Chapter 7- Ravenclaw pride

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To my dismay I wasn't able to attend classes that day and I missed them the day before when the little fiasco happened. Madame Pomfrey thought it was best if I rested my "tired" body so I had to lay in the hospital wing for a day or two. I decided one day was enough, I was getting extremely restless. I'm not one to miss class, I'm not the top of my year because I skipped class. As soon as I was able to leave I sprinted to my dorm to change and go to classes. When I got there I was bombarded by Eliza. WHERE WERE YOU!!! WHAT HAPPENED!!!ARE YOU OKAY!!! she screamed in my face as she shook me.

"Well I guess I'm feeling ok for just having found out my boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me with pug face Parkinson and I almost ended up dead." I said feeling pretty bummed out. What a way to start out the year, huh. Unfortunately I couldn't hold in the tears anymore and I broke down. The tears came out like a giant flood. Luckily I have a great best friend who's the best hugger in the whole world, especially when you're feeling like a total piece of shit.

"I'll rip the buck-toothed rat limb from limb." Carter told me when he found out the news. I laughed at him only for a couple reasons. He's not very intimidating at all, he's very tall and super scrawny, his hair is blonde and shaggy, he reminds me of an overgrown baby.

"Thanks string bean, but your services won't be needed". I said to him, "Anyway Eliza and I already have a plan to get back at him." I said smiling evilly.




I have to say I have a sweet tooth for revenge. There's plenty of ways to get back at him, but I wanted to make him see what he lost. He always loved my looks and body. That's one thing he could never resist, he was my first and so far only. Now when I think about it, it disgusts me that I gave up my innocence to that slimy git. So I put on a pair of very short high waisted shorts so I could show off my legs, a low cut,tight,blue, crop top so my breasts looked perfect and perky, a pair of black combat boots, a Ravenclaw cardigan that went past my shorts. Loosely curling my hair and putting in my nose hoop I walked down to the common room. Not that I want to toot my own horn, but toot, toot, toot. Carter's jaw dropped to the floor when I walked downstairs. No one's ever seen me like this, I've always been pretty self conscience, I usually cover up, he's never even seen me in a swim suit. The closer we got to the great hall the more hesitant I got. There was no stopping now though, here goes nothing I thought to myself as I opened the large doors leading into the room filled with the whole school. Jaws dropped as I walked past tables and eyes bulged out. A few anonymous hoots and hollers came from surrounding tables, but soon were shut up by death glares from Carter. Marcus must've been stupid enough to think that we were still together, because that dumb fuck came up to me, wrapped his arms around me and tried to kiss me. I quickly pushed him away and flipped him the bird, for some unknown reason he seemed confused.

"Can I help you?" I said with attitude.

"What do you think you're doing?!?" he whisper yelled in my ear holding onto my upper arm.

"You're scum, Marcus!" I yelled at him pulling away from his grasp causing him to stumble backwards.

"Listen she means nothing to me." he said trying to calm me down. He obviously didn't want another outburst like yesterday.

"NO!! You listen to me, Flint!!" I yelled causing him to flinch."You were a complete waste of my time and I think you need to take a very long walk off a very short cliff!!" I yelled. Not waiting for an answer I walked away to my table to sit with Carter and Eliza. The room erupted in an applause from my classmates, except for Slytherin of course. When I looked up to the head table Snape was looking at me with wide eyes. Probably because never in my 7 years at Hogwarts had I ever been so vocal. For some reason I was given a new wave of confidence with my act of courage. This new persona I'd suddenly taken on made me want to pursue Professor Snape and let me tell you one thing I never gave up on anything I put my head to. This new goal was now on the top of my bucket list and it was definitely going to be crossed of this school year

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