hermoine" I said nodding at both of them. They both greeted me with polite head nods and smiles. We loaded onto the train and I sat with Harry, Ron and Hermoine. Draco liked to be alone with his friends. And I didn't really enjoy Pansy Parkinson's company too much after the incident with her sister. "Who's that" Ron asked about the sleeping man in our compartment. "R.J Lupin" Hermoine said. My eyes got wide and I grinned. I grew up calling him Uncle Remus I hadn't seen him in years. He wanted me to move in with him, but his condition would not allow that. "REMUS!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He sprung up wand in hand ready to blow someone to bits. "Oh calm down you old brute" I said to him. When he saw me his eyes got wide and his jaw dropped. "Cat got your tongue?" I asked grinning. He bent down to eye level and looked at me intently like he was examining me. Then his eyes lit up "KAYCI!!" he yelled blowing my ear drums. I hugged him tightly and before I knew it I was crying on his shoulder. I would be more cautious but his robes were ratty anyways I think he could care less though. "You've gotten so big" he said pulling back and looking me over. I nodded teary eyed "Yah well it's been what close to 15 years I'm an adult now" I said smiling at him. "I can see that" he smiled. After we talked for awhile I let him slowly fall back asleep. Out of nowhere the train stopped and came unbearably cold. A frost covered the windows and the kids moved closer to me. "It's alright" I whispered to them. My breath caught in my throat as I saw the lifeless dementor come up to the door. I stood up with my wand pointed at the door as it slid the compartment door open. "Whoever your looking for is not here" I growled, but it just kept coming. Harry fell to the flirt and began to whimper. "Stop!! Expecto Patronum!!" I yelled sending the dark creature away. Lupin was behind me with his wand out as well. I was breathing heavily and I fell to Harry's side. "He'll be fine" I reassured Hermoine and Ron who were looking at him worriedly. Remus left to go and talk to the conductor and I was left alone with the kids. Harry finally came to and I pet his hair out of his face. "She was calling to me" he said out of it. I nodded my head to show him I was listening. Ron and Hermoine looked at him crazily, but I knew what he was talking about. Whenever a dementor comes around I can hear my Dad's voice telling me he loved me as he was being pulled away. I'm sure Harry was hearing Aunt Lilly's voice the night she passed. "Here eat this" I said handing all of them a generous amount of choclate. They ate in silence the rest of the way all of them to spooked to talk. Hermoine was reading a newspaper an when I looked at the cover I saw a picture of my dad laughing like a maniac. My heart dropped he looked crazed and his face was sunken in. He escaped I thought to myself as I read the front cover. Hermoine caught me staring. "He's a madman" she said. Ron smacked arm and gave her a look telling her to shut up. "He's my father" I told her. Harry sat up and looked at me crazily. Damn I scared them!!! "Oh come on don't look at me like that" I said. They nodded and went about what they had been doing. "Anyways she's not anything like him" Ron stated. I rolled my eyes "Thanks Ron"

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