Chapter 9 Detention

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OMG!! When have I ever had that much courage in me. I can't believe I actually made a move on my teacher, especially Snape. He's going to have my head the next time I see him. How am I going to go to detention tonight and act like I didn't do anything? It's going to be so awkward, especially with Eliza and Carter there. I don't know if I should tell Eliza. No there's no way I'll ever tell anyone ever!!! OMG!!! What if he tells Dumbledore? I'd die of embarrassment if he ever found out!!! Nearly falling on my face I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as I walked into Charms class. Luckily I didn't have this class with Eliza or Carter. The whole class I was out of it. In charms you need to give it you're full concentration otherwise it's just worthless. Flitwick definitely could tell I was off my game, but didn't question me any further after I told him I was fine. Herbology was the same as Charms as was Ancient Runes. By lunch I'd finally collected my thoughts. When I walked into lunch it hit me that Snape would be there. I looked up and his eyes were on me right away. I turned a bright red and quickly speed walked over to my table. Eliza and Carter were in a deep conversation on the appearance of Grindylows. They were arguing about him many tentacles they had. Both were wrong,they have have 9 one is smaller than the rest and quite well hidden. I kept that to myself and let them continue with their arguing. When I looked at them argue they looked so cute. Sometimes I wish Eliza was straight so her and Carter could be together. Sadly she is the farthest thing from straight. I love her all the same though and that will never change. It's inspiring with how open she is with her sexuality. I've always admired her for that. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Eliza yelling at me.
"Kayci, how many tentacles does a Grindylow have 6 or 8" she questioned me
"Neither, they have 9 one is too small to actually be seen." I said proud of my knowledge on the mysterious creature.
"Ha, you would know that." she laughed at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to my food that I'd been playing with.
"So are you guys ready for Snape's detention tonight" I asked
"Actually, he told us we could make up for ours another night." My heart dropped and my throat lost all moisture. I was really in for it tonight. In muggle terms my ass is grass.
"Lucky bastards." I mumbled. The two just laughed at me and went back to their meals. I stood up and went to my next class, DADA. The rest of the day passed too quickly for my liking. As my last class ended I walked as slowly as I could to Snape's office. Tonight is going to be hell, I thought to myself. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door very quietly.
"Enter" I heard from behind the door. Hesitating I slowly opened the door and stepped into the office. As soon as the door closed I was roughly pushed against the wall. All I saw was a wall of black before Snape's lips smashed upon mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync, my hands tangled automatically got tangled into his hair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he laid me down on a table. He kissed down my jawline and to my neck. He found my sweet spot and I let out an involuntary moan. Knowing I enjoyed where he was kissing he started to suck and nibble at it. I knew there was definitely going to be a mark there. His lips trailed back up to my lips and he pulled on my bottom lip with his skilled mouth. Too soon it was over and I sat up. He pulled me close and kissed my lips gently before saying
"I need you, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that to you."
"Well I quite liked it" I said while kissing his neck. This had to be a dream, but it felt much too real. Like I said I always get what I want and I definitely got what I wanted.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now