Chapter 18

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Eliza was just as scared as I was. I guess even though we had a fight neither of us stopped caring. No matter what Eliza and I'd be together through thick and thin. After tons of poking and prodding I eventually told her I'd been seeing. She nearly died at the news and teased my anytime Severus came around. It'd been 2 months that Sev and I'd been together. I couldn't be happier, except the night in the Forbidden Forest sits in the back of my head. I still haven't told Severus, I just didn't want him to get worried. I didn't need him to take care of me I could do it myself. "SEV!!!" I yelled as I walked into his chambers. "Do you have to be so loud all the time child?" he asked with a slight muse in his voice. "Only for you love." I said kissing him lightly on the lips. "Mmm don't I feel special." he said smirking. "Are you're very special." I said rolling my eyes, "So Professor what do you have planned for the holidays?" I asked him while I sat on the island in his kitchen swinging my legs. "Well I'm going to drink 4 bottles of fire whiskey and of course I'll be at the Malfoys' holiday ball." he said. "Oh sounds absolutely thrilling." I said faking excitement. He smirked at me and came over standing in between my legs. "So tell me dear what will you be doing for your break." he said, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and the what seems to be like permanent peppermint smell on his cloak. "Well Sev I'll be enjoying my time with the very kid hearted Lucius Malfoy and we're going to bake cookies." I snorted. "Also Aunt Cissy and I will be dress shopping for the ball and I'm sure I'll hang out with Eliza also I may just sneak out and spend the night at my very handsome boyfriend." I said while kissing his neck. He laughed at me, "Oh yes because Narcissa is going to let you out of her sight.". "Well I am a Black." I whispered. He stiffened at the use of my last name and scooted back. I rolled my eyes at the reaction my father got from people. "I thought you were different." I whispered. "Kayci I am." he said. "No you're not you're just like all of them. You won't give him a chance just like all the other gits in my life!!" I yelled as I stood up grabbing my backpack off the table. "You know what if that's the way you feel then maybe you should leave and we should end this now, because you're exactly like your father, you strut around and act like you own this place. You're no better then a killer!!!" he yelled causing me to flinch. Tears came to my eyes, but I was not going to let them fall. "Fine." I croaked and ran out of the room. My heart was broken and I felt as though I couldn't breathe. My eyes were clouded with tears and I didn't know where my feet were carrying. Just around I propose. I ended up in my bed cuddled safely under the covers. I let out a hoarse yell and continued to cry. How could he be such an idiot? Did he not see how much I truly loved him. My bed was weighed down and I knew someone was there. When I looked I was surprised and slightly irritated to see my old boyfriends Marcus Flint. "What do you want Flint and how the fuck did you get in here?" I growled through clenched teeth. "Kayci just here me out I saw you crying so I followed you and I you in here before the door closed. Listen whoever hurt you is a git and I hate to see you sad or upset. Never once did I stop caring about you even if you do hate me." he said frowning at the covers of my bed. I rolled my eyes, Marcus had used this act so many times I could spot it a mile away. I scoffed "You are such an ass, I know exactly what you're doing. This was the same way you would get me to have sex with me now will you please leave my room." I said. "You know I'll prove it to you one way or another." he said before leaving my dorm. I sighed and threw myself back onto my bed slamming my head into the soft pillows. The only person I needed right now was my Sev. Well I guess he wasn't mine anymore, he doesn't want me anymore. Those brought more tears to my eyes and I felt weak. When I looked to left I saw my hair laying on my shoulder. It once was a dark dark black and now it had turned a bleached blonde. I groaned, blonde definitely wasn't my color. I tried for twenty minutes to turn it back, but my feelings were too immense for me to have control over anything. My hair had turned blonde when my dad went to Azkaban and stayed like that for a year and a half. There was no way I'd be able to hide my true feelings. I groaned and continued to get up and finish packing my things. I couldn't wait to get away from this school. At this point all I wanted to be in my aunt Cissy's arms and her to tell me everything was going to be alright, but what I really wanted was my daddy.

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