Chapter 20

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I maneuvered my way out of my bed sure not to wake a sleeping Draco. It was six in the morning and I was not excited to be up this early, but it takes me forever to get ready. I got in a warm shower to wash off the smell of tears and pumpkin juice. I got out and began to get ready. When we went out I was expected to look like a Malfoy. My hair curled up like my aunt Bellatrix's just not as wild. It was still blonde, but the ends had turned black. I put on a high low skirt that was black, fishnets, combat boots, and a long sleeved black shirt. My makeup was done darkly most people like my aunt and uncle and well I guess like me wear darker clothing and makeup and what not. My aunt was usually dressed in a dark emerald color. The color for Slytherin. She always has had school spirit. Did you get the sarcasm. Cissy was already standing by the door all ready to go. She handed me my dark cloak and I pulled the good over my head before we set off. Grabbing on to my aunt's arm I felt the same gut wrenching that made you feel like your eyeballs were popping out of your head. I was blasted by cold, frigid air as we landed in Diagon alley. The dress shop instantly caught my eye and I grinned. One of my favorite things to do was shop, especially for dresses. As I walked in the store a million bright, expensive dresses suffocated me. I felt like I was in heaven. It was like I was a kid in a candy shop. As I was looking around and fire red head caught my eye. There's only few people that that blinding hair could belong to. Peeking through the dresses I was met by a sight that nearly killed me. There stood my ex best friend Charlie Weasley. I gasped before stepping back. He must've been looking for dress robes for some occasion. I walked to the other side of the rack so we were in the same aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I watched him. He grinned to himself and looked my way I went back to looking at dresses. Slowly he came right up next to me. I nearly laughed, he thought I was some girl giving him eyes. "Hi." he said looking at me. "Charlie" I said tipping him off. "Uhh how do you know my name?" He asked. "How wouldn't I, I mean you've been my best friend since 4th year." I said not looking at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his face scrunch up in confusion. Turning to him I saw his face come to realization. I frowned before walking down the aisle. "So you've went blonde." he stated. "It's not in my control." I told him. "K I'm sorry I didn't respond to any of your letters I was just so hurt." he said. "And you think I wasn't I lost my best friend." I responded bitterly. "I'm so sorry, but I didn't know how to deal with it. I mean I've been in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you then you flat out rejected me." he said. I shook my head "Charlie, but you can't just run away from your problems and I love you so much. I almost died of heartbreak when I lost you." I said looking at him sadly. He looked away, but unfortunately I hated seeing him sad so I instantly wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a right hug. He instantly hugged my back. "So K what have you been up to lately?" he asked me. "Well Marcus and I broke up, I'm captain of the quidditch team and Snape hates my guts like always." I said smiling. "Sounds like an interesting year." he laughed. "More like miserable, but interesting." I said laughing. "Mine wasn't too exciting either." he said shrugging. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "What the hell are you talking about you fucking play with dragons for a living." I yelled attracting attention from the clerk. He began to speak before my aunt Cissy came over with a look that could kill. "Umm I should be going I'll see you later K." he said before practically sprinting out of the small shop. "I don't see why you associate yourself with those people." she said with disgust. I shrugged and began to look at some more dresses. A emerald green dress with black accents caught my eye. It was shorter and by looking at it I could tell it was going to be a tighter dress with straps that were just a bit thicker then spaghetti straps. "Oh Kayci you'll look beautiful in that dress." she said her eyes lighting up. I grinned before going into the dressing room. I looked in the mirror and twirled. The dress looked great and fit my curves wonderfully. A pair of black stilettos would pull my outfit together greatly. My aunt gasped when I stepped out of the room and smiled clapping her hands together. "It looks beautiful, just change back into your clothes and we'll pay for it." she said. I nodded and changed back into my regular clothes. We bought the dress and grabbed two warm butter beers before going home. Lucius and Draco were still in their pajamas. I laughed at their messy hair before going upstairs to my room. I began to get ready because god knows how long it would take me to get ready. Tonight was going to be terrible, with all the death eaters, but especially Severus

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