Chapter 12 Feelings

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Picking me up he laid me down on the couch. My hands snaked up his t shirt as I felt his fit body. He passionately kissed my lips. Reaching to pull off my dress, Severus grabbed my hands and sat up. "No not yet, you're not ready yet." he said kissing my forehead. "Ha well I guess I should tell you that I'm no virgin." I said laughing at his idiocy. "What how'd you get away with that as Lucius as your guardian?". "He was just happy I didn't get pregnant and it was with a Slytherin." I laughed remembering the expression on Marcus' and Lucius' face when I blurted it out at the dinner table one night. It's funny because later that night Marcus and I did it again. "How could you do something like that with a slimy git like Flint?" Severus questioned mortified. "I thought I loved him, I was stupid, but I don't regret it because I found out that I wouldn't do it again until I was truly positive I cared for the person." I said lightly kissing his lips. "Now instead of talking about my sex life I think we should talk about us." I said grabbing his hand. "Kayci I can't say I'm proud of my feelings towards you, actually I hate them, but I can't help it. I've never ever thought I'd have a relationship with one of my students, especially one so cocky as you, but the way you smile and you're always so happy I just couldn't stop from falling head over heels for you. Seeing your lovely face makes my day and I couldn't hide my feeling anymore." he said putting his head in his hands. "Sev I feel bad for doing what I did, but if I hadn't I wouldn't have you right now, I don't regret anything and you shouldn't either." I said gently pulling his hands away from his face and turning his face towards mine. Slowly our lips came together, they moved in perfect sync and melted together. "You know I wasn't lying when I said you were freezing you truly are like an icicle right now." he whispered. "Then how about you warm me up professor." I whispered back as I pulled him on top of me. Pulling his shirt off I took a double take at his firm chest. You wouldn't have believed that under his cloak that such a muscled body was hid underneath. He smirked when he caught me staring and laughed at me. Never in my entire life had I ever thought I'd see Severus Tobias Snape actually smile. It was absolutely beautiful and I didn't want it to ever go away. "You should smile more often, it's not a bad sight." I said smiling back up at him. "If I smiled how could I keep up my bad ass image." he said kissing me. "It wouldn't hurt every once in awhile." I said arguing. "Maybe I could smile every now and then, but only because I have something so great in my life." he purred into my neck. "Aww don't be a suck up love." I purred right on back. We stayed like this until until 3 am, only because I had to go back to my dorm and get some sleep before class. Trust me I didn't want to leave at all.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now